Ren'Py - Innocence or Money [S2 E1 Fix1] [MarcialART]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really captivating. I love the subtlety of how the MC gets caught up in different situations. The MC's guilt is something they should work on, a little more decisions,
    As for the score, I give them a 5 out of 5.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Its not so big

    When I played this game the first time I saw some potential in it. After playing version 0.08 I was disappointed. It actually doesn't look that bad, but once you start playing it, a few things will get on your nerves.

    Let me tell you how this game plays.
    In the beginning you have to clean the house, eat, shower and sleep. You have to do that a couple of times and its always the same event.
    After that the map unlocks and you can visit the coffee shop and start working there.
    To unlock more content you have to buy a smartphone which costs $1200. To do that you have to
    - click on the map
    - choose coffee shop
    - click on the old man
    - work there for $50
    - go home
    - shower
    - sleep
    and repeat that many many times because every monday $50 will be cut from you. While going through this hell of repeating events, after some days you can visit a massage parlor at night and earn additional $70. But this is limited. After some parlor events you have to visit the gym a couple of times. You can either pay $15 per day for the gym or $600 for a lifetime membership. When I see where this game is going I recommend to pay for the lifetime membership. So you have to go through this repeating events again that I mentioned before.
    The rest of the game is always the same: you play a small event, shower, eat, sleep, repeat.

    The grinding is really annoying, especially in the beginning. There is not much motivation for it, if you realize this is a slow burn game. So there has to be some hot stuff to justify it. If you don't like the main character, you are lucky. Because most of the hot scenes doesn't even involve her and is from a side characters pov. When you try to skip those events, you can until an animation starts. Then you have to wait till the animation ends to continue. And now imagine each of those events have a couple of unskippable animations...

    For me the side events are so boring. I can't understand why there is so much content for it when you can use it for the main story instead. I hope the story will reduce the side content and focus more on the main content with the main character or else this game will go downhill.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a very weird one to say the least!

    At first glance, it seems to have all the tools to be a good game, but that doesn't hold up for long when you start playing.

    I played this game for several hours and it left me behind with a very unsatisfying feeling. How should I explain this? The whole game is a wild mixture of good and bad things, where the bad things overshadow the good potential this game has.

    For instance, there are boring and enjoyable scenes in the game, but the pacing is completely off. I don't know how many times I was going to the gym where absolutely nothing important happens. But you still have to watch countless scenes of boring stuff, which all feel the same, just there to stretch out the game and wasting your time. And after around 15 times you will get a sex scene of some sort, but it happens so late that every excitement is already gone. You could easily delete 10 or more of the gym scenes without missing a damn thing. And I really mean it, because it's very hard to remember any of those scenes. They are all very generic and replaceable.

    Another point are the models in this game, some look really good while others look ugly as fuck. Especially Casandras face looks outright terrible. She still has a hot body, but you can't enjoy it. As soon as she looks into the camera, it's over.

    The next weird combination is the work that was put into the game. Some parts feel lazy in development while others feel as there was put too much work into it.

    For instance, there are many missed opportunities to build up excitement for the sex scenes and to tease the player. A good example would be the MC's sister. You want to see more of her and you will get some scenes later in the game, but the build up is far less exciting as it could have been.
    It takes quite some time till she gets into the picture, but when she does you don't get anything worthwhile for quite a while. All scenes with her are just generic talking and stuff. Nearly no teasing or good camera angels to show off her beauty. Then the two girls go shopping and the sister is buying more revealing clothes like a loosy top and a skirt. And instead of giving you a few teases like upskirt shots and stuff, what does the game show you? Right, absolutely nothing! So again, all the excitement is gone and then, nearly out of nowhere, she is laying on her bed nude and masturbates. What the fuck?! I mean, great and all, but it's too late and feels completely unrewarding without a proper build-up.

    Don't get me wrong, I still appretiate that those scenes are in the game, but they are too less and too far in between. Whenever something worthwhile could happen, nothing happens and then all of a sudden something happens, but then it doesn't feel rewarding at all.

    Not to mention that the erotic scenes themselves are good, but not great either. And instead of watching the same scene in up to 10 camera angels where 6 of them are nearly the same, the developer could have put his work into further scene development with other actions or a good build-up.

    Those examples above are just a few of so many more. The whole time playing the game it feels like something is not right, something is completely off here. So in the end, all the good moments this game has to offer got already destroyed by the time you will reach them, which is a real killer, especially for an erotic game.
    And even if everything above would have changed, the game is a 4 star game at the very max. I haven't even talked about the dated graphics and the unnecessary sandbox elements and stats you have to take care of on a daily bases.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Mediocore or less game in all means. Kinda old graphics, you can not skip scenes, point and click gameplay, uninteresting story. The only plus is good looking female protagonist, but that is subjectivity anyways.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, I've seen this game come out since version one, been on it ever since, honestly wasn't expecting much. At one point the game started to get buggy so I stopped playing, today I thought "You know what, I'm going to give you a feeling" and that was the best decision I made. This parade is too great I'll be waiting anxiously for new releases you're to be congratulated bro.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Here is an honest opinion of some random dude on the internet:

    Pros: Hot fmc

    thats all.

    Honestly, this is just a pack of frustration and milking, is it worth a shot you ask? Well, do you wanna waste 7gb of download for absolutely nothing? If the answer is no, then run away.

    There is only one actual scene with fmc and its not even half hot as you would expect it to be, the rest is just un-important (and ugly as f...) characters having sex with each other.

    I was mislead by the ratings of this game, hope this review helps to prevent that for you and saves your time.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Essentially author decides to pad his game with garbage unskippable cut scenes + sex scenes with character models that are hideous and unattractive. Often times characters will have exactly ONE sex scene and you won't see them again and their relevance in the story will be lost. The author knows Jennifer is the sexiest girl so he only releases one sex scene with an illusion of choice. (YES see scene that you've waited for 6 months or NO like a dumb ass moron)

    Look this game is still better than most, but this is pure milking at the finest. It's disgusting.

    This is a linear NTR game that should've been a VN where the protagonist is very cute. In the latest 0.08 version, there's exactly 1 sex scene, 2 kiss / grope scenes with Jennifer. And about 8-9 scenes with other characters who are not as attractive or interesting or related to the plot of the game. Which is to corrupt her, in case the title didn't tell you already.

    Author uses a overwhelming amount of animations with no payoff. Sex scenes look like they have a lot of different content, but it's just a single frame with still taken at different angle. It's lazy. It's not worth it.

    Disappointing game because the real content is hidden by unskippable slow motion cut scenes that are completely useless.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    My god what a gorgeous MC, I love her beautiful long legs !
    So far, the content looks really good and promising. Pretty hot scenes, great models, some nice fetishes.

    The only thing bad in this game is the repetitive day to day gameplay. Really boring stuff especialy at the start of the game when not much is hapenning.

    And the side characters stuff is not really good. Other women (from gym or massage) are kind of ugly. I loved MC's sister story tho.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Innocence or Money [v0.0.7]

    decent character models
    decent story premise

    writing feels artificial

    Story feels a bit all over the place
    Tasks are grindy and repetitive
    black screens
    Animations vary in quality

    It´s not a terrible game, but I think the 5* ratings are way too overrated.
    The game feels too grindy and repetitive with the same tasks you have to complete every day.
    You have to grind money by doing jobs, so you have to repeat the same tasks, just like you have to repeat your routines every day, like showering, eating and going to bed.
    At least you unlock new scenes after a while, but it gets old pretty quickly.
    The Story feels all over the place, because you don´t see some characters for a long time, making the story feel disconnected.
    The game lacks animations at the beginning and you start seeing them in the middle of the game.
    I think they are a bit overdone with the camera moving around the person and they are not skipable.
    Like I said at the beginning, it´s not a terrible game, but it´s not good either.
    What I can add is that the Sandbox gameplay is simple and that´s something a lot of other games do wrong.

    [S1 Remaster]
    Updated rating from 2* to 1*.

    The reason for that is not because the Dev left people waiting for months just to re-release the same version "remastered".
    It's because that version made it even worse and introduced new problems.
    I don't think anyone except the Dev really thought it was necessary to remaster this game.
    Calling this a "remaster," by the way, is pretty debatable, because the game doesn't look noticeably better.
    You'll see the same basic-ass models, but in 4K and without much of a difference.
    Now that everything has been converted to 4K assets, the game runs worse than before and is unplayable on some Android devices because they don't support the codecs.
    I think it's the most unnecessary and worst remaster that I've ever seen.
    I don't know if the Dev "remastered" this so he can put it on Steam in the future, but I would say that the base game needs to be a hell of a lot better than it is now, for anyone to pay money for this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Girl is extremely hot, naive and sweet. The corruption is slow and full of surprises. Gameplay is fun, characters are somewhat believable. I highly recommend it to corruption lovers. I wasn't interested in the side storyline with the little girl, i thought its boring. I would prefer a total focus on the main protagonist. Coffee shop scenes are hot, massage parlor scenes are hot as well as the massage parlor scenes. Keep up the good work Dev, looking forward to the next updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a beautiful female MC being slowly corrupted by people in the big city while her long distance boyfriend refuses sex due to a strict religious father. The game is well written and has many fun moments. You have meaningful choices that allow her to avoid corruption with her pursuers although this route does reduce the sexy content even more. There are several NPC girls that slut things up so there is some action as things build to keep your attention. Have to say though outside of the sister the other girls aren't nearly as hot as Jen. Developer is very friendly and puts out regular content and progress posts with pics. This is shaping up to be one of the better games in the female MC slow burn category and is one of my favorites so far.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The mc is cute but what really bothers me about this game is all the side characters that also get scenes are pretty hideous. Like the 2 masseuse friends show up and jennifer is talking about how hot they are and nothing could be further from the truth.

    Same with gym "milf" (forgot her name).

    If you're gonna keep taking the focus away from the mc for other "hot" girls they should actually be hot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I am very impressed with this game.

    I tend to not like sandbox games because usually they are a bit obtuse and force you to randomly move around the map to find the events and they can feel disconnected and like jumping from scene to scene (and if I am in the mood for that, I rather just go and watch some porn videos). But in Innocence or Money the Sandbox is very well done, it makes sense and the story feels cohesive and advancing at a good pace.

    The models, animations and sex scenes are also very well done and really hot.

    To top it all off, the writing is good, the story makes sense and the character is not just an idiot being blackmailed by everyone, she is however naive but as a player you can control how much she falls / corrupts herself, which is nice.

    So far also quite a lot of content (mostly for a 0.0.6 version) so looking forward to seeing more of this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely wonderful graphics, interesting story, though a bit predictable. Love the sister story.

    - cute girl, nice proportions, not ghastly enormous tits and ass
    - sister is hot as well, love the exibitionist in her
    - love the slow buildup
    - nice corruption stories

    - somewhat predictable story
    - animations could be somewhat smoother, quite clunky
    - daily rhythm is a drag, feel there could be more happening in a day
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is good,obviously the idea it's not unique,the characters are stereotype but fun,we can have a few laugh at their expressions and the situations even if we have that feeling that we already saw everything and know what's coming at the next scene,there's something unique about Jeniffer,her face expressions makes her special and I not even talking about how hot she is,it's a great job of the dev with the character model,she's incredibly beautiful,the corruption system have a good balance,we don't want anything so fast but not so slow,but what REALLY shines in the game are the choice of angles in the scenes,amazing job,and if you're reading this so far,before you talk bad things about this game remember,we had more hot scenes in this game than the whole years of the "Wife And A Mother" game,so you should enjoy a game made for the people,not for the money.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely bad writing.

    It starts out by informing us in a lengthy and dragged out way that the MC's parents are dead, she was raised by her uncle, she has a lover, a sister, lives in a small town and dreams of moving to the city.
    This could have been done in several lines while she's in a bus going to the city (or later as a small flashback) but the author takes several long minutes to give us this info dump that is not even relevant for the game at that point.

    All of the text and dialogue is so unnatural and robotic (in a bad way) that one should work really hard to make it this bad. I still forced myself to play for several hours reading every line but unfortunately it didn't get any better. I started skipping after that but found out that the poorly done animations can't even be skipped.

    Then there are unnecessary clicks like taking a shower and going to your bedroom every day to sleep (days are super short so you have to click on the stairs/your room/bed/"sleep till tomorrow" steps pretty often.

    I only give this 2 stars instead of 1 because it at least revolves around a fetish that I like (cheating female) though that too is done extremely poorly because of the out of place and dragged out or robotic dialogues and super childish so called "inner thoughts".

    Not recommended for anyone unless one is into cheating tag, has exhausted all other games and wants to play whatever is left for science purposes.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent renders and Ok writing. However... well....

    First off, its grindy as fuck. Find the job order that gets you the most money (typically working the Cafe from morning till evening, until the third option is unlocked for Fred, then do that), and repeat until bored. Unless you get a quest to do something different. Assuming you have the money. And its the right time of day.

    Don't buy the gym membership. For one thing, at the start, you need to save up for a phone, because you can't progress the gym events until you do, so if you dump $600 on the membership you'll have to grind even longer to get there. For 2, it would take 40 visits to break even and, as there is no reason to go to the gym when not required for a quest, there's no reason to ever go to the gym that many times.

    Which leads us to our next issue.

    Game is basically: Check your quest log, if you can currently go do the thing it tells you to do, do it. Otherwise, go make some money.

    That's it. That's the game. :|

    Also, later on the creator gets addicted to using unskippable rotate animation shots for no reason.

    And there isn't even much sex in the game. I appreciate a slow boil, but it takes 2 hours of play, skipping most of the dialogue, to reach the current end of content (Version 0.0.6) and the most the MC has done is give a couple blowjobs.

    Just... not really a stand out in any regard (other than an attractive MC). Not horrible, but not really good either.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the model, she is just like my type, quite slim, with nice big tits, not overly exageratted!
    And even if I don't really like sandboxes/rpgs this game has a quest system that works, it's not much of a grind and the mechanics are quite easy.
    Animations would range in the 3~4 star rating, but it is improving over the updates, there are alot of POV's which can add a bit of depth.
    Regarding the story it's quite entertaining, although I don't care much about the sister plot, my focus is entirely on Jennifer
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! The female character is really pretty and it checked almost most of the boxes! Keep giving updates quickly! Although its a bit grindy buy thats not a huge dealbreaker. Good concept and great renders to follow throughout the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally some good porn game with female protagonist. Graphics are very good, story is more than good. You have romantic relationship with boyfriend, old dirty pervs that are blackmailing beautiful girls, horny milfs, some lesbian routes... Hope that this game will be developed in future.