
Jan 17, 2021
All this side caracters are starting to get anoying. For this reason:
- they do not interact with the MC, not in the way that they incurage corruption of MC
- all this sidekicks characters (and I mean the ones in gym) does not have anything with the main story, and that is: Innocence or money. Theirs corruption is not triggered because of money
- they dilute the story and make it uninteresting and dull
- strip club sound interesting, as the photographic studio, but in reality it will take too much time for anything to happen there
Hi cyberSpacePirat,

they do not interact with the MC, not in the way that they incurage corruption of MC
The fact some do not now does it mean they NEVER will to contribute to MC's corruption ?

all this sidekicks characters (and I mean the ones in gym) does not have anything with the main story, and that is: Innocence or money. Theirs corruption is not triggered because of money
Nope... Imho, Innocence or money is for MC only. Side characters are only storytelling tools for that story to be told and contribute to Mc's corruption, so they don't have to stick to "Innocence or money" : btw, Innocence for a side character corrupting MCn doers not make sense as well as "money" for side characters like MC's boyfriend because here it is stated that large amount of money can only be earned through "dubious" means.

they dilute the story and make it uninteresting and dull
You will understand I completely disagree : for example, I can't wait to find out what's going to happen at the Gym, it's killing me

Best regards.


Jan 17, 2021
Are you writing a letter to an old friend from a distant country or what?

It's a pirate-porn site dude, get yourself together. :ROFLMAO:
Hi Hans Flammenwerfer,

I think I understand what you refer to : me saying "Best regards"... ^^
Someone already said the same thing to me a while ago... Honestly, I do not see it as too much (I am not a native english speaker)
I just want to end properly my post saying "good bye", it is just I am used to say it even here when speaking to new people ^^

Best regards.
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Enola Gay

Jun 9, 2017
Hehe, you're so official so I thought I will joke about that a little. ;)

But I guess you're a real gentleman!

I used to end my discussions with a phrase: "fuck off retard" but now I think your way of saying goodbye it's a bit better.

Maybe that's why I don't have many friends. :unsure:
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Jan 17, 2021
Hehe, you're so official so I thought I will joke about that a little. ;)

But I guess you're a real gentleman!

I used to end my discussions with a phrase: "fuck off retard" but now I think your way of saying goodbye it's a bit better.

Maybe that's why I don't have many friends. :unsure:
I really don't have the feeling to be so official as you said ^^!
May be I should review the way I see it ^^!
But now, I am used to it... ;)

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Hi Zara,

I agree with that. At least we share the same definition of the relation between a storyline and a protagonist.

Here I disagree.
Where do you see independent storylines for any of the side characters in this game ? Can you give me examples from the game ?
Imho, none of them has an independent storyline, therefore, as I said in a previous post, none qualifies to be a protagonist messing with the main one about MC's corruption.

I give two examples to back my opinion:
  • The strip club
  • The Gym series of events

The strip club.
I agree when one says this event about MC's landlord has some fillers content but the goal of this event qualifies to be part of the main storyline.
The goal of this side event is to show the landlord introducing his friend (buddy) and showing that the landlord intends to share MC once he fucked her : MC cannot be present during this event, it would make no sense.
This content is part of the main storyline because here the landlord shows a goal about sharing MC with his buddy, it is a goal related to MC and he is expected to do actions for that goal from now on, therefore it belongs to main storyline.
For this purpose the content present in the game does the job until the landlord showed a naked MC picture to his buddy.
Afterwards, if I were the dev, I would only have introduced the two whores and start a sex scene just enough to make players know the two men will fuck them and stop it asap if the goal is to show how shady is that place.
I read the lines of the content afterwards the picture of naked MC is shown (game on stage + sex scene with the landlord and one of the whores)... Imo, They bring nothing to any storyline you can imagine about any character involved or not including MC of course : all progression is paused... The content is just a "game" on stage and a sex scene... Nothing more...
As I said previously, this content just help to show how shady the strip club is because prostitution is assumed by the owner.
Do you really see any content in the strip club event that qualifies as elements of storyline for any side character ? I do not...
A storyline about a character is a demanding thing, it includes a goal, for the character within it, to be defined and this goal definition depends on the character only... A storyline cannot be made out of fillers by definition.
The goal depends on the character only (storyline answering the question what story to tell) but the storytelling (answering the question how to tell the story defined in the storyline) can include as many secondary characters as seen necessary.

The Gym series of events involving the MILF, the blond muscular owner, the redhead girl and her boyfriend cheating on her.
I see two parts about this series of events : the first is when MC is involved by the MILF. The second starts when MC stopped to be involved.
MC being involved in the first part, I do not see it as a separate storyline. I think we agree on that (please tell me if not).
The reason MC is not involved in the second part is explained (she cowardly broke relationships and "fled"). Here if MC is never involved again later with those side characters in Gym, I can agree with you. However, if she is involved again later AND if it becomes clear that all that happens in this second part (in which MC is not involved) is used and required to make MC progress on her corruption, it is NOT an independent storyline.
In that case (MC to come back being involved with Gym side characters), it is not an independent storyline because its conclusion is MC's corruption progression : the goal of the main storyline.

There is, I think, the point we disagee... You see different storylines about side characters you see as protagonist with their storylines when I see only a different kind of storytelling about side characters, from the usual one used in single female protagonist game.
The usual storytelling being as I said above, to see the content through MC's eyes only.

Best regards.
I understand what you're trying to say. It's possible that some time in the future, Jennifer may become involved in these storylines, but so far there's nothing to suggest that she will be. Your entire argument is based on the assumption that this is going to happen, despite there so far being no evidence that it will.

You say the side characters don't have separate storylines, and it's true that initially Jennifer interacts with the characters at the gym. But then suddenly she doesn't and despite being in the same place at the same time, Sylvia, Jimmy, Adam and Eve just completely ignore her and she does the same? What happened to Jennifer telling Eve about Adam cheating on her? One minute she's she's definitely going to do that, and the next she completely forgets it ever happened. None of that makes any sense, unless the Dev had decided to give these characters totally separate storylines from Jennifer. And that makes them separate protagonists in my book.

I just don't understand the reasoning for suddenly excluding Jennifer from these storylines, when the Dev initially sets her up to be in them. What exactly is gained by excluding her? It just makes a nonsense of her belief that she has to let Eve know what Adam's doing with Sylvia. And therefore there's no reason why she shouldn't have continued being involved in these storylines, if the intension as you suggest, is for her to be involved at a later stage anyway? That's why I'm not as confident as you are, that it will eventually happen.

As far as the strip club scene was concerned. I have no problem with having Fred visit the strip club with his friend Rick. Everything you suggested could have been introduced in a much shorter cut scene ( I got all the key points you mentioned about what this scene was supposed to convey from just the early part of this scene). The problem I have was the gratuitously long sex scene that followed, between Fred and a previously unknown character. It would have been much better to devote the time and energy put into that scene, into another one involving already established characters. Because as it was, I just felt totally underwhelmed by this long scene involving a character I'd just met, a few minutes previously. If that scene had been incorporated in the game, once Cindy was a more established character, it would have been far more meaningful. In my opinion, It would have been far better, to have had a shorter scene at the strip club and more content with Jennifer ( perhaps an additional scene at the massage parlour, with Jennifer allowing a client to touch her a bit more?)
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Jan 17, 2021
It's possible that some time in the future, Jennifer may become involved in these storylines, but so far there's nothing to suggest that she will be. Your entire argument is based on the assumption that this is going to happen, despite there so far being no evidence that it will.
Obviously. As said, I am confident because the dev has already shown to be aware the links has to be made with MC when he introduced the new Barista in coffee shop. I am only confident... I cannot say more of course.

But then suddenly she doesn't and despite being in the same place at the same time
I said it in a previous post : MC had the firm intention to report to the redhead gym girl her boyfriend is cheating on her but at the last moment, seeing them to be so happy (they were happily hugging when MC came in the Gym), she gave up...For me, it is obvious it was a dilemma for MC to speak or not to the redhead gym girl and MC's decision to not speak is cowardly...

And therefore there's no reason why she shouldn't have continued being involved in these storylines
On the contrary, I think MC avoids them so as not to be uncomfortable in their presence because she knows what's going on especially when the guy leave the Gym with the MILF... At least the dev could have just shown MC salute them quickly and flee...
But, MC was shown to be angry at the MILF... I can understand she does not want to talk to her anymore...
That's why I am eager to know more... How will the dev make them talk again to each other ? The MILF may want but MC, not yet...
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Obviously. As said, I am confident because the dev has already shown to be aware the links has to be made with MC when he introduced the new Barista in coffee shop. I am only confident... I cannot say more of course.

I said it in a previous post : MC had the firm intention to report to the redhead gym girl her boyfriend is cheating on her but at the last moment, seeing them to be so happy (they were happily hugging when MC came in the Gym), she gave up...For me, it is obvious it was a dilemma for MC to speak or not to the redhead gym girl and MC's decision to not speak is cowardly...

On the contrary, I think MC avoids them so as not to be uncomfortable in their presence because she knows what's going on especially when the guy leave the Gym with the MILF... At least the dev could have just shown MC salute them quickly and flee...
But, MC was shown to be angry at the MILF... I can understand she does not want to talk to her anymore...
That's why I am eager to know more... How will the dev make them talk again to each other ? The MILF may want but MC, not yet...
I concede on your earlier point. You're correct the MC did decide not to intervene. But I don't understand why it was necessary to follow that route, and thus effectively remove her from that content? When it would be just as easy to have her overcome her reticence and decide to tell Eve ( bearing in mind she was going to find out anyway). The Dev starts out by having Jennifer and Eve work out together, and thus establishing the beginnings of a friendship. But then just tears all that up, and has the two girls completely ignore each other.

Ok Jennifer maybe reticent to approach Eve, because she's uncomfortable about Adam's affair with Sylvia. But that doesn't explain why Eve would suddenly start ignoring Jennifer? Surely she'd have at at least approached Jennifer in the Gym and asked her to work out again, on those occasions when Adam wasn't with her. She does the same thing with Sylvia, so why not Jennifer as well? The only interpretation that makes any sense. Is that the Dev has decided to separate their storylines.

It would have been so easy to include Jennifer in these storylines, even it was just as a discomforted bystander. And there was no reason not to, because the Dev had already established the beginnings of a relationship between Jennifer and these characters. Jennifer could have told Eve about Adam, and initially Eve could have chosen to disbelieve her, which could have led to friction between the two, and a perfectly good reason for them to ignore each other for a while. Meanwhile Jennifer could have started paying close attention to Sylvia and Adam, and followed them everytime they disappeared from the Gym, and then spyed on them having sex. The combination of her disapproval of them betraying Eve, and her subsequent arousal and the resulting shame from watching them, could have led to yet another chance for her to be corrupted.

All of this could have easily been incorporated into the storyline, and once Eve discovered Adam's betrayal, Jennifer would have been perfectly positioned to console her, which might have consolidated their relationship into a much closer bond and possible naughty content in the future. If something like this had been done, then all the complaints that a lot of people have been making after the recent updates, would probably never have occurred. It was so easy to avoid it.
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Apr 11, 2020
can anyone help... always a black screen during scenes
1) Update your video drivers.
2) Press shift + g when starting game and try a different renderer.
3) You may also try to open any video in game\images\*\movies and see if it shows in video player.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
1) Update your video drivers.
2) Press shift + g when starting game and try a different renderer.
3) You may also try to open any video in game\images\*\movies and see if it shows in video player.
I tried all those things and none of them had any affect. Since the issue disappears part way through the game anyway, it's most likely caused by a bug, which may be affecting people randomly. My guess is it's possibly a result of compression. Because I suspect most people on here are using a compressed version (the full version being almost 7GB).

That's my theory anyway. And as I said, the later animated scenes appear to be unaffected by this issue.
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Jan 17, 2021
Hi Zara,

But I don't understand why it was necessary to follow that route, and thus effectively remove her from that content?
I agree.
It was not necessary, it is a choice the dev did. It is his story after all, the story he chose to tell...

Ok Jennifer maybe reticent to approach Eve, because she's uncomfortable about Adam's affair with Sylvia. But that doesn't explain why Eve would suddenly start ignoring Jennifer? Surely she'd have at at least approached Jennifer in the Gym and asked her to work out again, on those occasions when Adam wasn't with her. She does the same thing with Sylvia, so why not Jennifer as well?
I do not have that feeling... Why ? I do not see any reason...
Your questionning about that says to me it may be a little flaw in the storytelling : The dev should at least show her with MC to make it clear.
About it, I imagine, off screen, the girls to briefly salute before working out. It is MC to not want to go further in a relationship... Not the redhead girl, imho.
In the last update, the MILF was seen speaking to the redhead girl, they do not seem to dislike each other at that moment... it was just before the redhead girl sees her boyfriend with ther MILF.

The only interpretation that makes any sense. Is that the Dev has decided to separate their storylines.
I don't think so. Your argument is not strong enough, imho. But that does not mean I am right : wait and see (what the dev will do) is the only wise reply...

It would have been so easy to include Jennifer in these storylines, even it was just as a discomforted bystander.[...]
Easy ? Yes.
Your alternative here is just another choice, imho.
Better ? I don't think so, but not worse either of course : just different.
That said... Your alternative builds another personality for MC...

In your alternative, MC tells the redhead girl her boyfriend cheats on her. MC does it knowing the consequences will be clashes (as you said it between the girls (including the MILF) and the girl and her boyfriend) and she does not fear them : Therefore she has more guts than her canon alternative.
On the other hand, a result is she is more hypocritical and less likeable. Her principles of faithfulness apply to others but not to her : how can she reproach and denounce what she does herself to her own boyfriend ?
Do you see her satisfied to have said how a cheater redhead girl's boyfrfiend is while, herself, she is on her own cheating route (main storyline) ?
The way you see MC's boyfriend beeing not worth it is not enough for that : MC transgresses her principles.

In the game, she did not dare to speak... Cowardly, she gave up and from that moment she could not look the redhead girl in the eyes anymore. It would have been better to show that, I agree : for example have redhead girl say Hi to MC with a big friendly smile and MC to try to smile back but very uncomfortable.
Here she remains a good girl on her corruption route.
Don't forget MC has low self confidence and maybe low self esteem as well : perhaps she does not consider to qualify as a friend for redhead girl anymore if it means to lie to her... Who knows...

I can just say it again, I hope the dev to bring us in due time all the anwser we seek here... ^^

Best regards.
Last edited:
Jun 6, 2023
I tried all those things and none of them had any affect. Since the issue disappears part way through the game anyway, it's most likely caused by a bug, which may be affecting people randomly. My guess is it's possibly a result of compression. Because I suspect most people on here are using a compressed version (the full version being almost 7GB).

That's my theory anyway. And as I said, the later animated scenes appear to be unaffected by this issue.
thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
"The decisions you make will not only affect Jennifer but her environment, will you corrupt all those close to her?"

But of course, you try to make her into a whore as fast as you can. Is there really any other viable option ? ;)
Yes, making her a nun and corrupting the catholic priests that have become addicted to twink dicks and ass and mouth.
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