Dude it is just an excuse to delay updates.
I don't believe it.
Who is right ?
Who remasters 2 years old game ?
I often see amateur devs (like usual,
amateur does not refer to skill but means non professional) do such remastering because those among them who work at regular pace on their project gain experience fast in their first years working on it (the first two or three years).
Not to mention, they may have bought better hardware in the meantime (the dev here did)...
They end up thinking that the beginning of their game no longer compares to the latest additions.
Not only with renders but also coding quality.
[...] graphics are fine nobody cares, if it is not pixellated.
Come on ! Don't you ever think about anything except what YOU want ?
and me as well, want to play last version when released because we follow the game release after release : OK...
The dev also wants to make the game available to players not necessarily used to come here : he spoke to publish the game on Steam for that purpose and
made the remastering for new players who have to play from the beginning!!!
The dev said he think the first updates are no more in enough a quality when compared with the last ones...
As a subscriber, this does not bother me and those, among subscribers, who are bothered by such a decision can simply unsubscribe and come back later if they wish.
Where is the problem ??
Let me say it to you now :
you tend too much to think that what YOU want is best for the game...
The dev should follow you just because YOU said it ?

For example,
chinesewarrior said:
Make Jennifer cum slut as soon as possible. It will create more interest for your game...
And what else ? F*ck the story told so far ?
I remind you that
the story is about MC to struggle against her growing corruption and lust but slowly sinking into it...
The dev is as much about showing MC corrupted and having become a sex addict as it is about exploring HOW she goes from good to bad before that.
If that does not match your expectation, no one force you to follow and play this game.