Thanks for commenting TempinOffice!, the target of the game will be people who like's corruption of a female MC, everyone has different tastes so I know some people will like it some don't, if I try to please everyone I will please none.
I'm getting a lot of possitive feedback and my goal was to make at least 1 Patreon the first month, and for my surprise in less than 48 hours I already got 10, maybe that number will seems bad or almost nothing for other developers, but for me it's a lot, I'm very happy with it and the feedback of those Patreons are amazing and I'm very grateful because people believe in what I'm doing.
I'm also reading each and every post because I see a lot of constructive criticism here, and that is helping me a lot. More than one person agree with you, they want something different, and I'm keeping that on mind, this game (Innocence Or Money) will keep the corrupt idea, and if someday I become a good developer and people trust me enought to support me maybe I can make a second game than will be different for the rest, that way one game will be targeted for an audience that will be happy, and the other game will be targeted to another audience that will be happy too, but right now is just a dream for me
Thanks again for the comment!
Thank you James!
Hello M1dN1ght! you wrote "Real corruption is something that subtly creeps into someone's mind to change their outlook, view on certain things, or their whole behavior.", I'm trying to achieve that, is consistent with everything you wrote before because in order to acheive this you have to develop a history and slowly change how the character behave, I find it to be difficult and don't know if I will make it but I'm working on it.
Some people like click click click "fuck", click click click "fuck"

I'm trying to write a history and hope that someone read all the text's because I'm not even an english native speaker, so that part is the one that is taking me most of the time, but well, if someone want to click click click "fuck" they will do it
Hi paul! There will be threesomes in the future, and being able to corrupt the sister is planned too
Haha what will happen to the poor Jen when you take control... Let's pray for her
Hello Blargher! First of all thanks for the typos and the screenshots, I'm not an english native speaker so this info helps me to fix them and make a more polished game, I will release it for Mac this week so I'm already fixing those typos for the Mac users and for future versions/players. To be 100% honest I didn't knew that enought didn't have a "t" at the end (enough), I'm not only learning to make games, I'm getting better at english too

I already fixed the typos of the screenshots 1,2,4,5,6 but don't know where is the typo on the 3rd one (the one explaining the interface) I will apprecciate if you can tell me where to fix it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughs and opinions, I will take them in consideration, right now I'm working more on the corrupt route - because lot of bad people don't want to be so nice with Jen

- the idea is that in the future updates those decisions can lead to new paths (good or bad) will open new possibilities for Jen, at the current moment the game is like real life, do girls right now want to grind and study to be teachers or do a college degree for a living? nope!, they want to open an onlyfans account
But I'm working on opening that path too, maybe it won't be so "interesting" as the "corrupt route" but it will be there with new and different options in the future.
By the way I pasted this text that I'm writing to you on google and fixed like 4/5 typos
Thanks for the comment Paul!
Thanks for the support Bazarr and I'm happy that you think that the game is great! I will add/modify more things to the game because some ideas are good and fit with my game, but without changing it's scence, because I don't want to be a victim of 2 rabbits (if you chase 2 rabbits, you will lose them both)