Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Personally i think scene should differ on the 2 paths.
Well yeah, you're locked out as a losing Alex but on David's if he's winning you get to see what happens. Maybe you get to a point with Alex being jealous he starts hiding cameras.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017

Dear All,

I am sorry for not being very active. But right now I do not have much time to work on the game. I've made a bunch of new renders but that is all. The next month should be easier for me and then I can start coding and writing. Although I still need to complete a bunch of new renders.
best A.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
Coming back

Dear All!
I finally got the time and now it is time to get back to work full time. However, I would like to make a few announcements.
Sometimes, the things may happen and in order to keep the game alive and keep the development going I need to reduce workload and reduce complexity. So, the next time if I suddenly get busy with other things in my life, the development should be in state that I can continue working on the game, even if I don't have much time.
Therefore, I have to remove one playable character from the game. And it looks like it is going to be Alex's path. I will keep Alex's scenes somewhere in the game (I still have to figure it out how it can be implemented) but I can't have two playable characters. The code is getting too big to handle and, the biggest issue i have, the story stands on the same place. It doesn't mean I will abandon scenes from Alex's perspective, but I will not keep as playable character. At least for now.
The next thing I would like to simplified it is a sandbox. Although, in fact it might not be that necessary but I might make it more simple, like implementing simple day flow. We shall see how it might be done.
That is all for now. I will post more news soon.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Coming back

Dear All!
I finally got the time and now it is time to get back to work full time. However, I would like to make a few announcements.
Sometimes, the things may happen and in order to keep the game alive and keep the development going I need to reduce workload and reduce complexity. So, the next time if I suddenly get busy with other things in my life, the development should be in state that I can continue working on the game, even if I don't have much time.
Therefore, I have to remove one playable character from the game. And it looks like it is going to be Alex's path. I will keep Alex's scenes somewhere in the game (I still have to figure it out how it can be implemented) but I can't have two playable characters. The code is getting too big to handle and, the biggest issue i have, the story stands on the same place. It doesn't mean I will abandon scenes from Alex's perspective, but I will not keep as playable character. At least for now.
The next thing I would like to simplified it is a sandbox. Although, in fact it might not be that necessary but I might make it more simple, like implementing simple day flow. We shall see how it might be done.
That is all for now. I will post more news soon.
No surprise there, the two path things was always too ambitious but focusing on David? Wut? Alex is the underdog in the story versus his father's maturity and resources allowing him to be a potential sugar daddy to Tasha and the competition between youth and experience to get in her pants with David having an easier time while Alex requires more work but also starts making progress with other women in the game. Just throw the whole concept of the original and competition and throw it in the garbage. Might as well just abandon it if you're not going to honor the original and create your own game instead of piggybacking an established game that unfortunately lost its developer.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017

Dear All,
The things go really well. I have finished removing complicated code from the game and replaced it with the more simple and more manageble one. I also found, I think, a way how to keep Alex's part in the game. In that case, I don't have to delete his part although we are going to have one main character. But before releasing it, I have to see how it looks in practice when it is ready.
In addition, since sandbox mechanic is going to be reduced, I will rework one scene to keep the story more smoothly. Furthermore, when the game flow is not so complicated, we are going to have some stats. Some indication who is in the lead for each girl.
That is all for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
It's a miracle that the abandoned game has come back to life.
Please be careful of the heat.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017

Weniger anzeigen
Dear All,
Things are going really well.
The rebuild will feature a new point system, as you can see in the picture. Many of you mentioned that it would be nice to see who is in the lead for each girl. In this build, we will have that feature.
The game will no longer have the old sandbox system. Now, it is more like aVN with some days of free roaming. This way, the story flows more smoothly, and I personally prefer it this way. Yes, I have to admit that it was my mistake for not foreseeing that the old system wouldn't work in the end.
And finally, as you recall, I previously mentioned that I would not make Alex's part separately and would focus on David's story. Well, Alex's part will be included in the game, but he will serve as a side character. That is, if David misses an opportunity, Alex picks it up, and the scene is played from his perspective. Furthermore, I will try to keep his story parallel to David's. This means that we will still play as Alex, but not as much, and his story will run concurrently with David's. I think you will need to play the game to see how it works now. Most importantly, if you don't want to see Alex, you can always turn off his scenes in the parameters menu.
It is hard to say when this new build will be ready. My plan is to release it in mid-June (within two weeks). This build will not have a lot of new content (Wait, of course it is going to have some: like a short scene in the laundry, a few reworked scenes), but it is important to include everything we have so far and then keep pushing the story forward.
Stay tuned... The release is not far.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Again, he missed the point of Alex being the MC and David being the rival. Alex is the underdog in getting Tasha and the others, David would and should be "easy mode" and there's no point in calling this a restart or remake if you're making David the MC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Looking at the developer's post right up there, the new game seems to have David's and Alex's different roles.
Well... David is an adult, a rich businessman. But Alex is short of David in everything except being young.
So I thought Alex was better suited to the MC, and David was better suited to the role of interrupting.
If the roles of the two were interchanged, would it feel like the NTR I felt in the original game?
I don't really know.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017

Dear All,
I am not sure how much I will manage to do this week. Most likely, I will complete everything on time and include all the scenes I want in the game. Although this update will feature some new scenes, it is more about revising everything we have done so far.
Our characters have been updated to Genesis 8, which will make development much easier. The game will follow a new design like 1-3 or 2-3, meaning that we will have 1-2 days with story content as a visual novel (VN) and 2-3 days of free roaming, where you will be able to gain more character points and invite them to different places (although, don't expect many new places in this update).
Furthermore, although the story will center around David, Alex will be a strong competitor (I might reverse the order once David's part is done). You will see scenes from Alex's perspective, and the more you fail in David's path, the more opportunities will open up for Alex. While this might sound good, we may need to make a few adjustments to this system, and I would like to receive feedback on whether people prefer it this way or not. The option to turn off Alex part will be always available as well.
Regarding the schedule:
This week, there's a 99% chance that I will finish the renders and coding. Then it will be testing time, and some things might require modifications. So, if it isn't released this week, it will be next week. I will provide exact dates on Sunday.
This release is free. I am trying to bring the game back to life after a long pause, so I hope we can attract more people back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017

Dear All,
Version 2.0 arrives this Sunday, 16.06.24.
What’s new?
  • New Navigation System
    I just didn't like the old one, that's all. The new system feels more natural.
  • New Stats System
    If we are to have any competition, we need some points in one way or another, no matter how much I didn’t like it from the start. So, we’re going to have some. The principle is very simple, and you will find all instructions in the game.
  • New Story Flow
    The previous one was just a loop. This time, the game follows a formula of 1-2 days of story and 2-4 days of free roaming. Free roaming is simple: you spend time with the girls. The story days are self-explanatory. Although the first 8 days are story days.
  • Alex’s Part
    The central character is David, but the game will also show scenes from Alex's perspective. These will include his plots and alternative scenes if David fails. At the current stage, it might not be in perfect shape, but we'll improve it as the game progresses. I might reverse the pattern when David’s part is finished. Importantly, if you don’t like Alex’s part, you can turn this feature off in the options.
Upcoming Update
This update will not include all the scenes we had before. I need some time to integrate them into the story, so I’ll do that in the next update. However, there are some new scenes in this one, along with a few reworked scenes.
For now, it’s just arbitrary. I may make it more meaningful in the future, as the code allows for this possibility.
Deleted Features:
  • It is no longer possible to choose the main menu picture.
  • It is no longer possible to choose the desktop picture for David’s PC.
  • David's PC. The same reason. It didn't add much to the game but was time consuming to keep an eye on all of those details.
  • The working mechanic has been replaced with a much simpler one.
I simply don't have the time, and I don't see the point in keeping these previous features in the game. Apparently, nobody appreciated them, and those features only consumed time.
Albert’s story is also left for the future.

After this update.
I will integrate those missing scene and will release a new update shortly after. After that, Tanya is knocking on the door. I want to give Charlotte more space and time to mess things around. Alla needs more attention. Overall, It is going to be interesting.

So, it arrives on Sunday for all tiers. I will make a release on Discord as well.
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