
Innocent Witches/Not Another Adventurer!
Game Developer
May 5, 2018
hi, current game state ends after you get all houses approval ?

( i finished the swimsuit quest) and they all agreed with their houses for me to become a teacher.
then i'm summoned by the wizard, and he sends me to the menu.
Minus repeatable side quests, the pensieve should smoke, tasks should be red in the journal, this signifies the end.


New Member
Feb 23, 2018
I meant to say this earlier, looking through the keyhole is a great edition, especially Merula Snyde. I hope to see more of her and maybe Penny Haywood in the future.
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Aug 9, 2018
There are two Boots called Eternal boots in the wardrobe shop for Sonya, I believe one of them is supposed to be called Evening/Night boots. I could be wrong though, so if it's intended just ignore this message.


Dec 24, 2018
Walkthrough have the exact guide for the current content. Nothing more nothing less.
For other people asking for the changelog its in the game folder:

1.Due to the extensive changes in the code of the game, we came to the point where Ren’Py cannot properly handle the traditional rollback function (wheel scrolling) without causing tons of errors and conflicts. As such, the rollback function has been completely removed and you won’t be able to activate it even with the console. We are too tired of looking for non-existing bugs from people who have rolled back half of the game and unwilling to admit that.
2.Old saves will now be hardlocked form being used, game mechanics change too much between patches, breaking the old saves, and we are too tired of looking for bugs popping out because of the usage of old saves and people not willing to admit that the used the old save when encountered said bugs.
3.Luna and Susan branches are now caught up to Hermione and Daphne, meaning you can fly to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff towers will all the bonuses you expect.
4.All active windows are now much smoother in their appearance, no more flickering or chugged appearances.
5.Further expansion of tutorial mechanic. For the moment, there is not a lot of clothes available for Sonya and increasing her level is temporarily locked, but the existing clothes have received levels and will be waiting for rebalance in information points, so as soon as we decide to green-light the mechanic, player will be able to customise his assistant.
6.Added an introduction dialogue for Sonya, it will be a subject to change as we continue to add information to the assistant.
7.In-game assistant will now unlock additional information as you go through the game and not give it all straight from the beginning.
8.Multiple fixes and other small improvements to the game.

If an @op could update it would be appreciated thanks!
I just got to your game and started it out. Usually for any kind of renpy game I play one thing is always for sure that I do. Use unren on it heavily, you might call it cheating but I prefer to call it ease of access. To cheat yes, but more to have fun with the games more or less. I am not the sort of person to resort to grind and stuff but just one who prefers to only read the story. As such for me these kinds of hacks come in quite a lot of handy with which I can get to multiple parts of the stories and not have to reply again/and again if that's how some game is made to be like just for some new content or story route.

And let's be honest the so called "fapping" part which most users might be doing, not gonna say that's something I haven't done, I am guilty as charged. As such I used it on this game too and found out that, rollback doesn't work well it essentially did but broke the game. Took me some minutes just to see what it was since I haven't read the post neither surfed the thread.

Then decided to use the other options, and saw that console didn't activate either. Quicksave/Quickload works but the save screen is missing which only has an autosave and normal save screens. Skip doesn't need to be there as there's already an option for that.

Also used this AON variable viewer which didn't work. After which came to this thread, looked around and found this post.

I think, that's an unnecessary step even if users come running to the thread without acknowledging to the fact that they are cheating/using accessing tools to access the core game functions/variables and don't agree to it either. I think needless to say, for cases as such the only thing that goes around is this instead of disabling these options just ask them to post a video. If they aren't willing to do so then that's in no way the dev's fault for all of the bugs. Along with that an warning/notice in the OP thread or in the beginning of the game with the option to enable/disable these functions would serve better for this purpose. Just use some variables/flags to keep track of these enabled options and ask for a log or save and see for yourself.

For me, I think that's a better option than to disable everything. A lot of users would like this option instead of finding out later they can't just mess around with the game. Of course messing around comes with the cause of many issues and as such a warning notice at the beginning is sufficient enough. If the dev/author see this or bring this to the dev's notice I would like them to please consider about it all. After all it's your/their choice/decision to do so all we can do is make a request.


Mar 22, 2018
in the Minerva sex scene, there are two options i cannot seem to activate. they are in the menu below the go/rest/leave menu.
are they active in the game or is only masterbation the only "good" ending?


Innocent Witches/Not Another Adventurer!
Game Developer
May 5, 2018
For me, I think that's a better option than to disable everything. A lot of users would like this option instead of finding out later they can't just mess around with the game. Of course messing around comes with the cause of many issues and as such a warning notice at the beginning is sufficient enough. If the dev/author see this or bring this to the dev's notice I would like them to please consider about it all. After all it's your/their choice/decision to do so all we can do is make a request.
It's a side effect of the development, not and outright method to stop you. You can in fact activate the developer menu but there's 2 files you have to modify, not 1. Secondly, once that's done you can view the variables. Some are init level heavy and you won't see everything because of what's being done with the engine. But for example, money is money... we aren't obfuscating it in any way... it's just that we are doing things so outside the renpy engine and our programmer strives for efficiency, that he's basically made a whole platform for the game that can be reused. At some point, all the code will get released open source.
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Mar 12, 2019
Hope that the later version:
Increase intimate interaction with the female horn
For example: toilet, outdoor, student bedroom, student bathroom, classroom, principal's office, principal's bedroom and public bath


Dec 6, 2018
Everyone does, it's currently a shitshow somewhat in terms of figuring out what to do at what point. Especially in English. The game looks beautifully drawn but the convoluted swimsuit/panties line is ridiculous and very hard to tell what to do when, even persuming you understand what "the plan" you're supposed to be executing is.

And at present I finally got all the girls on board with my petition or whatever after solving the swimsuit problem and then it just kicks me to the guys standing around in jail for a quick cutscene and then it kicks me to the title page, game over I guess, maybe it isn't finished. But I haven't been allowed to choose a waifu or whatever, or fly to their dorms yet. Also can't seem to finish the ginny quest line after I have her diary.

Too much effort too little tits, horrible English, and a few other issues at present, but a great LOOKING game.


Dec 6, 2018
in the Minerva sex scene, there are two options i cannot seem to activate. they are in the menu below the go/rest/leave menu.
are they active in the game or is only masterbation the only "good" ending?
You can eventually rape her. Gotta play around with it and continually compliment her legs/face/tits etc to keep her stress somewhat down, while letting it build up into nearly too much and swatting the wand out of her hand when she picks it up to threaten you after too much stress.


Dec 6, 2018
"But I mean - come on! Is that supposed to be a book or a game? What’s with the reeeaading? Reading the walkthrough and the confused messages from other players just shows how far this is from an adult game. The level of complexity is outrageous, for real. No one cares about the story to that extended. Whatever is planned story wise, cut it down to 1/10th and add some adult content already... "

All 100% correct. The artists are fcking amazing and their game is 5/10 at best overall rating simply because whoever is writing it and directing the options is terrible. You could use all the same art assets in the game, write a decent story, with decent game progression and have 10/10 game.


Dec 6, 2018
Kinda stuck guys how do i meet Susan
I'm not sure if this is how to "meet" her, as I think she just eventually shows up on her own as a "prefect" (discipline officer) among the 4 girls who are "prefects". But eventually you have to talk to Susan's grandmother through the fireplace with some magic powder given to you by snape in an "unofficial" nighttime meeting.


Dec 6, 2018
As I played 0.2F, I recognized that there is a faulty programming.
I spent hours trying to figure out why the swimsuit task wasn't working, because I didn't pay much attention to the textwindow, while collecting the girls favourites.(I read the text in 0.2b, so I didn't care much).
Then I realized that the Day you find all the girls favourite swimsuits is marked as MONDAY on the Calendar.
When i went for any swimsuit on MONDAY, the text showing up in their bedrooms, is telling me "tomorrow is gameday with Hermione", which should be on SUNDAY.
When I checked what Hermione was wearing the Day before (shown as SUNDAY on the Calendar) , she was wearing her "Speedos".( which would be correct)
So there is definitely a mismatch between bedroom-text and the date shown on the Calendar.
When I knew what their favourites where, I replicated the "Speedos" and replaced their favourites with them, for each day of the week, just to be sure, to hit the correct day.( I didn't want to miss the real Sunday).
It finally worked but that was a hell of an effort.

Written walkthrough how to do the final swimsuit "two part challenge" is thus:

On a MONDAY (when it is circled on your calendar and once you have the hat telling you to do a two part plan) go to Gryfindor with Minerva (at 10 am, 2pm or 6pm while the girls are supposdly out) and steal all panties/swimsuits. ID them all until you find the one belonging to Hermione. This is what the game considers you finding out what hermione wants to wear, or some stupidity like that.

Skip to Tues. On Tues go to Slytherin dorms with Minerva (at 10 am, 2pm or 6pm while the girls are supposdly out) and steal all the panties/swimsuits. Head back to the Hat and identify them all until you find daphnes. This is what the game considers you finding daphnes size out (apparently this magically changes week to week now, resetting at dusk on Mondays).

Skip to Thurs. On thurs go to Ravenclaw dorms with Minerva (at 10 am, 2pm or 6pm while the girls are supposdly out) and steal all the panties/swimsuits. Head back to the Hat and identify them all until you find Luna's. This is what the game considers you finding Luna's size (apparently this also magically changes week to week now, resetting at dusk on Mondays).

Skip to Sat. On Sat go to Hufflepuff dorms with Minerva (at 10 am, 2pm or 6pm while the girls are supposdly out) and steal all the panties/swimsuits. Head back to the Hat and identify them all until you find Susan's. This is what the game considers you finding Susan's size (apparently this also magically changes week to week now, resetting at dusk on Mondays).

Finally, and what is kind of hard so don't miss any steps, skip to Sunday and on Sunday at 10 am (you might can do this the night before but you can just do it right at 10 am on Sunday), talk to the Hat and click on daphne and the very boyish swimsuit that is Hermionies. This will give you a swimsuit that looks the same shape/make of hermiones boyish looking swimtrunks but that are black colored for Daphne. Then talk to the hat and click on Luna and the very boyish swimsuit that is Hermiones. This will give you a swimsuit that looks the same shape/make of heriones boyish looking swimtrunks but which are blue colored for Luna. Then talk to the hat and click on Susan and the very boyish swimsuit that is Hermiones. This will give you a swimsuit that looks the same shape/make of heriones boyish looking swimtrunks but which are tan colored for Susan. Thus you will now be still 10 am on Sunday and have 3x pairs of swimsuits that look like the same make/shape as Hermiones boyish shaped ones but in different colors (black for daphne, blue for Luna and tan for Susan). It is still 10 am on Sunday. Now go to one of the Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff houses with Minerva to make a delivery for Daphne, Luna or Susan right then at 10 am on Sunday. For instance, you can do Syltherin for Daphne at 10 am on Sunday. So presuming you make the 10 am delivery to Slytherin for Daphne's swimsuit, you go to Slytherin dorms with Minerva and steal all the underwear there and drop the black swimsuit for Daphne on the clothesline in their place. Now you go home and waste time masterbating until 2 pm on Sunday. Pick a remaining house for the last two deliveries, presuming you picked slytherin for daphne at 10 am, now it is time to do a different one like Luna in Ravenclaw for instance. Go to Ravenclaw with Minerva at 2 pm and steal all the panties/swimsuits and put Luna's blue pair of swimtrunks that look like the same make/model as Hermiones boyish swimsuit. Go back home and masterbate etc. until 6pm. Now presuming you went to slytherin and ravenclaw at 10 am and 2 pm to deliver Daphne's and Luna's swimsuits now you have to go to Hufflepuff with Minerva to deliver Susan's swimsuit. Go there with Minerva and steal all the panties/swimtrunks and replace them with Susan's tan pair of swimtrunks that are the same make/shape as Hermione's favorites. Finally you go home and skip time until Monday.

On Monday you drink with Little Sally the painting on your wall at the fireplace (retarded cuck name obviously). Then you do all options with Little Sally. Finally you fly over to the broken dorm wing out the window on your broom to talk to Argus. Get him to tell you about anything unusual. There, you're finally done with the "2 step" process that is actually about 12+ steps and is almost impossible to work out without watching the walkthrough (although I had the idea down before watching the walkthrough I thought hermionies original squarish boyish swimwear would reset on the first Monday in the chain at the end of the day, but this isn't correct only the other girls swimsuits seem to reset on Monday at end of day and you lose all your panties/swimsuits in your inventory, this made it seem impossible to do the task to me).

Now that you're done you can summon at least Daphne and start to get her support and talk about the prefects properly. Might can do other girls as well most likely over several days. Gotta make a secrit plan with Snape in an informal meeting, and eventually the girls start showing up talking about your plan after you tell at least one of them about your secrit plan you make with Snape. Around this time the game kicks me to a cutscene in the jail and kicks me to the title screen as if the game isn't done. I have yet to figure out when I was supposed to get a waifu/pick a waifu but the girls were finally starting to warm up to me after the swimsuit debacle and secrit plan with snape.

Vid is below but it's kind of convoluted watching it. They do the final delivery on Sunday at 10 am, 2pm and 6pm in a different order of houses than I did above. The order doesn't matter, but you have to hit all three houses on sunday and do the delivery/caper and you have to do them at 10 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm with minerva while the girls are out of the dorms. The whole quest setup is cringe as fuck and even the authors break the 4th wall to show that they know this in a certain dialog box. They need to just cut it down.



Dec 6, 2018
That would definitely explain it. We will be untangling the swimsuits anyhow in the next release, it's a complete cluster fuck atm.
Well at least the devs know what is going on. Wish I had read this thread before I played. helena is the only hotness currently worth it in the game that I saw, maybe the nakie daphne pic is ok.
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