So i have been following this game since the very early versions, when it still used Witch Trainer assets and game UI. I have seen the evolution of the game step by step, and even thought it has been slow, i think there's a reason why most of us can't seem to get enough of it.
Yes, the first 3 chapters and most of Chapter 4 are a mess. Yes, there isn't alot of lewd content and progress is slow. And yes, the only real sex scene is something noone asked for lol.
But the Art is amazing and the writing really improved lately. (I think we have JoeBanks to thank for that).
I personally think the latest changes are going in the right direction, finally we can peek at the girls while they change, finally we can summon and interact with them for more than business talk, we also got Ginny scenes that are rather nice, and the upcoming drinking meetings seem like a good idea to me.
I hope they can keep the writing on the lighter side, and add more humor if possible. This is a game after all, so it's all about to have fun, not reading something depressing about the mistakes that were made by the characters.
Overall, while it's been a long road, i think we are finally at the point where we can start to look forward to the content updates to come rolling in, rather than constant disappointments.
So i say, good job JoeBanks and Sad Crab crew and keep it up!
Also, please don't let the artist(s) go anywhere, cause i think they really nailed the look and feel of the game xD.