Ahh. I had already done that but apparently you need to mail it to her instead of giving it to her in person. Thanks man.Fleur de Oplus
Ahh. I had already done that but apparently you need to mail it to her instead of giving it to her in person. Thanks man.Fleur de Oplus
Ah yes, the fabled Alpha versions that take months to make, I see. Thank you random person with 1 comment.I like the community so much, a couple of pages ago they literally all hated the game
and now everyone is asking for help and doesn't understand what to do
all I can tell you is that you are playing the ALPHA version,it is full of bugs and they will fix the maximum only to the BETA version,or even to the Final
what are the answers of the hermione's game?
same happened with me, just restated the gameim stuck on act 1 ch4, in solve girls meetings problem I can't ask Minerva about the meetings, someone help?
I restarted the game and played in another save and I still can't ask her, To ask her it's just summoning?same happened with me, just restated the game
How dis you finished the miniskirt quest ?daphne is stuck at 4/5, have done the miniskirt quest too, the perfume and bath water event too, now what
look for the walkthrough, it's in thereHow dis you finished the miniskirt quest ?