
Oct 5, 2017
I would say that the content we have gotten since these guys took up this once abandoned project and continued it we have had a steady flow of new stuff - the first guy had literally not completed the tutorial at that point. People just needs to be patient and occupy themselves with other stuff while they wait. Also, worthy of note. Version 7.0 is on svscomics, but the downloading files are for v.6.5F (no savefile yet tho on that post). Just wanna give you guys a heads up in case you get a shit ton of trash fire emails again complaining about this like last time.
If the download files are for v.6.5F, how is it on svscomics?


Oct 1, 2017
If the download files are for v.6.5F, how is it on svscomics?
The post there says it´s v.7.0 on the post but the downloading files when you go to them are for v6.5F. And I have no idea why they would post it as v.7.0 but it is what the post says. It even has the updated post from patreon about what will be in v.7.0A. Reason I´m saying this is that last time someone saw a post on svscomics, that posted it here and caused a shitstorm.
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Apr 10, 2020
"The update will utilize the Potions Class location that we showed you quite a while ago, alongside with two new ones that we will tell you more about during the following weeks. Several new characters will appear in the game as well. We also plan to add three new plot-related minigames to make things more interactive.

And of course, it's not only about the plot, right? The new version will have new sexy interactions with the existing characters as well as with the ones that will be introduced during the story. This will include interactions with characters' idle poses and miniatures, and, as always, a CG scene."

That was the promise. Kahn can tell us if they delivered or not. Maybe the release highlights are just poorly written.

"New characters" at this point seem like scraping what little butter we have even more thinly across the bread. Devs and players can both look at the concept sketches from 5 years ago (they are in the game) and make their own decision about whether devs have produced on those concepts. Its pretty easy to see what is missing.

kiryu coco

Jan 4, 2019
Is there anything worth playing in this update? Excluding Helena and Minerva and sonya, I’m not interested in them


Jul 21, 2017
The amount of hate in this thread is ridiculous. This is a great game, with a great team of creators and artists behind it. Is their decision to cut/skip the Hermione content a good one? Probably not, after all fanservicing can be very profitable, but since there's already a similar game that focuses entirely on said girl (Witch Trainer, originally by Akabur and later adopted by SadCrab as a mod/their take on the thing), I can understand it. Can't you?
I'm actually trying to be one of the positive guys here, but no, I can't understand it - at least not in a way you try to paint it.

This team gets paid by fans and what you call "fanservicing" is actually "giving people what they paid for". Obviously patrons like what Crabs are doing well enough since they are still there, but it's rather clear that they also want Hermione content most of all and other main girls second.

My problem with SadCrab is that this guys still can't admit to themselves that they are way to slow and thus need to
prioritize things a lot better. Of course with moving story both forward and backwards AND putting in new characters and mechanics they won't be able to get in the content people actually want.

I remember there was a time when Joe wanted to make monthly releases with every other one (or even each one down the line) adding a new sex scene for a main girl. Now that would be great. But if speed is something that cannot be fixed than priorities clearly should be.

Obvious rule of thumb should be: each update needs to either add a new scene for a main girl or add multiple new variations for existing scenes. Other than that it can do anything - fix old content, add new - all is fine. But without progressing main 4 (and right now - Hermione specifically since she's wa-a-ay behind) new releases are meaningless. Like building a castle without walls.

And yes, 0.7a, 0.7b and 0.7f are three different releases, not one. Not when there are months between them.


Mar 10, 2018
I'll reserve judgement for after I actually play the new update, but this feels like a smaller update than we should be getting.

Idk, I'm also playing Something Unlimited right now, which pulls in about $1k more than IW (16.7k vs 15.7k monthly). That team produces multiple CG scenes for multiple characters (generally in the realm of about 10 sex scenes) per update, which they have every other month.

I'm sure that there are many factors at work here, (detail of artwork, code base, etc.) but even accounting for all of that in my head, I can't really come up with a good reason for why these two games with very similar funding levels should have content coming out at such different rates.

Edit: After playing the update, what the hell?
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Oct 3, 2017
drinking game bugged? no hints? or am i missing something about what i'm supposed to do because i didnt want to read and just wanted to see wat was actually added?

edit: nvm, got it, tho kinda bull, for anyone else who ahs trouble with this, make the blowjob, which if you can't tell is Bitters, Irish Cream, Heaven's 18. I missed the Bitters when I first guessed that was the one (because the way the line isn't filled out made me assume that it was formatted a drink per line for some reason, when now i realize it was just to make the stain work) then went thru every other drink before realizing my mistake. I think Irish Cream should be more obvious too. because I also tried the Heaven's18 with all the letters with straight line starts (H, J,M) in the end. Anyways i'm annoyed and getting swimsuit flashbacks, though it was mostly my own fault for being an idiot.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 29, 2020
At this point we need some Modders to make a walkthrough Mod to help complete event more easier or a more effective Gallery Mod to help unblock and view every sex scenes available in the game. I don't know if this update we got a more merciful minigame event or not, but just imagine had to go step by step and calculating every moment and time to win a lewd scene really painful.... And does old saves from previous version work on this one or do we need to start a new game again?

Buffalo Fred

Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
As someone pondering trying out this game, I have a few questions after skimming the pages.

1: Regarding animations, after reading the latest changelog I am a little confused. Are they all integrated into the game now or do you need to fetch some of them from somewhere else?

2: There is currently not and never will be any Hermione content?


Dec 22, 2018
As someone pondering trying out this game, I have a few questions after skimming the pages.

1: Regarding animations, after reading the latest changelog I am a little confused. Are they all integrated into the game now or do you need to fetch some of them from somewhere else?

2: There is currently not and never will be any Hermione content?
The animations are now intergrated into the game via the new engine L2D. No need to download any seperate files and no loading time for animations. Score!!!

The content for Hermoine is limited to handjob atm but in the future more scenes will be added.

This update focuses on introducing new locations at Hogwarts (potion class, forbidden forest, library) as well as new characters. Act 2 plot is reworked to prepare the game for the new story.

Next update will feature lots of side interactions with girls (0.7b) and finally (0.7f) will bring in the new reworked prologue and act 1 which will have more lewd content as the old prologue and act 1 lacked any.
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