- Mar 18, 2019
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Right click > Save Link asThe "zzz.rpy" Opens only a text browser window And not a downloadable File content
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In the fire. Throw the orange powder on a lit fire.where is amelia bones???
memorz shards: tutorial.memory_fragmentsI used the save editor web site the money can be change the shards cant
In truth, neither if we take the game as it is. The art is great. That's one thing that everyone agrees on. But when I tried it, writing ranged from absolutely atrocious to passable. The better bits were written by the "new" team (again, they were new a year or two ago), and the horrible shit bits were written by some Russian. But then the new team had to write on a really shitty foundation, and it showed, so in total it was bad, really bad.Fuck.. these reviews.
It's either one star - worst blueballz trainer sim ever made (tho art is fucking top notch), or five stars - best trainer sim ever made (tho minigames suck and you gotta grind.. a lot).
Which one is it people?
it doesnt work even if changed.memorz shards: tutorial.memory_fragments
My Man wrote a whole ass Novel about a porn Game. IMO this has been the best update so far. Good translation, beautiful animations and art and a way more understandable and enjoyable gaming experience. +way less blue ball feelingJesus fucking Christ, what the hell have they done to the second act??? That has to be some of the worst storytelling i have ever seen. The dialogue is sometimes impossible to follow or just laughably bad and many dialogues/quests seem to happen for no good reason, don't lead anywhere or make you go in circles. And this isn't because of the new, not yet implemented events in the first act, I'm aware of those.
A good example would be the lead-up to the drink mixing challenge with Snape. It basically starts with Marcus thinking that it's unlikely that Snape would just give him the potion he wants, so he has to challenge him somehow. Then he proceeds to meet with Snape and asks him for the potion, but Snape declines as expected, because he suspects that Marcus is up to no good. However he isn't mean or overly negative towards Marcus when he declines. Cool, makes sense so far...
Marcus then asks Minerva for help, but she just tells him that he would have to be a woman to seduce Snape, which Marcus obviously isn't so it won't work. Ok, asking her for help still kind of made sense, but what was the point of this other than wasting time? Literally nothing comes of this dialogue with her.
Now it gets really fucking ridiculous.
He sits down with his picture (Sally) and complains that Snape "hates him" even though Snape basically just said he doesn't trust Marcus with that potion. He then comes to the glorious conclusion that he somehow has to outdo snape. OH NO SHIT SHERLOCK we literally startet this whole thing with Marcus thinking he has to challenge Snape to get that potion...
But hey it gets worse. Marcus then decides to randomly listen to some students conversations, because that might somehow give him an idea on how to challenge Snape. OK could work, but those conversations would have to be about some weakness of Snape right? NOPE
All the available student dialogues are just random unrelated blabber and then he just stumbles onto the recipes for a bunch of drinks and that's it. Thats literally it, he just randomly finds the fucking magazine, that will help him challenge Snape.
It's like they aren't even trying to build a coherent storyline. This was literally a bunch of random events and dialogues that happen for no reason other than to waste time and justify the drink mixing minigame.
But this is just one of many bad changes, they also took the "Passing Exam via Mind Control" 1:1 from the previous story, but now i feels like it happens out of nowhere.
It's basically 1. Marcus: "I have to give the girls lessons to help them pass the exam" 2. Marcus: "Hey I'll help you pass the exam" Girl: "K thx, bye" 3. Girl: -arrives on day of exam- Marcus: -proceeds to insta mind control them-
No buildup, no explanation, nothing. It just has to happen because they copy pasted it from the previous story, where it actually made sense.
In the early stages the dialogue in this game might have been way too long and boring, but at least it kinda made sense. And when they started slimming it down recently it actually became pretty decent. This new version of the second act feels like playing through the ruins of the original story. I think they made a huge mistake by completely rewriting everything and then hamfisting old parts of the story into the new one. The overall dialoge quality also got significantly worse, no idea what happened there, maybe a different writer. I hope they can somehow fix this clusterfuck...
Sometimes there is a hint in the dialogue about what type of drink he wants. For example, if he says that he wants something buttery, then it is a buttery nipple.