Dear IW, it is not working with us, lately. I know, you must have felt it, too. I discontinued your Patreon support, later we stopped meeting up on discord and now I see you are moving yet in another direction, but alas, again not mine! All I wanted was a nice corruption / trainer game.. a modern, even better version of Witch Trainer. Have the girls start up innocent, like your title falsely suggests, and then through tricks, wits, magic, impactful gifts - and the occasional abuse of power - turn them one-by-one into cum sluts. This you can garnish with a nice story.
You say you do want "story", but your idea of a good story progression only is: mini games. So Hermione finally gives you a HJ because you are good at.. child riddles? no progression, no character arch, no sweet wrestle between lust and shame.. nope...: simple, stupid mini games to fill the void of proper writing. You started strong, but after asking for patience due to re-mapping the entire game, then for re-doing the previous chapters, you are now finally revising your OWN chapters, because you have run out of stuff to re-do. Luckily, you can re-do the previous chapters once again after you re-did yours, smart move!
It was fun while it lasted, and who knows, maybe we can meet up some day in a distant future again. You found a bunch other friends on Patreon, so you do have your audience, whatever appeal they may see, I hope they keep it and wish you well.