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Hello, everyone!
In this post we’ll briefly look at what’s been done during the past 10 days of development, as well as take a gander at some of the content under development for 0.11B. Let’s start!
First, the art-preview (available in the following news post). This time it’s the finished fullscreen art for the elf-maid, line-art for which was teased in the previous news post. This art will be included in 0.11A.
Next, a summary about what’s been happening during the past 10 days:
- Most of the time, as expected, was dedicated to testing and fixing the flow of the main events in 0.11A. This included playing through the chapter in order to find the dead-ends, fixing different errors with timing, missed calls to music, incorrect zorders for miniatures, and so on.
- Apart from that, our composer has been hard at work on the new music tracks for different characters and locations. New music tracks for such locations as The Abandoned Toilet and Headmaster’s Bedroom have been added, as well as a new theme for Myrtle and Elf-maid, including erotic versions
Several other tracks have been added also, we hope you’ll like them 
- Finally, the planning and work on the content for 0.11B has been underway. At the moment, texts for one side quest are almost finished, and the art for this quest is being drawn as well. The other part of the patch which consists of side activities in the Potions Classroom is at the stage where we finalize the outline and form art tasks for it. More on that down below.
Overall, the testing phase for testers is planned to begin within a couple of days, and we will continue to identify and fix the bugs internally as well. At this point it can be said that the release of 0.11A should almost certainly happen sometime next week (15th - 21st of April). Finally!
Now let’s look at what’s coming next. First thing we wanted to mention here is the update for the stats system. At the moment, the whole mechanic feels very grindy and practically acts rather as a nuisance, and not something that compliments the gameplay. The updated version we have in mind now will focus on improving the process of leveling the stats and integrating this process with other mechanics, mainly the potion-making. Here’s some details we can share at the moment, these are not final and might change while we implement them into the game.
- First couple of levels will still be tied to the activities in the Headmaster’s office, just like they are now. However, it will be possible to gain only a couple of levels, and at level 3 or 4 the stat will be capped.
- In order to increase the stat Marcus will now require to brew a potion that will instantly grant one level for a chosen stat. This will also work for a couple of levels, as higher levels for stats will require more powerful potions.
- Finally, the process of brewing the potion will basically be a short story, just like a small side quest. For example, Marcus will need to find the recipe, which may be given to him by a student, or found somewhere in a certain location. He’ll also need the ingredients, which can also be gathered during a specific time of the day at a specific place, bought in a store, or gained through interactions with different characters.
This way we’ll be able to achieve two goals. First, we’ll squish the bloated numbers for stats, which with the current system will only increase as the game progresses. Already in the first chapters of Act 2 the stat cap is at 25, which shows the flaw of such design. With the new system the stats will be within reasonable amounts, think of that as the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat system from Fallout series, where all the main stats are usually capped at 10 (with the possibility to raise them a bit higher in certain circumstances). This leads us to the second goal, which is making the stats more valuable. Since the process of raising the stat will require more actions than just grinding at the table, the reward for doing this process should be increased as well. At the moment we’re aiming at adding new rewards throughout the existing content that require a certain amount of stat to acquire. For example, you can encounter a closed drawer which requires strength of a certain level, and inside it you can find a card/photo with a sexy witch on it. We’ll also be able to utilize the intellect stat checks in some of the dialogues, failing which will result in funny situations.
This system is already outlined and practically ready for being implemented. We’ll make a final revision after the release of 0.11A and decide if we need to polish it more or if it can be put into production.
The other part of new content that will be coming in future are the side activities in the Potions classroom. As we’ve mentioned before, this will involve students making mistakes with their potions and Marcus rescuing them (or not) by quickly mixing a correct potion and using it to save the unfortunate girl. This event will be added in iterations, with the first one having the initial number of events and rewards that Marcus gets from the girls. This mechanic is also outlined and at this point we’re making art tasks for it. We’re very excited to add such interactive events into the game and make it more alive, and we hope you’ll like what we’re cooking
And now, let’s vote! The main factor for the aforementioned event in the Potions classroom is the amount and type of the students that will participate in this event. At the moment we’re planning to involve the students from different Houses, most likely the students that are not very well known. However, we want to hear your opinion on who should actually participate in this event. Do you prefer the students to be the Head Girls, or maybe the side characters, such as Ginny or Parvati? Or maybe you’re fine with any student as long as the event itself is cool and rewarding? One thing to note here is that the prefects will most likely not be present in the first iteration of the event, as the content with them will come in one of the later iterations. Please let us know by voting or leaving a message below!
- It’s best if the Head Girls fail the potions and Marcus saves them, getting a sweet reward in the process.
- I think you should involve side characters, such as Ginny and Parvati. They need more love!
- I’m fine with random students, Hogwarts is a huge castle and there are a lot of lovely girls in it!
- Who will participate is not important. I want the event to focus on progression and multiple rewards for fewer characters.
- Anyone can participate, but I want as many students as you can add, even if it spreads the content too thin between them.
- I don’t care / I want to know the results.
That’ll be all for today, folks! We greatly appreciate you staying around and continuing to support the development by donating and leaving feedback. Thank you!
0.11A is very close so keep an eye on the news! We’ll meet again in 10 days. Until then, stay safe and have fun!
Sad crabs.