VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    At the start, the game seemed to be progressing well. Sure, it has a good amount of text. So does a book. Go with the book.
    It seemed like halfway through the development team (probably just 1 dude) forgot it was an adult game and didn't add any H-scenes. Also, the first four chapters are worthless, the game starts from the fifth.
    Another 4 years and it may just have a sex scene but i'm not holding my breath...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Art. As many have said before, art is the only thing is good in this game.
    Sexual content. Well, u'll probably see someone's boobs or butt. If u're very patient and persistent person, can even see someone's vagina... but NO SEX. More then 8 damn hours of gameplay and no damn sex... (Well, there's the one and only scene at beginning... One pose. One angle. 2 changing frames. With an old woman. Enjoy).
    Gameplay. You better prepare yourself, make some hand exercises and a bucket of coffee, because u'll face a ton of grinding. Eventually, when you'll get to something fappable, your hand will no longer be able to ...what you were intended to do. Based on the amount of text we have a typical visual novel, sit and read, sometimes make decisions and so on. But no. From your decisions the plot will not change at all. In addition, to go further, we need to solve annoying riddles and complete quests that often require a certain time / day / fulfillment of conditions, which is even more annoying. Even with a walkthrough.
    Plot. Not a masterpiece, just OK. It could be better if it was shortened by a third.
    But what really pisses me off is the fact, that the game is under development for at least two years. And it still raw, lack of a real content, developers always do not meet deadlines, every update comes out every 2-3 months. And they get 10k+$ per month.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    In the beginning, the game seemed to be progressing well. Marcus was a giant perv like us gamers. A satisfying H-scene with McGonagall would occur and all was good.
    Then, Marcus literally hit his head and turned into a good boy. All sexual advances (and potential H-scenes) were denied by him. But by the aid of his self portrait, he started perving again. But he just wants to have fucking swimsuit models to look at, nothing more.

    This is Hogwarts, and his goals are to have prefects dress in swimsuits. I know this is an H game but come ON there has got to be more than that! Plus, you grind hardcore just to get a different swimsuit? I am not sure if most of us here are gluttons for grinding torture or are really hoping for more, but so far there has not been more.

    Only 1 legitimate sex scene. The game itself has so much potential! It's high quality but really it could be even better. I am not saying everything has to be sex sex sex, but we are not playing to just ctrl skip text and accidentally speed past a quick boob flash. That's the other thing. So much text. I am glad the story is important to the dev, but if I wanted to read that much I would have applied to law school.

    Art: 10/10
    Story: 7/10
    Scenes: 6/10
    Grind: 5/10
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    while the art is good and the story is fine,you have to play all thru the game again after each update,just to see the sceans,none of the save files transfer over to the next update so having to do it over and over,there is no point,just wait till if fully done,maybe by then you can import saves,and maybe less grind.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A lot of people are talking about the lack of c ontent. That's certainly a thing, but what pisses me off is the story.

    It's like you're trying to make a serious, heartfelt story, with the most unlikable, pathetic, spineless, cowardly and straight stupid guy of all time. There is literally no reason why any girl would ever talk to him, much less actually give him a chance.

    It would be fine if the game was a comedy, but it's actually trying to act like it's a serious heartfelt story.

    The art is great, but as always, the Hermione is basically clickbait using Akaburs game as a medium. More or less noone gives a shit about all the original characters, most just want who was already in the universe.

    But really...That personality... I really hope this isn't written as some fantasy from the author, cause in that case he might just be the biggest loser in existence.

    If you want to make a light novel instead of an 18+ game, go for it. But you can't make the player want their character to literally just pull the trigger and let the world be better off.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    To put it bluntly, Innocent Witches is a fanfic first, an adult game second.
    Which is a huge shame considering how great the art is, but it's a chore to get through the story. To give an idea of the grind, the story goes 4 relatively long chapters with only 2 adult scenes.
    Unless you're a big fan of the Harry Potter IP and like fanfics, I would recommend skipping this game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game a year and a half ago, it popped up recently in the updates page so i thought i would check out how much it has grown...have i gone back in time? Where is the years worth of content!?
    It has barely moved. I am very rarely disappointed but this is a bit ridiculous. If its basically abandoned just say so. People have actually donated and funded during this entire time...I guess im dumb because i cant figure it out, this just reminds me of some Anthem style bullshit. Hey let me know when the 'Cataclysm' which was promised shows up so i can be disappointed all over again at the blue filter and swaying trees yeah?

    The cherry on top is a developer in the comments section splitting technicalities over the definition of 'sex' because his game barely has any in he is trying to convince us that 'technically' it does...Anthem. Triple A Game. Style. Bullshit.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm loving the world building, the characterization, and the art in this game. It actually feels like the school is lived in and the dialogues with the characters has meaning behind it for those that are interested in a story as much as they are the porn. The quality of the art is definitely my favorite part of this project. If there were such a thing as AAA quality for a porn game, this certainly qualifies. I'm fine with the length of time between large updates if it means the quality of the art and dialogue remains this high.

    That being said however, there are a few significant flaws that I see in the game. First, as MANY other people have pointed out, there is a lot of time wasted. It feels like I spend more time skipping days or rushing through stat increases in order to reach the end of a week than I do reading dialogue or coming across interesting or meaningful events, and in my opinion that's not a good thing, no matter how much I like those scenes. The reason why you need to reach the end of a week is because in Chapter 5 the world opens up and there are certain things that you must do, that ONLY occur on Saturday. There is too much emphasis placed on what you have to do on those days and not enough time to do those things. The events that take place during the week end up just feeling like busywork that don't have much appeal after you've seen a handful of the different variations in those events. It's also not at all clear sometimes how you're supposed to trigger events and even with the help of the objectives tab in your journal you'll find yourself wishing you had an up to date walkthrough. In chapter 5 you also finally get the chance to use skills, but like the events, it's not very clear when and where you can use these skills, and the times that you can are few and far between.

    As the game is still in development, the faults are not that pressing, yet. Some of the issues come from not much content being present, which is messing with the pacing of the game a bit. It's severely lacking in terms of actual erotic content, amounting to little more than flirting, and brief glimpses of undergarments and a bit of skin, which, sadly is the price to pay for a game that's going for a heavy narrative focus. I think the game has a ton of potential, I just wish that development wasn't so slow, even if I understand why it is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    After a long and tedious journey, the developers finally learned pacing. The art was always amazing , however now we can really enjoy it without grinding through a torturous experience that is the first few chapters. Simply skipping everything but the latest content makes for a simple and enjoyable game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style and music are hella and it just needs to be polished up on the gameplay side. I feel like there need to be hard cutoffs for specific events in between chapters if youre going to keep letting people skip ahead to the chapter they desire, so that nothing gets too jumbled events wise in the coding
    Likes: Rolo
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are here for a quick fap then you should move on.

    But if you have some Time for a slow but yet great game then stay and get a great experience, Like i did
    Likes: Rolo
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    horrible, the game is completely broken and you do not know what to do because the game is poorly designed , so sad, the idea is there but after 3 years this is barely playable and zero intuitive, you need a guide to even begin playing it because the designers are lost in something else except doing this game correctly.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Many people review this game in a negative light. I completely get why they feel that way. The game is lacking in sexual content and the creators do seem like their ambitions exceed their abilities. However, with that said, I still love this game. Maybe its the nostalgia from Akabur's games or the charming artwork. So, I would agree with a few of the reviewers, that this game has a load of potential and hopefully the devs come through.

    Artwork - 9/10 Good stills, but lacking animations.

    Interface - 8/10 Less pixel hunting and a better "hint" system.

    Writing - 8/10 I believe the game is 'made' in Russian and then translated to English. Leading to some weird sentences and confusing dialog sometimes. It is creative and interesting though.

    Sexual Content - 5/10 At the time of this review there are only 2 major h-scenes.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The first four chapters are worthless, the game starts from the fifth, the personalities of the characters are fine, the character design and drawing is great, the story in general is decent, but the gameplay itself is unfortunate, many Sometimes confusing and unnecessarily tedious for a game of its kind, developers have no idea of making a game of this genre. the few advances they make between versions are focused on things that nobody is interested in, instead of focusing on the girls they do it in opening doors in a room, ridiculous
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea of this game as I see it was to take Akabur's Witcher Trainer, recreate it with not one but four girls and change plot to engaging profound one. Also add much more locations supported by solid backdrops/general art and add bunch of complex quests with stat checks no less on top of that! Moreover, time management was suppose to be one of the core mechanics, apparently. When it comes to adult stuff devs are also decide to complicate things: there are mini-games with each girl for some small "rewards", occational action with secondary characters and the primary theme: slow corruption of the four main girls by the protagonist.

    First of all, protagonist is just pathetic, somewhat grown-up baby so it was impossible to me relate with him in any possible way. What's more important, I've failed to see any real corruption in this game, mature at least. There is no blackmail, manipulations, brainwashing, emotional minmaxing, nothing. Writing in regards to progress with the girls and character's development in general mostly is sorta childish.

    Overall writing also far from great and desperately begging for a good editor. At the very least they should CUT a lot. Even if you really dig HP universe theme somehow I doubt that you'll enjoy the game as some silly parody. Can't say anything about translation though, have played on my native-ru. Occationally there were some fine moments but they were drowned in fuktons of pointless ok-ish at best dialogues and such.

    Speaking of pointless stuff, there is a LOT of it, unfortunately. For instance, they have included some UI-helper-girl with huge amount of outfits, haircuts etc. She is not related to lore in any way, acts like some guide at the very beginning of the game but after 1 or 2 chapter proudly anounce that she'll become silent from now on. So, in the end of the day she's just... there to show kids what it's like: to waste insane amount of resources on a project for nothing.

    Moving on, what's up with time consuming stats raising if there is no game time limit at all? From player's perspective it's plainly stupid and jarring. Clunky UI doesn't help that either. Quest design is also questionable. Overall, correlation tedious stuff/grind to actual adult content and writing highlights is ridiculous in this game.

    - So... why there are 5/5 reviews if you say things THAT bad?!
    - Art. It's truly top tier. Shame that it's belongs to this game though. Also, there is one amazing bj scene and devs are pushing more similiar in future updates so my second star is for that.

    TL;DR: This game is a mess. Devs had almost admirable intentions, but their ambitions waaay exceeded their abilities. Launch it only if you are really have nothing better to do. Otherwise just check out the CG/scenes .
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    3 years of development. Bare bones game at best, have to slog through so much text for little actual content. This game may not be a scam but at the pace the new content is released it's as close to one as possible. Expect to wait literally years between actual H content
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't believe anyone is supporting this scam. Pathetic amount of content for the YEARS this has been in development with huge amounts of patreon donations. Don't waste your time and especially not your money.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    cash grab, we`ll be lucky if we get to see this game finished.
    the writing is a 7/10 and the writer at least has knowledge of the universe that his writing in, its creative in its fantasy.
    the visual art is also 8/10, as it should be since theres so much time to do it and yet so few of it.
    the gameplay is a 6/10 got stuck so much F times (bugs and ingame paths), not intuitive had to use guides and walkthroughs.

    edit - why 1 star when when every rating is 6+ ?, because is my fuking review and i give it 1 fuking star
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    There is blatant misinformation being spread in the review section and I am here to warn people to save their bandwidth. The game has been in development for over 4 years with zero sexual content to show for it. I see massive false claims in the review section claiming this is because the author is trying to build "believable relationships". There is no believable relationships as the writing is extremely amateurish and laughable similar to that of porn parodies which this game is technically is. For 4 years to pass by with almost no sexual content is simply inexcusable. Gameplay consists of tiring grind and fetch quest, pixel hunting and the usual sandbox flair but the difference between this and the other sandbox games on this site is that finishing those quests leads to no scenes, just more dialogue diarrhea.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to add a one-star review to balance out the inexplicably good average.

    This so-called "game" consists of you clicking endlessly, skipping interminable text, and seemingly never showing you the goods.

    The only good parts of Innocent Witches are the images you'll see teased on the front page. My recommendation is to google innocent witches and see the best part straight away without wasting your time.