VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually love the pace of the game. Following the story and the puzzles the teasing just keeps increasing. It is still lacking in content, and I'm looking forward to what comes after getting down with each girl more than getting down with them. Not sure what they have in store for the story, but the potential is huge.
    Likes: Rolo
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry, but this game is just getting worse. I used to like it actually, the idea and the story was fun and having multiple characters to interact with, having a detail hogwarts and all, they were all good things, and i was expecting for those things to expend, maybe adding more characters, more areas and places and such, but with every update, my hopes kept sinking. First of all, there is too many unnecessary dialogues, plus they are extremely long, this is not some AAA game where the dialogues or the choices matters much, so there is no need for such intensive dialogue, plus the devs could use the effort they've put into the dialogues to actually expanding the areas, expanding hogwarts, adding more characters,. Secondly, the actions, the animations, they take about 3 to 5 minutes, where you don't get to do anything but just to watch, and you can't even skip them, given the fact that you have to repeat some of them multiple times, the game turns into a bother rather than something fun, if the devs are with us on this forum, my advice, cut down A LOT of the dialogues, expand the world, the characters, and add the ability to fast forward or skip all together when it comes to watching the animations or make them fun, like make them interactive, so at least people can do something fun and interesting, rather than watching a boring animation of Luna masturbating for almost 5 minutes

    Again, at first i liked the game, it was interesting, at least the plot felt like it was going to go somewhere fun and that the world would expand with new actions, new areas, new characters, but instead it just turned into a game where you have to suffer through bunch of unnecessarily long dialogues and where you have to do lots of grinding to get nothing out of it, i mean, it a sex game guys, yes the teasing part was fun for a while, but it is getting boring now, seriously, there was so much potential to this game and i feel like the devs just killed it, please try to improve it before you sink it to the bottom like this
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is stunning, but it takes too much time to get scenes. And the scenes that are in the game aren't amazing, which is a shame, because the artstyle has a lot of potential.

    It's madness that such a game has been in development for about 3+ years, and there's still no real progress since version 1.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An awesome visual novel taking place in Harry Potter's universe. Well documented, plenty of things to do, served by wonderfull arts. Came for the arts, found a solid story which works pretty well thanks to the lore and credible characters development.

    Grindy sometimes but seems to be reduced as the games move on as the means to earn money and up your stats slowly starts to gets numerous. Appreciated to be given the possibility to win a certain minigame after many legit tries. Same goes with the possibility to select the chapter you want to begin.

    In one word : great visual novel, avoid it if you're just looking for a porn game.

    Good job dev, and thanks !
    Likes: Rolo
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art, but the game makes incredibly slow progress. It's been around four years and there's only one sex scene, and it's with a side character no one really cares about very early in the game. There are plenty of issues with the gameplay, the writing is terrible, it's extremely grindy, and updates regularly reset your progress. The art is so far the only redeeming quality, and it is unlikely that future updates will fix that.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Pros: Great art, desing of characters and scenes.
    Cons (Nothing more to add to the other rates): grindy, bored, and a lack of sex scenes (if i remember it has 4 in 5 chapters and none of it is actual sex), there are a LOT of bugs, and it needs to be optimized.

    It feels like there is a clear intention to lengthen the development of this unnecessarily to take advantage of donors, and it shows in the fact that in YEARS of updates there is nothing that fans have asked for why? who knows. I hope i'm wrong but dude, come on!.
    So to end this, sorry for my english (i can't even speak my native language correctly) and i hope the devs put some passion on this, it has a great potential
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really great game. Great art/visuals, good soundtrack, decent UI, 10/10 scenes, character design, and writing. It is slow to start but you have the option of skipping ahead (although i recommend playing through the full thing). One issue I had with it is how slowly you get money (especially in part 1). This can be "solved" with a save editor, but I wish the devs had a legit way to afford the stuff in the catalogue without cheating or spending a year grinding (maybe some form of gambling, like the bet with snape but always available?). Overall highly recommend if you're into corruption.
    Likes: Rolo
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the positive things. This game is gorgeous, easily one of the best looking games I've played in a very long time. The drawings, even the little surprises that pop up in the background, it is excellent.

    But that is about it. The game is slow and grindy, as many users have pointed out, but the thing that strikes me the most is how asinine so much of the dialogue is. It is long, repetitive, often going in a direction that just makes me want to log out of the game and never come back. The thing that bothers me the most is how the game tries to give you an illusion of choice, while in reality it is just another way to embarras your character. This game is a visual novel, in which you follow a strictly laid out path, the few choices you get not having any impact on the game whatsoever. I do not expect much complexity from an erotic game, but at least I want to feel like my impact reaches beyond simply clicking as fast as I can through dialogue.

    Such a wasted opportunity and such a waste of a wonderful aesthetic.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Art is good, devs - not really.
    The game is years in development. Old devs were milking their patreons.

    New devs took over, promised monthly updates. Then switched to bi-monthly. Now switched to an update every 3 months. Trend is visible, using example of previous devs.
    What's important - each update includes 1 scene - for a moment we've got spanking, watching how a heroine masturbating, etc.
    The only sex scene was added years ago.

    If you want walls and walls of text of bad fanfic quality and barely any sex - you can try it. Otherwise - move along.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Not enough content yet, development speed is glacial. The patrons should really find more worthy projects to shower with cash.

    The devs keep finding excuses for the lenghty development cycles, discussion with the fans/patrons is reduced to just one man answering complaints one at a time. There is no dev diary, no transparency, no reliability, meanwhile they rake in almost 13k dollars every month at the time of writing. Things will only change once the patrons have had enough of being treated like shit.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those rare games where the history actually affects the gameplay. The premise is interesting, the adaptation makes sense and the art is superb, yet it has most of the annoying things in these kind of games: is slow and grindy. The suggestion system only helps to get yourself familiarized with the UI and basic element of the game, after which you are alone. The stat system shows promise, and isn't the grind most are.

    The grind is actually advancing the story. It makes sense in the context of the story the author wants to write, and frankly, I can't suggest a way to improve it, since it is adequate. That only makes it a shame. Sex scenes are, as of version 0.5.1f, mostly non-existent, which, again if you read the story, makes sense.

    I presume that the author wanted actually a VN instead of a freeroaming rpg, but that wouldn't allow certain story techniques to shine.

    The other annoyance is the fact that somehow, saves aren't backwards compatible. I suggest the creator to establish a save structure and stick to it or at least make the migration seamless. Timeloop hunter creator does something similar with story rich elements (and the game punishes you for not paying attention and read carefully with grind).
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I will be short. The game has amazing drawing and interesting characters, BUT it takes way to long to get the erotic scenes (or porn scenes). I have played for a few hours and I only saw some swimsuits and topless pics.
    And most of the time i was solving puzzles.
    So if you´re searching for puzzles this is your game.
    It´s way too grindy and not rewarding.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Another in a long line of games around here with amazing art that gets buried behind questionable to bad game play. At one point I was giving games that would be better off as comics 3 stars for such good art but realistically they're just getting so common I have to start going with 2 stars. It's an adult game that isn't fun to play. I'd say it needed a walkthrough but even when it had one the effort to get a few good images was too much given how many good games are available now. The art alone would be 4 or 5 stars but when rolled into game play that would be better served as an adult comic, I've got to go with 2 stars at best.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I can't enjoy this game much, the game confusing always get stuck even with guide idk it's bugs or not
    It's frustrated taking heavy amount of time to seek another task
    I only get one scene with minerva by consuming so much time almost 5 hours i won't play it again i swear
    I'm still human need to maintain quality of sleep
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    What happened? I check back after 4 years and the game has made basically no progress, theres 2 new sex scenes and like 18 hours of filler crap that doesnt need to be there! Such a let down.

    I can't make my way through it. I legitimately can't. To start with, why did you basically implement two different story versions into one game? thats confusing as hell. Just have two seperate versions of the game and call the new one Remake. The fact that theres a different chapter option each time you start the game anew tells you all you need to know. There's not just too much filler, theres nothing but!

    Such a let down. Character models are beautiful as always, but its not like you see anything of them beyond the normal standing still. Daphne sex scene is dry and reptative, she just lightly moves up and down, its just a switch from image 1 to 2 and back again. If you cant animate, then put the effort into making totally different images for the scene. You clearly have the time, judging by the amount of pointless extra stuff.

    Its just a slog for days to get to two mid sex scenes and a handjob. Come on, i had really high hopes for this. Just play Witch Trainer Silver and use this one for the nude gallery, thats about all thats worth doing here.

    Massively shat the bed. It is fixable, just remove a bunch of the tangent storylines that take forever and basically dont further the main story or characters, then take some time to put in some real sex content, because there is about 1% of actual sex content, 10% the same topless render youve seen before, and 89% unecessary fat to trim.

    Just start again, to be honest. Brand new version of the game, only take the stuff you actually need from the original and build on that. Only way to fix it, honestly.
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  16. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Innocent_Witches-0.5.1B-pc]

    Commendations to the 2D artist, visuals are very pretty; up there with my favorite games [Akurbar, etc]. The progression through the story dialogue to corrupting the girls feels rather realistic and rewarding, even if it's far, far more 'grindy' than I'm used to.

    My primary concern, and critical feedback I can offer that's holding back a higher score, is this game's English. Please, please, please, have someone fluent in English with a strong grasp of spelling & grammar review the code. I stopped writing up suggestions after my 55th note, only a few hours into the game.

    A lesser thought, yet an impression non-the-less that may help improve the story; was the thought that the main character was written to be rather wishy-washy towards corrupting the girls. Was this intended?

    Keep up the good work. Hope this project makes it to completion.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Completely tedious and unnecessary puzzle-like gameplay, the worse type of gameplay in a porn game. Hardly any sex to reward the time you invest. The art is ridiculously good and the music is on point.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The thread about this game started Sep 1, 2016. And looking at some early posts even then the game had been in development for some time. We have 2020 now and some 0.5 version with content worth at most few months of work while the devs rack up 5 digits money monthly on their patreon page.

    I have my utmost respect for the skill required to milk so many patrons without actually doing any serious work on the game. This is some master level trolling. They even mock people in the changelog every release:
    - fixed some bugs
    - added new bugs

    As for the game - not much to enjoy except nice art. Innocent witches will stop being innocent probably by 2030. One could rip all the art, make a new game out of it in one month and it would be much better.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    At the start, the game seemed to be progressing well. Sure, it has a good amount of text. So does a book. Go with the book.
    It seemed like halfway through the development team (probably just 1 dude) forgot it was an adult game and didn't add any H-scenes. Also, the first four chapters are worthless, the game starts from the fifth.
    Another 4 years and it may just have a sex scene but i'm not holding my breath...
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Art. As many have said before, art is the only thing is good in this game.
    Sexual content. Well, u'll probably see someone's boobs or butt. If u're very patient and persistent person, can even see someone's vagina... but NO SEX. More then 8 damn hours of gameplay and no damn sex... (Well, there's the one and only scene at beginning... One pose. One angle. 2 changing frames. With an old woman. Enjoy).
    Gameplay. You better prepare yourself, make some hand exercises and a bucket of coffee, because u'll face a ton of grinding. Eventually, when you'll get to something fappable, your hand will no longer be able to ...what you were intended to do. Based on the amount of text we have a typical visual novel, sit and read, sometimes make decisions and so on. But no. From your decisions the plot will not change at all. In addition, to go further, we need to solve annoying riddles and complete quests that often require a certain time / day / fulfillment of conditions, which is even more annoying. Even with a walkthrough.
    Plot. Not a masterpiece, just OK. It could be better if it was shortened by a third.
    But what really pisses me off is the fact, that the game is under development for at least two years. And it still raw, lack of a real content, developers always do not meet deadlines, every update comes out every 2-3 months. And they get 10k+$ per month.