VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think its a great game. It's been going very slowly so far but I'm very excited for what this game holds. There are practically no H scenes, and also confused on how we should know the names of the Hogwarts text books, but beyond that I love all the mini games, and the art style is great!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    this is basically a con. they lure you in with great art and a promise to return to the lewd version of Hogwarts we all so love. but then nothing happens. played for an hour and i don't even know where should i look for content.
    the perplexing thing is that they obviously put a lot of work into it, its almost impressive. Hogwarts is huge and feels detailed, I looked for the quidditch field for way too long. i would wager they poured a lot more effort and talent into it than half the games on this site, they just forgot to
    a. make it a game and
    b. make it an h game.
    for example the panty matching mini-game has great art and fine enough gameplay that it could have been awesome if it led to something or was a part of the story.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Needs more lewdity and a bit less grind starting out, specifically the bathing suit quest needs to be streamlined, but otherwise stellar progression game and the atmosphere is top notch! I'm actually quite invested in the story as well, which was a bit of a shock. Gameplay is rewarding without being overly challenging. Don't come into it looking for a wankfest, play it as an actual game with teasing being the reward and you'll be pleasantly surprised a long the way!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has had a tremendously long development period, with long periods of what seems to be creative frustration in between major releases. Bouts of perfectionist's dread and inter-collaborative issues seem to arise and subdue as the game is developed.
    That being said, the reason I placed it as a good quality game as opposed to poor or great stands in the minor gameplay details. The art and environs are superb and full of life and referential set-pieces.

    The teasing and hunt is what this game, I feel, had going for it when I started playing some updates ago. There really was no sexual content aside from mini-games at the time, and what was left over was a constant and increasingly lewd play style that shows the transition from genuine disgust to horny fooling around in explicit and gorgeous detail. I hate games that throw fifty nameless bitches at you and give each of them a sub-par, barely co-ordinated sex scene.

    That's not to say things like Heroes Harem Guild, What A Legend, or Corrupted Kingdoms, the three excellent games which I argue directly compete with this one are handling anything poorly. They all have excellent pacing for their expected genre and idea. Their scenes are well co-ordinated and express some serious heat. It's not comparable in that light.

    What I'm saying is that slowly corrupting these four girls is fun for me! Watching Daphne squirm after she gets tricked, or watching Hermione reluctantly show off her amazing tits really sells the trainer aspect of this game. Slowly getting them to dress sluttier for you, to want to be treated sexually and break down their professional and emotional barriers. This is the essence of this genre. This is why I play this game- a hard fought, sexually charged but ultimately rewarding victory.

    The writing and story are long-winded, but the payoff at the end is having felt like you really pushed these girls over the edge and knocked them head over heels using magic and your sometimes clearly misguided words.

    The sense of humor, art, and love for the source material and others are top notch. The absurdity of it all even had me giggling like a kid at some points.
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    were all wonderful little tidbits that I appreciated very much.

    This all being said, the real life pace is also worrying to a degree. Some things, like the mentioned lewd scenes, which are a constantly requested addition, are released at a snail's pace because they won't release anything that they haven't run through a hundred times in search of errors or mistakes. The small team running it struggles to keep pace with their massive workload and often exhaustive taste in artistic detail.

    Returning, and editing, and taking feedback, and returning, and animating, and debugging, and coding. Exhaustive, excellent, but time consuming emotional struggle. If given enough time and faith, this will turn out amazing, but first it just seems like they're cleaning out their closet until it's perfect.

    I genuinely hope they succeed in their goal. I don't really have much else to say.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Cumbersome story and mechanics get in the way of great art. Unfortunately the number of art assets has stalled and there is very little H content. If the developer would clean up the game's story and cut down the grind it would easily be a much better game. Art is 5/5.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Way to slow and tedious. The game is neither fun nor fappable in the pace it's going. The start is so boring, been playing for 3 hours or something, the only thing that gets hard are my veins in my forehead. This game needs better design and even better a cheat option to skip the crappy quests.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    pluses: beautiful art, funny dialogues, tease (very)
    cons: in four years of development, we still didn't get to hermione (keep waiting)
    result: for the right mood
    if you wont just f*p, return after next 4 years.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Extremely grindy and buggy at the moment, but there's fantastic art and there's potential in here. At the very least it's not another Unity game with borrowed assets and music. If they ever complete the polish on this game and wrap it, it'll probably be one of my favorites.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game since they started making mods of the original "Trainer Witches" by Akabur, but really with each version I wish and really hope that they improve, that they make the game worthwhile, but on the contrary, they make it more unbearable, more stressful, it seems that the developer only wants to get into the game, or try in this game, their level of knowledge of renpy and python, has excess of all that and lacks a fluidity to play, not to mention the plot or the gameplay itself.

    The programmer or group of programmers, they have taken care so much in the part of codification of the game, they have tried to apply all that by means of source code allows renpy, and conjugated with what python allows to achieve, to make a game that is not a game, but a slow screen of good drawings, with times of long waits (Forced by the own developers) with fadeout and transitions with exaggerated times, it is a pity, Such visual quality deserves a development at the same level, but they have not achieved it in all this time, because they simply do not want to do it, it seems that they enjoy trying in this everything that passes through their minds that can be codified, only with the purpose of laughing at the subscribers and users who have not yet lost hope of seeing in this title a worthy successor of "Trainer Witches", many grew up reading the books of the child magician. .. "...the boy who lived," but what Lord Voldermort did not manage to do, in 7 books and 8 movies, these gentlemen have done it over and over again, and repeatedly in each version they take from this game, and it is to kill the interest in Hogwarts and the magic of the magic world.

    The only thing rescuable from this game is the graphic art, and would be very but very tasty and happy, that some programmer used that art and images and developed a version that gave the glory they deserve these graphics.

    Graphic Design: 10 / 10
    Game Logic: 1 / 10
    Gameplay: 1 / 10

    I assign 1 star, because as a game is not worth anything, the graphics at the end are photos, that someone who really wants to make a decent game and attract users and subscribers can take them and develop something much better, and even perhaps contact the artist who is scerg (, and pay to continue making art.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of puzzle solving games but this one seems all over the place with what to do and the mess of a story, the artwork is really nice but the game just seems like a mess, I might come back to it when it's complete to see if things were fixed because I still have hope for it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of puzzle solving games but this one seems all over the place with what to do and the mess of a story, the artwork is really nice but the game just seems like a mess, I might come back to it when it's complete to see if things were fixed because I still have hope for it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It have a low pace at the start, but very good potential. And last updates are great by size and quality. There are numerous minigames and some interesting mechanics. So it worth trying if you like akaburs games, and story-driven games
    Likes: Rolo
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes story is slow but it goodly represents universe of Harry Potter (in some wicked way) and I Greatly enjoy the characters mimics and slowly training them as it should be and I think most beatiful one is Daphne
    Likes: Rolo
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely a TOP 5 one imo (from about 1150 at F95).

    One of the most underrated of all times.

    OK, some ppl give stars according to a high FPH (fuckings per hour) and for hc sex from the very beginning.

    These should go somewhere else imo, may be to hc movies, where their dreams are fulfilled every second.

    My personal priorities are different: The atmosphere is so subtle and thrilling, there is so much attraction, which can pull one into this world. I guess this is mostly because of the graphics, which are absolutely stunning. Everything is created with so much love and attention. Best Hermione ever – so lovely. Great compliment.

    LOL, when I dived the first time into this world, I played day and night, not realizing that it was 6 am in the morning already – even without being tired. I would have continued if circumstances would have allowed.

    Grinding – yes there is. But in this case I love it.

    There are very few games which are very well done, but among them, this one is really special: When a story makes me feel more alive and fulfilled, similar to that feeling when fallen in love, then a game is really a perl among the best.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The biggest issue with this game used to be the lack of content which for the most part has been corrected.
    The art is fucking great, the game actually manages to be funny at times and there's not too much grinding.
    I'm really liking this game.
    But before you decide to play it, be aware that it takes a while for substantial updates (aka more than just bugfixes or slight QOL changes) to happen. I can't say i mind but i see how people could be iritated by this
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had great potential, but sadly it lost it all.

    Incredible graphics, accets, 2 or 3 well done sex scenes.

    • Insanely long storyline which has little to no stuff which actually matters for the story. You may skip 90% of it and still you will know everything going on and why it is going on. Lots of boring dialogs about nothing, they are not fun, they are not interesting, just walls of plain text
    • Overcomplicated minigames offering almost nothing as a reward. Each update a new one or several more is added. They take up lots of developement time better spent on actual content.
    • Nothing in the beginning. First like 5 hours of playing offers just one sex scene with an elderly woman, other than that nothing, not even partial nudity. And you can play for 5 more hours and if you are lucky you get first normal scene, and it is only a blowjob. In 10 more hours you will likely get the final one - watching someone masturbate. Thats it.
    • The protagonist is the least likeable person ever created. It is probably meant to be some character arc to him, but there is none, so you are stuck to hating the person you play as.
    • The game is obviously Work In Progress. And there is no progress in the direction it is supposed to go. I follow it for about 3-4 years now, and all I see is more walls of text.
    This game is unworthy of being here. You are looking for something better - try Witch Trainer by Akabur. The graphics is worse, in everything else Akabur beats this sad creation tenfold.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art!!! Hot scenes. Funny dialogue. One of the best sex games ever made! And a great satire of the HP universe. Only not a higher rating cause of petty players, or something. I love this game!!!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good art, the story is decent enough, and the main girls are hot. Besides that this game is really annoying. Some of the quests are really hard to figure out and you just have to guess until you get the right solution. Other quests are just supper grindy, where you have to do the same thing time and time again to get a glimpse of panties. The few h-scenes there are are also kinda hard to get through. There is "animation" of the same two pictures going back and forth and you have to click repeatedly to get to the next scene.

    Overall all I gave it a 3/5 because it is a game that is trying to be more than just a porn game with the minigames but those are not fun and are just grindy. I would recommend just downloading a completed save and looking at the gallery.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Gud. Also, f95 zone says the review has to be >200 charachters. Why the heck? I mean, I guess the site wants me to provide some actual canstructive feedback on the quality of the game and everything but what if I don't want to? meh, whatever. Nice artwork, mediocr grammarwhich may get annoying since the game is 90% text but you can just skippity skip it so I pay it no mind. Bye!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the game. It’s one of the best I played here and kept me a full weekend happy and busy. The artwork is excellent and the storyline ins great. I very much like the slow approach. Ok, the game is still not finished, but when you play the game from beginning and the team keeps the quality, it will be a very good game in the end. However I am afraid the development speed is not very high. But the quality is that good, it more than compensates.

    The game is simply great. A must play!
    Likes: Rolo