VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    Summary: An amusing, well-drawn, complex videogame that squeezes the most out of Ren'py, full of challenging puzzles that make the rewards so much sweeter. Even if it lacks in direct sexual content (yet it IS present!), the build-up for more of it in the future is worth the time.

    Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Innocent Witches features its own elaborate, multi-layered art-style that is highly dynamic throughout the game, revolving around dozens of detailed scenarios, outfits, characters, rooms, environmental interactions and pop-culture references.

    Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Complex but with a steep learning curve, your hand is not held as you come across puzzles that actually require your logical sense to work and your wits to be sharp. It also features A LOT of additional content - Codex, Sonya outfits which you can unlock with her own mini-game or game progression, photo gallery, memory gallery, and much more.

    Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Reminiscent of another older game with a very similar concept but further developed, it can get dull at some points with extensive dialogues (or the unfunny constant jabs between the main character and his portrait), but the producers added mechanics to easily skim through text. The concept isn't solid, but it's still fun to read and to learn how things progress, while avoiding the melodramatic depth of other H-games.

    Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Minimally flawed in some sentences, but you can tell there was proofreading and that effort was put into the lexical structuring by non-native speakers, which is respectable and commendable.

    So why the negative reviews?

    Innocent Witches
    explores the most of what Ren'py has to offer, and is, in every sense of the word, a videogame. The crowd for H-games has grown used to linear, click-to-skip visual novels, that offer no resistance to your progress, and thus come to antagonize the challenges of IW out of frustration and fatigue. This is the main difference between IW and most games. Don't let the "lack of sexual content" argument get to you - you have dozens of VNs where the spiciest sex scene is a lesbian kiss or an handjob, and they're still rated 5/5 and have swollen Patreons. If you don't want to bother facing the challenges expected of a videogame, SadCrab's Innocent Witches is not for you - and that's fine, there are hundreds of other games and VNs for you to play. But if you like to get your gears running and get some sexy content in return, give it a try - it's fun!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable crap. Literally no NSFW content after prologue, stupid mechanics, unbearable bikini quest(other quests also very boring and
    undeservedly long), very bad annoying story, illusion of choice which increases the length of these already long dumb quests.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, you know the complaints. The problems with this game are many and because of them its not for everyone, but if you can stand some reading, massive grind, and a lot of what-to-do and when-to- do type confusion there is fun to be had.

    I could write a book about how great the art is and I find it impressive just how distinct everything looks from all of the other HP media out there. I mean, they go way out of their way to create distinct settings and characters as opposed to just copying shit form the movies. I'm sure JK Rowling would be proud, if the core of the game wasn't about molesting the staff and students.
    It is also quite astonishing how lived in the world feels. Its all so delightfully cluttered with little Easter eggs and references scattered throughout. I love it.
    I also love how unique and lively the characters look. Their facial expressions do a really good job selling the dialogue and setting them apart from each other.
    The UI is also quite nice to look at and quite nice to use as well. My one art complaint is that the animations are crude, but honestly with the art looking as detailed as it is, it would be a bit much to ask for it to have SummertimeSaga quality animations.

    I hope you like the written word, because there's a lot of it in this game. The best way to describe the writing is that it is "in depth". This game really pulls no punches here, but if you actually do read it its really quite humorous and engaging. The translation can be really hit or miss, but I'd say its worth it to read your first time. If you don't you'll probably get stuck anyway way because dialogue has important directions that the games absolute trash hint system wont tell you.
    One of the game's main writing strengths is making hilarious disaster situations. Its surprising how well they work considering how often they're used.
    Characters are also well written and distinct, if a bit one dimensional at first. They flesh out later on and the art does a lot to help in this regard too. Snape is a an absolute fuckin bro in this game by the way.

    Gameplay is nothing to write home about. Its fitting, mostly point and click with some decent minigames throughout, but nothing that could keep you playing on its own. Puzzles are mostly puzzles by accident, nothing to bring you back either. Fuck that swimsuit puzzle. Its designer is a sadistic madman, corrupted by prenatal drinking and heavy amphetamine usage.

    All of the movies most whimsical tracks.

    You betcha.

    Currently this is not a good game, nor a bad one. Its simply the frustrating bones of something the could easily become really great and should be taken as such. Its a work in progress. Its free and it has limitless potential. It gets my 5 stars for potential.
    I wouldn't really call it a porn game quite yet, more of a game that happens to have porn in it. If you came lookin to nut, look somewhere else for now.

    My heart says Luna, but my dick says Susan(for obvious reasons).
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The art style is great, I'm a fan of point and click games especially puzzle solving ones so I figured I'd give this one a try, the story is alright I suppose but it's so boring just figuring out what to do next, they don't give you any hints even though there's systems in place to show you what to do next yet none help, and the lack of erotic scenes for a game that's being worked on since 2016 is just sad.
    Also don't see the point of that dress up system
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.6A

    I really liked the graphic art of this game, honestly one of the best I've seen in porn games. I didn't expect much from this game, but I ended up being quite surprised by the quality of the game.
    The gameplay is good and solid, there are interactions with scenery and a lot of functionalities, has a glossary, a hint system (but it should be improved a little). The game is a point-n-click with a trainer system, which can be good or bad, I honestly don't like the trainer system very much because you have to keep grinding it, but at the same time it's interesting, but of course it depends on how the game is created, and Innocente Witches the system is good but with a lot of grind. There are also many unnecessary things in the game that could be eliminated, that would greatly reduce the long time we spent playing. There are mini-games, and I really hate that. It's not for nothing, but I think it's a waste of time.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are awesome, every detail of the scenario is of high quality. The graphic arts of the girls are excellent, sensational. Very well designed, very well caprice. Unfortunately there are very few sex scenes, most are teasers and a little of exhibition, but the scenes are great and good animations, nothing much. Anyway, the sexual content is very little.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    The game has several bugs in the gameplay that are quite irritating and will make you waste your time. It took me about 3 days to get to the end of the content, but I didn't get to the end because of another bug, so I ended up giving up. I was trying to play from the beginning of the story, but when we get to act 4, then a bug occurs, forcing you to jump to act 5 and losing all of your progression. There is another bug that prevents you from continuing the story, causing you to repeat the same thing and no trigger task. There’s not much sexual content, there’s an extremely huge grind, making you do this and that, which makes it very tiring too, honestly the game needs sexual content, as it is a porn game and not a game for you to spend your free time. Anyway, I'm changing my rating to two stars, I don't know if it's unfair to give this rating, but it is quite bad to play a game that has several bugs that compromise your save, forcing you to restart your game to the beginning, but if there was more sexual content and much less grinding, it might be worth it to play. So, I think the game is really good, what really need is to fix some bugs, reduce the grind and add more sexual content, I know that the story has to be developed slowly, but mini-games are bad, the trainer system has to be faster.
    Even giving a low rating I still think the game quite interesting, and I hope the problems solve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game after you get through the grind in the beginning. The game has a lot of thought put into it and even though it can be complicated you feel rewarded for completing quests and missions.

    I really recommend it to those who like corruption games.
    Likes: Rolo
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Compared to previous release, this one by far has the most content. Of course, overdue, but when they deliver it's quality. Text is vastly improved, I have no clue what other people are reading to say that it isn't a dramatic change. It's no worse than any other adult game, and with this release, probably a lot better.

    They took out the swimsuit quest misery, thank fucking jesus. I literally think they should have won an award for how awful that was.

    Arrow hinting is a cool concept, hopefully they finish it, then there will be nothing left to complain about complexity wise.

    Now let's hope they keep delivering h-scenes!
    Likes: Rolo
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Spectacular art and high quality animation, packed in something that resembles late 80s text adventure gameplay with nonsensical plot and an attempt at "dark and edgy" writing. 11/10, would download the game, download the persistent save file just to check the porn gallery, delete, and then re-download after 6 months to do that again if there is any H-Content.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    - great atmosphere
    - nice art
    - good to see a point and click, lots of small details
    - a good sense of progression
    - some grindy and confusing parts.
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    - some parts are quite hard to figure out
    - low time investment / sex scene value

    I would love to see this game get polished a bit, I think it has great potential
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe in the team behind this one, while it disheartening to see how little progress has been made despite how long the project has been going on for this is genuinely one of the best games out there (despite it being fairly light on content), the amount of work that's gone into all of the custom UI and behaviour is staggering to me, and I respect that you're willing to go back and overhaul shitty parts of the early game, despite people screaming for blood for more content. You've seriously got gold on your hands here with the art and the dev team and I hope you manage to convince the rest of the community that you can pull it off.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Jon Humbert

    This game will be good in 4 yea... never, shitty plot, overcomplicated mechanics, buggy as hell, terribly comunicated with his audience, filled with bad jokes...
    This "game" that is managed by a ship that doesn't know when to row or sail or just want to keep their beign patronize while anchors in the same spot.
    Good art, fuck this game
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Yes releases are slow, but overall, in terms of art quality and story it's unsurpassed in any property on F95.

    Grit your teeth through the slow start and you'll find you're playing the best game on this site. If this game ever sees completion, it will be an uncontestable 5/5.
    Likes: Rolo
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Welp, many of you will think this game is too dull. Stop jerking off every second and try to embrace the lore of game. Slowly, but precisely, scenario leads you to every sex scene in game. Moreover, jokes are really funny, e.g. Sally - Markus relationships.
    Likes: Rolo
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    best game I've come across on this whole site! Beautiful artwork paired with fleshed out characters and a particularly interesting protagonist, excited for its future and where it is going to go next.
    Likes: Rolo
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know how people can give this game a 5 star rating. This is an extremely slow grindy game that hasn't shown much in the lewd or h-scene department in almost 4 years. The main character with a bunch of stupid names comes off as a complete tool that supposedly has a lot of success with women. You don't see any of that with the main girls in the game.

    I don't know how anyone can financially support this garbage game in its current state. Maybe in another 4 years the dev might actually put sex scenes in it with the main girls. The writing is some of the worst I've ever seen in a game and bores me to death with the nonsense.

    Overall this game deserves a zero star rating for the lack of character development over the years and major lack of "NSFW" content. There's at least a dozen games that I've played within the last year that have a much better storyline, graphics, and a lot of sex scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Much better development in the last year since joe banks took over. Ginny scene is the goat scene, should only get better with Daphne in the next update. Artwork is top notch. The slow build is fun, feels rewarding to work for things instead of everything handed to you too easily.
    Likes: Rolo
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    (reviewed based upon .5.1f)

    Despite the rating, this game isn't really average. It has some high points and it has some very, very low points.

    Probably the lowest point in the game is however long it takes you to get to chapter 4 or 5. That's the point where the main character stops being an absolute twat waffle and starts resembling an actual character. Before that, he's the most miserable piece of garbage I've ever had the misfortune to play as. Despite being given a dream job on a silver platter, he spends his days wallowing in self pity and alcohol. Then, around chapter 4 or 5, he finds his balls and decides he wants to fuck some girls.

    Some of the parts of the game aren't understandable and the transitions are difficult to recognize. Some of the story elements are dream-like sequences. Or are they? I don't know. You see scenes where Snape absolutely destroys Marcus in a duel, but did it really happen? Who knows? No one talks about it. No one mentions it as a thing. The border of the screen had a strange look to it, so that must mean something, right?

    Further complications come in the fact that your main character has three names. Marcus Redblack(ugh), Salazar something Riddle(commonly called Sally), and Lord Rattlesnake. People will call you Sally, people will call you Marcus, you'll call your portrait Sally. It's a mess.

    Beyond this are gameplay elements picked up and dropped for no discernible reason. You have an assistant that shows up and helps you, but then she says she can't help you anymore and you don't see her anymore. Why? Who knows. Early on you're told that you can pick up blue glowy things that you can use to buy outfits for her. This exists for all of 5 seconds and then you never see it again. Even supposing you spend time doing the minigame to get more outfits for her(like I stupidly did), you entirely forget about her after the 4th chapter.

    Also, Minerva is hot. She's drawn to be hot. Why the fuck isn't Marcus/Sally/Rattlesnake bending her over his desk at every opportunity? It's more than obvious she wants it and it's not like he has other takers. Marcus comes off as more of a ephebophile unable or unwilling to bed anyone over the age of 1x. Which is dumb, because he's also supposed to be a horn dog wanting female flesh.

    Speaking of, Minerva is the only one you can have any sex with and you can only do so in the first half hour of gameplay."

    So, starting at Chapter 4, everyone hates you(especially the player if they're anything like me). This isn't a bad thing. This is actually a really good thing from a story-telling perspective. This allows the ongoing corruption of the female characters to be more meaningful and shows a character arc that can absolutely make sense. I liked this part. It wasn't until I got to chapter 4 that I started liking the game.

    Until Chapter 4, the game is a 1 star. The visuals are nice, the gameplay is non-existent, and none of the characters are likable, enjoyable, or entertaining. After Chapter 4, you start to see some minigames, and some life and character enter into the different people. It starts to be somewhat enjoyable, with some good looking girls.

    Chapters 4-5 are 3.5 stars out of 5. Not the best, but a lot of grinding for not a lot of payoff. Scheduling conflicts are extremely frustrating, especially when you have to do certain things on certain days(I'm looking at you Susan and Luna!), but still want to progress the story on multiple characters. So, often, I spent a week doing nothing waiting for the opportunity to do what I wanted to do last week, but couldn't because Susan wanted to show up at the same time as Daphne.

    This game has great art and a promising start for a good corruption game. Currently, I wouldn't suggest playing it for the lack luster rewards and huge grinds.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Office Jesus

    This game was very disappointing

    I'll be starting with the positive.

    No doubt that the premise or concept behind it is phenomenal. The Art style is pleasing especially the characters, each character aside from your own is astounding and I admire the work that went into the making of the settings, all the locations look up to par and are done quite decently. Moreover the UI is also done very well in my opinion. And oh baby the amount of Saves you get is Amazing and the game even saves flawlessly, I appreciate the time that went into coding the Save system.

    Now the Negatives

    The story seems alright but not fleshed out enough, which is ironic considering how much useless text there is, the sheer mountains of speech that get bombarded onto you makes this game unappealing, I wish I could skip most of it but there's even a bug that doesn't allow you to skip certain dialogue.

    Some dialogue and the way some characters act or react are unrealistic and outright idiotic, like how Snape lays onto you a story on how your sister/cousin got destroyed by her Werewolf Husband, then when you meet him after a confrontation you're all buddy buddy now drinking together, it's as if nothing ever happened, like hmm idk getting absolutely Fried by Snape when you duke it out.

    All the spelling errors in the dialogue can obviously be fixed at a later date, but some meetings conflict with each other, so in my First Play through I walk Hermoine back to her quarters and she seems to enjoy this, but in the morning she must've drank a mind erasing potion or something because she acts like nothing happens, the continuity in this game is little to non-existent this is also one of the only times I liked playing as Marcus although he does come off as pushy.

    Now the character, this guy is the most unlikable pieces of scum to walk the Earth, he treats most Characters like horse dung for the introduction of the game and it makes him very slap-able with his personality, a rootin tootin banger of women, he screws his Sister/Cousin and traumatizes her, he pisses off almost everyone we meet but also doesn't seem to have the balls to chase off some students even after becoming temporary headmaster.

    The game is very Linear in terms of character, imagine if you could choose whether or not you could be an asshole, or pick your own house and customize your Character, this will give the player an emotional attachment to the character but also more freedom.

    I have no idea what they were thinking about when they made Sally, he is the fugliest Skank I've ever had to play as in a game, like God Damn Marcus has a really shitty look but also a super janky name. If you give me the freedom to customize my character there's no doubt I'm dropping $50 on the Patreon, I don't wanna be Marcus Redblack which btw shitty name, I wanna be DJ Moist or Alveron Slayer of Thots not some dookie Dickweed named Marcus.

    Bugs are to expected especially in a playable BETA, so I'll let you off the hook for that, but there's one certain bug that always seems to crash the game and it really gets on my nerves, especially if I didn't save.

    The amount of Adult content is especially Dissapointing considering the amount of dialogue in relation to Images. This game has blueballed me to such an extent that I got bored and just beat it to some random Video on PH. 5 Hours before I saw so much as a tiddy from someone who isn't a Grandma Chararcter, I'm sure people who have a thing for GILFS will enjoy the first 3 Hours before also joining the Blueball club. This game has a lot to say without saying anything at all.

    The Story, my oh my, the story starts off decently but slowly decends into Chaos as we find out more about Sally, he is a huge douchebag and his Portrait is annoying as well. Needless to say the Story requires an overhaul and a lot of changes, I couldn't go 5 Minutes without questioning why my character or other characters are doing things that just don't make sense at all, I appreciate a Prefect showing me her swim suit but it also takes you out of the story and you start to realize how out of character it is for that person to do something of the sort. My Immersion as "Marcus" is broken and now the story just seems shallow or for show, I can see how much the devs care for the Story seeing as the Dialogue in this game exceeds 20000 characters in estimation, and it's admirable, what's also admirable is being able to beat my damn meat, the Gallery is very Minuscule compared to the text, you've built this massive wall around your content so that when players finally scale it to the promised lands we're granted with milk and honey. But there is little reward for what the Player experiences, for example the Swimsuit Meetings, I was expecting to be able to peek at this and see the different varieties on the different days judging from how the dialogue was progressing, but we get nothing dammit. The greatest feeling for a gamer is Pride and Accomplishment but when you offer no content at all for it, nothing but disappointment and expired seed contained in my Baby Sack.

    This game needs more locations, Hogwarts is such a massive school and you show nothing for it, the locations could make for an interesting and more immersive experience.

    Alrighty boys I hope you at least read my review and wipe your ass with it then not read it at all. I feel passionate about your project here and I'm excited to see where this heads. I wouldn't write this whole essay because I hate your game, no far from it, I love this game and I wish to see improvements come to it, I'm a fan of the art style and characters (besides Marcus of course) and I just hoped you guys can stretch this game to be in the Hall of Fame for Adult Games. Thank You for this experience and I hope things become better.

    With Love
    Jesus Christ
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty much the best adult game I've ever played. As a GAME it's not all that, but it's significantly better then anything else with naked ladies that I've ever played.
    I guess the main fault of the game is the grind during the first third. Most of the puzzles are illogical, or at least require an amount of mind-reading that does not befit an adventure game. The very nature of the progression is problematic as there are either too many things to do, or you have no idea what to do, and there is a lot of just waiting around for the next oppurtunity to try things. About 50% of game time is spent just waiting to be ABLE to try somthing, when it doesn't work another 3-5 minutes is spent just making time pass. Some times you're left bewildered as to what to do, and you'll just keep trying things, waiting, trying things, grinding to get money, spening money, trying things, waiting..
    But the artwork is fantastic, and some of the dialogue and characters are genuinely good, but there is WAY to much dialogue. The writing should be much tighter. It's as if the designer(s) cannot decide if this is interactive fiction or an adventure game, and you really shouldn't end up somewhere between those two, you end up sucking the fun out of both genres.
    So why the excellent rating? Well, after having played MANY of the "games" on this site I can say that this is by FAR the best. It's the most professional, polished and well produced game here. It's even the best designed game I've come across so far.. And that says something!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Devs do not care about their customers at all. Milking since 2016, not a single worthy thing made. All started from "Witch Trainer" mod. But in time, they understood that this can bring some money, and who can blame them. But the way they started doing it, how do I explain it...
    Consider this: they once had a forum of their own. It was removed due to the amount of people critysising their way of development. They banned users for ANY different point of view, and in the end we have this