Dec 26, 2018
Your whole slam against me was that I'm a "Durrrr, I want sexy jerk off game time always, doiiii," kind of player who's unable to appreciate the roleplay elements and freedom involved in your game; but the thing I was "complaining" about ACTIVELY PREVENTS ME FROM EXPERIENCING THAT ROLEPLAYING DEPTH!
Guys there's no need to get this heated, is only game(in development).

But I agree it's pretty confusing to consider the ability to pick up random objects that have no gameplay or story value as necessary for roleplaying immersion, it just gets in the way.


Jul 12, 2022
Hey dev, if you are looking for inspiration you could take a look at a Dance With Rogues, it's a nice adult themed rpg story, I was kinda surprised that there are adult stories with decent written world that is naughty yet addictive at the same time. I really want to see your game evolve into big roleplay project with good writing, gameplay mechanics and interesting addictive world, yet with adult stuff :3
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Oct 16, 2017
But I agree it's pretty confusing to consider the ability to pick up random objects that have no gameplay or story value as necessary for roleplaying immersion, it just gets in the way.
An awful lot would be solved if there was a "help" button somewhere that listed the keybinds. I don't mind being able to pick up arbitrary stuff, but ended up abandoning one character because she picked up a bottle and I couldn't find out how to put it down.


Jul 31, 2021
An awful lot would be solved if there was a "help" button somewhere that listed the keybinds. I don't mind being able to pick up arbitrary stuff, but ended up abandoning one character because she picked up a bottle and I couldn't find out how to put it down.
Dev's next reply:

"No controls tab is a key part of my game's immersive design, revolutionary gameplay, and deep, richly rewarding roleplaying atmosphere. Remember when you were a baby? Yeah, there was no controls tab that you could just click on to learn how to navigate through the world, was there? Yeah, you had to figure that shit out for yourself as you grew up. So, by not adding any explanation of my game's controls, I'm actually a game development genius for my deep, galaxy brain, 4D chess moves in game development," and then boils down your valid criticism and feedback to "am super mad cuz game not have easy 2 button control so can stroke my ding dong to hot sexy pixels."


Jul 12, 2022
Dev's next reply:

"No controls tab is a key part of my game's immersive design, revolutionary gameplay, and deep, richly rewarding roleplaying atmosphere. Remember when you were a baby? Yeah, there was no controls tab that you could just click on to learn how to navigate through the world, was there? Yeah, you had to figure that shit out for yourself as you grew up. So, by not adding any explanation of my game's controls, I'm actually a game development genius for my deep, galaxy brain, 4D chess moves in game development," and then boils down your valid criticism and feedback to "am super mad cuz game not have easy 2 button control so can stroke my ding dong to hot sexy pixels."
yo you are overreacting bruh
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Jul 12, 2022
Meh, I made a post about how annoying it is that all the empty bottles pile up and make it impossible to collect your money and the dev shot back with a direct insult to my intelligence. Gloves come off at that point.
you said futanari is better than any gameplay feature which automatically makes your opinion invalid, I'll stick with dev's word that if you don't like it, just get out and never come back then?
I'll be straight I don't like futa at all, so for me everything devs can add into game is better than futa, especially if it's a gameplay mechanics.
You got rude first, no wonder you got a rude answer to be fair.


Jul 31, 2021
you said futanari is better than any gameplay feature which automatically makes your opinion invalid, I'll stick with dev's word that if you don't like it, just get out and never come back then?
I'll be straight I don't like futa at all, so for me everything devs can add into game is better than futa, especially if it's a gameplay mechanics.
You got rude first, no wonder you got a rude answer to be fair.
Really? I wrote the words "Futanari is *BETTER THAN ANY GAMEPLAY FEATURE?*" Can you screencap where I wrote those words and show me? Because what I believe I said was along the lines of this pointless mechanic was "prioritized over customization options and additional content like futanari or gangbangs *AS MENTIONED HERE BEFORE,*" meaning that those were two suggestions I had seen *OTHER PEOPLE MAKE.* Because, you know, when you provide criticism for something and make an argument for your case, one is typically expected to give hypothetical examples of how to improve upon their criticism. All of this meaning that this dev time spent on mountains of empty bottles that impede the players progress to a legitimately game-breaking degree could have been put to use adding in mechanics that WOULDN'T BE POINTLESS like (more hypothetical suggestions incoming) more customization features, such as different hairstyles; pony tail, pigtails, messy bun, tight bun, or side shave. Or maybe a different, more useful mechanic such as a store room where you might have to go to retrieve product at the end of your shift to restock the bar for tomorrow perhaps? You know, something that adds in even more realism *WITHOUT BECOMING AN ACTIVE HINDERANCE* to the player's experience? But please, continue putting words in my mouth while also conveniently leaving out how I said "Everything added in previous updates up until that **HAS BEEN GREAT**" to try to paint me as being the aggressor rather than giving general criticism specifically about a gameplay mechanic.


Jul 12, 2022
Not to mention how this empty drink mountain mechanic was prioritized over additional customization options or implementation of things like futanari or gangbangs as mentioned here before.
In my opinion, if you enjoy this game's pixel art/animation style, you'd be much better off playing something like Captivity where the art and animation style is almost 1:1 and the gameplay is actually rewarding rather than tedious.
Clearly a person not being rude, amarite?

You got a point, you want a game to improve but instead of general criticism you say bluh dev can't even do a game properly go play this one instead. You are judging very raw build and comparing it to a fully completed game and that's a plus into being rude too. Give a guy time and wait or leave and never get back.


Mar 26, 2021
gameplay rn is very tedious and annoying could use some work on that. found myself dropping my tray on a table a lot trying to grab tips. the time to get back up after sex or being tripped is about 10 seconds too long. the garbage bag you carry and the trash can up front both need about 5-10 more spaces in it just so you can at least make it thru the day without having to stop mid shift to take everything out.

only 3 (?) sex poses which are BJ, Cowgirl (being ridden on as a guy from a girl) and anal (or vag if ur a girl still same animation and no text to state differently).

yuri/lesbian scenes would be nice. please dear god no scissoring that shits cringe and stupid looking asf. blame southpark.

femboy is very nice and not to kink shame anyone but having the option to turn off male patrons is very much appreciated (i know its already a thing that thats why im saying ty).

its a bar... getting drunk should be a thing. (maybe make it if someone trips you they take you back to ur room and have some "fun" with you.

overall, seems promising just fix the tediousness of the gameplay first please god (i have two hands. i should be able to carry two objects.) and not being able to stack empty drink on the tray seems like a huge over sight. having to run all the way back up to drop the tray and grab the bag just adds on to the annoying-ness.

looking forward to future updates.
Jul 1, 2019
Some thoughts from someone who has shipped a couple AAA Titles as a Marketing Lead:

Identifying a successful model from another product and building on it is good. Captivity is the obvious inspiration here, and you probably couldn't have picked a better basis - Perveloper did an incredible job with creating a project that did a lot with very little in terms of assets. Plus, with the basic nature of the visual components, the user's imagination does a lot in terms of filling in the details.

Currently, Cave Party's assets are making promises they aren't keeping - though, given that it's version 0.005 and it's being compared to a feature-complete Captivity at version 1.05, that's completely understandable. However, there ARE some pitfalls that the art direction has already fallen into that I would recommend addressing as soon as possible:


The character sprites are almost identical in construction, but the emphasis is on "almost". Several key joints are out of place, which can make certain animations look rough. For example, Captivity gives the player a visible shoulder joint, but Cave Party does not:


Additionally, Cave Party's Men tend to have what I call "Ham Arm" - their arm proportions are way too long in the bicep, causing a really nasty break during animation. They also tend to suffer from Barrel Chest and, well, whatever's going on with their pants:


For a project like this, these issues need to be addressed immediately - sparse assets can absolutely be carried by good animation, but they need to be constructed properly first. Which, speaking of:

Captivity is considered to be masterclass because there's so much effort put into the animations - the movements, the expressions, the grunts and noises. This is even reflected in something as simple as the walking and run animations; in Captivity, you step to a halt after running for any distance. But of course, running details aren't what the majority of players are here for:


Every animation that Captivity has oozes with personality and style: eyes roll and glance and stare, mouths grimace or hang open in silent screams and moans, hands grab and push and hold. Despite only being a series of pixelated puzzle pieces rotating along set variables, the player and the enemies feel ALIVE and the multi-stage animations feel weighty and full of consequence. Cave Party has basic elements in place, but it's missing that panache and the polish that Captivity's animations have.

Again, I understand that Cave Party is in its very early stages, but that just means that now is the best time to start thinking about these things. An excellent example of this is another project that also happens to be in its very early stages: Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover. It's been in development for two years and it's barely got anything to it, but people haven't lost the hype because the assets and animation are phenomenal. Their focus on art direction is effectively the pornographic version of the CostCo Hot Dog Combo - a that generates interest and transforms spectators into customers.

If you actually want people to subscribe to your Patreon or otherwise financially support you, now is the time to prove that you can put out quality content that they care about. If you want people to play a game that's clearly in progress, you need to dangle an extremely tasty carrot at the end of the stick instead of an I.O.U. You need to show that you're doing more than just copying Captivity's style - you need to equal it or surpass it.

Fix up the sprites, put a lot more effort into the animations, and you'll see dividends immediately. I promise you.


Jul 26, 2022
I'm more focused on making a game with actual mechanics and with a deep roleplaying system, than, you know, helping someone to jerk off to pixels. You have thousands of other games on f95 that all look similar and are made with renpy or rpgmaker basic assets with a solo purpose of showing poor drawn boob pics and entertain cumbrains. Try them instead maybe.
Ok this is going to backfire really bad in like a month or two.
Jul 1, 2019
Ok this is going to backfire really bad in like a month or two.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to build good, functional systems to support the erotic elements of your project so it's more than just another gallery with forgettable gameplay tacked on. There are a ton of games with erotic elements that are genuinely fun and worth playing:

Additionally, your project is still in the very early stages. Teething issues are not unheard of, especially when the developer doesn't have a strong design roadmap to work off of, so even if your initial plans DO backfire, don't lose hope! In that event, all you need to do is re-assess where the project is at and move in a more efficient direction.


Dec 24, 2017
Spending time adding a anti piracy measure to a V.005 game with almost no content at all, lmao. Surely that Neco Arc plushie was more important than actual game mechanics, maybe include a Markiplier easter egg next Mr. Yandere Dev.
it is obvious this game is DOA.
Jul 1, 2019
So the above posts about copy protection prompted me to read through the rest of the thread.

With this in mind, I will not answer any further questions in this thread nor upload new versions here (or maybe I will I'm kinky). Pirates will do it for me. I will probably add a small security-system that protects the game from non-patrons because I do care about delivering what people payed me for. It will not allow you (you'll find a way around obviously) to play patreon versions before the day of public release comes. If you leak individual codes that are necessary to confirm you are indeed a patron - I will find out your nickname. After all, this game is free and the only thing I'm asking for is give 1-3 weeks to people that support this project to play beforehand, and then you get this version of the game as well. As simple as that.
Don't do this. Not even the big kids do this - it sends the wrong message and puts you, specifically you, as in "you, Joody14 the developer", in the wrong mindset. Great examples of "not doing this" are Tales of Androgyny and Crisis Point: Extinction - both have developers that frequently post in their threads here, gather feedback from here, and allow their games to be hosted here. Why? It's free marketing. Here's a great example of what F95zone can do for a "leaked" game:

Most people here just want to be able to try a game before they buy it, especially since - as you yourself mentioned - many "erotic games" feature basic, uninteresting gameplay (often just RPGMaker asset flips featuring awful writing) with CGs here and there. Tons of people who try a game here first wind up supporting the developer - and the ones who don't weren't going to in the first place. There are businesses with advertising budgets in the millions that can't reach that level of efficiency and conversion rate, and F95zone does it for free.

I know that you want to give value to your Patreons' support, but the value that Patreons get should be self-evident in the continued development of the game. Adding extra hoops to jump through is just going to make your job more complicated and ultimately waste development time: maintaining two separate versions means keeping track of two different bug lists, two different feature lists, tracking a list of people who are allowed to access content early, tracking a list of naughty patrons who leaked their copies, and maintaining the code framework to support all of this extra work (that will never be able to outpace the amount of man-hours a dedicated community can put into bypassing it). It's just not worth it.

If you want to give your patrons something in return for their support, consider giving them voting rights: allow them to choose what you work on next, or give them a list of side features to prioritize. That's what Tales of Androgyny does, and it's massively successful.
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