Ok now i am lost when i go to work at the massage parlor anna is where ashley supposed to be and i cant go in the ally anymore wjhere u fight morris and some other stranger. does this happen when its winter? or did i progress pass prison finally? everytime i visit police station to see lance he just cums on me and i wake up nonstop how do i become a police woman? ori am in a bug? i didnt get this
37.3 after the 3rd exit - visit the Club on Saturday or Sunday, Anna should call you when you leave the house;
At all Anna did not call me when i leave the apartment. i am gonna just reset too police event cause this prison shit is retarted why couldnt this maxi or w//e make a prison event one thing just go and see lucy get turn into a slut and then get out but no he decided to have 3 stupid exit's with a dumb walkthrough that dont make sense at all