I haven't played this one yet, by some comments there's still no sex scene m/s.so I'll wait more
I also noticed from other comments that it is a very promising game
You make out with her a couple different times, that's it so far.
As far as promising goes... eh. Expect to fast forward through the "story" until you reach a sex scene with whoever you're interested in. The dev clearly knows how to create the sim animation well enough, but basically everything outside of that fails. There's no gameplay, there's no real premise to why the story is happening/there is no story (he basically just walks up and starts fucking people), and the writing being understandable is about the best complement I can give it. The father stuff comes well after the fucking starts.
This feels less like a game and more like one of those long CG stories on hentai sites, with animation sprinkled through.
There's potential, but a rework of the game side would have to be done for me to consider it promising.