shit, sorry, it's three weeks, my fault:
EP 10 was Nikki/Cara at the MC
EP 8 was the MC in the training camp
EP 6 the MC flew to Riverside
We are nearing the end of week 5, so nearly half the time slot of the game(Nyx said 3 months)... this thing is still gonna drag a lot huh.
and it has to be really good; you can see the result of Cara!
Actually i wasn't a fan of her work on Cara lol.
If you search my posts around the release of V10 you'll see me criticizing the new hair.
Ximena looks awesome though, and that's suppoused to be her work.
Layla too and presumably Erynn.
yeah that could be, but I'd still be interested to learn a bit more of her background if she will be an actual LI at some point
I know there's the words from the horses mouth but i still find that hard to believe, Melissa has been so secondary to the story(and she pushes a lot for MC-Erynn to happen) that it's hard to see her as one of the endgame options.
Some sex for sport... i can see that.
If she's to get out of the background she'll need to be pushed a lot more... maybe when she meets John we'll finally get everything that is going on with her.
yeap... ethan bs SHOULD have been the priority... Erryn is the childhood friend of the MC and his crush/love from 12 years old... and when he knows that ethan (which mc also despised) make her a escort and blackmail her for 3 years so he can sleep with her should have made the MC forget everything else and try help her and not make him go to beach with some chicks.
The need to balance multiple LIs creates these dumb situations.
The dissonance between on how dangerous and awful the situation is portrayed and how cool everyone is about it, we just saw him physically abuse her again...
We have his phone which could be crucial evidence and he's swearing revenge(actively endangering Erynn and any girl you might be dating)... Sounds like the perfect time for a trip right?