Have a solution for the mystery plane person while not being on the Nikki/Cara path. I'll just move a scene that was intended for episode 9 to this one and mix it within another scene. And because of that, there will be another reveal in the upcoming episode. If you figure it out that is.
I start to hate all the choices

There are 12 possible outcomes in a certain scene I'm working on right now due to a choice and relationship status. I try to minimise it as well as I can with the same renders. But this is just ridiculous. I can't wait to code this (not really...).
Working on the last 2 outcomes now. After that, there's the (possible) scene after school which I try to finish this week or at least early next week.
Then there's a big Tuesday scene left to do which includes the before mentioned new scene which is also a split path...
We're getting closer!
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