Again, you're wrong, it's basically the same story as it's been for a while.You can disagree whether they are sluts (they are), but Layla is not the same character. Now you may like this slutty version just as much as previous, I don't. I have a problem between what story Nyx want to tell, and what story she actually is telling ( even with all character thoughts forced down our throats ). What seems to happen is Nyx wanted to tell certain story, the story she told was received in diametricly oposite manner of what she intended. All characters are different as Nyx tries to force us on a certain path. Now this would not be a problem, but there are so many plot holes that I fear we are in for another correction just before this story gets abandoned.
Also: No one is shoving anything down your throat, if you don't like it, don't fuckin play it... it's REALLY easy ain't it? like, seriously, why are you even wasting your time?