
New Member
Jan 10, 2020
Btw., how the hell does anyone even start a Valeria run? None of my normal choices lead to it, lmao. I guess we're just uncompatible. :D
quite simple actually, during bus ride and training camp.
you basically earn enough points with her during that part of story and you will get into her route there is a walkthtough/mod that shows the choices with + points to her and others.

choices were iirc,
letting her decide where to sit.
hugging her.
not peeking with zach.
daydream about nose ring
pick her during truth and dare game.
and not going with Tori.

not sure of the order of those choices but should give you an idea.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Thanks! :)
I added to the post a bit lol. I'm not sure I would call Erynn a shitty person, but she is far more oblivious to others and their feelings and more self-centered than Lexi. :D

I feel bad for her due to how she is being treated and blackmailed by Ethan, but don't have any regrets about rejecting her or breaking up with her. okay, except for the part that if you don't romance her your mother doesn't buy you the bike (which looks like a Kawasaki HP2 Turbo, but has the name that a Ducati would have). Which is a shitty thing by the dev to do cause I'm a motorcycle fanboy and locking the bike behind a character I'm not interested in pisses me off. :D
That's a bit rich given that Alexis is the one who lies and does a "fuck how my friend feels, i'm gonna claim this guy for myself", while Erynn can be pining over the MC but not do anything because she doesn't wanna hurt Alexis.
But somehow Alexis is the one that is less self centered and cares for the feelings of others.

Erynn did try to find the MC that day, and sent letters later, kept trying to restablish contact... but because of a series of unfortunate events the game forces to set up it's premise, somehow it never happens.

It seems like you are new to this game and very eager... but to judge a character like you are doing, you probably need to pay more attention to their particular tale and see the nuances of how they react and interact with each other on various paths.


Jun 6, 2023
Yep, too many people get distracted by the instant toilet-sex with Lexi which I honestly thought was a bit over the top, makes Lexi look like a slut at first glance, and there should've been an option to take a raincheck "You deserve a bed instead of some disgusting plane toilet instead, so let's postpone this and go on a date first" which would be honest and not a brush-off. But when you progress further into the game you realize there was over 5 years of foundations, budding feelings and possible regrets (over not doing anything before MC left) and yearnings that brought her to that point that she decided to take her chance out of belief that this may be the only chance she had of ever experiencing anything with MC.

Cause if we look at what we know about Lexi we can clearly see she is not a slut or a vapid person:
- she feels deeply and can get pretty attached to somebody (not in a negative way imho)
- she is loyal and committed to a fault
- she is an extremely honest person
- because of which her betrayal of Erynn haunted her deeply
- doesn't play around or "experiment", which solidifies her as sexually stable, moral and dependable
- sticks to her beliefs and morals, plus standards
- despite being born into extremely rich family she is responsible, hard-working, down-to-earth, self-sufficient, honest and an open book, not a "fake person"
- unaware of her physical beauty or doesn't give it importance
- doesn't do shitty female mind-games that many if not most hot girls love to do
- doesn't play with guys for her own amusement or need for self-validation
- even Erynn warns that Lexi is "fragile" and she didn't mean her bones, since she warned MC not to hurt her
- confession of love is important to her, she doesn't play with feelings or take them lightly
- honestly and seriously discusses marriage and kids aka Future in the beach scene

In my eyes this puts together a very complex and realistic character that is good person who is loyal and caring, but because of that can be hurt deeply. She is like genuine porcelain, beautiful and delicate, but if you handle it carefully and correctly it will serve you for life and even your future untold generations: if you treat Lexi right she will be loyal, steadfast and stand by your side forever.

Honestly, there are very few people like that around, especially if you include the purely physical - the fact that she's utterly gorgeous and basically either unaware of it or doesn't give it any importance. I've known only one girl that was like this, but sadly she later turned out to be extremely self-destructive and a bit crazy. Off the top of my head I can't remember Lexi ever commenting on MC's looks as something that is actually important to her.

Like I said before, she is basically almost what I consider the ideal, perfect woman and damn, if I ever meet a woman like that IRL and she is interested in me and we start dating, I'll have her before an altar as fast as I can, lol.

Yep, the scene "no boy ever gave me flowers" when she's comforting him after his failed romancing of Erryn is very significant, shows that even though she was very pretty herself, she was always in the shadow of her best friend, which is in her case even more unfair because she can stand toe-to-toe with Erynn in any respect and many times even outshines her.

The final stopper for me from wanting to do anything to hurt her was when I broke up with her during the training camp due to Layla (it's hard for me to reject Lexi, so I accepted her concert invite after rejecting her on the plane and then just couldn't bring myself to break up, only to have it blow up and ended up hurting her even more). The scene was incredibly well written renders well made, it literally tore my heart apart.

Lexi was written well enough to be 3-dimensional and realistc, an extremely well rounded out character that she was almost like a real person. And god help me, I hate hurting people, especially ones I care about, even if they are fictional.

Yep, same. I did an Elena with Nikki romance playthrough and ignored Lexi completely cause I didn't want to do that to her.

Agree with Cara, she is also a lovely character. I did like Layla slightly more because of the more humorous aspects due to her being so sheltered and clueless.

But another character that reminds me very strongly of Lexi is Jessica from Babysitter, I just wish that dev didn't go for the route of "everyone wants to bang the niece for some reason" and so didn't make Jessie lesbian. Sadly MC only gets a somewhat good ending with Jessie only if the niece (god, I can't remember her name) leaves you. Troubled and misunderstood character, who got many unfair knocks in her life, that in the end unveils herself as being a FAAAAAAR better personality than the main LI, the niece, whose name I still can't remember, ffs.
I have been trying for 1 month to explain the feelings that Lexi's character transmits to me and I have not been able to when I see that you have transmitted in this post exactly what I feel. Thank you so much, you are my hero. I totally agree with you on everything you say.
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Mar 30, 2019
I have been trying for 1 month to explain the feelings that Lexi's character transmits to me and I have not been able to when I see that you have transmitted in this post exactly what I feel. Thank you so much, you are my hero. I totally agree with you on everything you say.
I have always taken it that Lexi liked the MC from the get go because how sweet he was and that is why she kissed him after mix up when he was younger. Maybe it was a little bit jealousy because she wanted someone to feel that way about her too. Besides she is willing to sacrifice. She knows this will end up a shit show between her and her best friend but is willing to deal with it for him. She is also very human in the fact she tries to keep it from happening as long as possible.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
So, I did Rachel, Brooke, Gaby, full-Nikki and Valeria runs last night before bed.

Brooke and Rachel are competing for least content for an LI and you can't prevent Rachel's fate, so it's pretty pointless direction, plus it just puts you in a bad light. Also, to start it you have to destroy all chance with Lexi who still remains the most emotionally and morally rewarding girlfriend (rather than just LI).

So you basically have sex on plane with her if you're going for the asshole dialog route after rejecting Lexi which turns her on, then you need to reject Lexi's request to wait for her to be done with work (before concert), you go home and see Rachel there, she comes to your room, sucks you off. Later you can have sex with her (or BJ, forgot cause I really didn't care about her) in mom's office at the restaurant where she is an utter bitch to Brooke. That's the last time you see her alive. This changes dialog when mom tells you she fired her. Later instead of getting Lexi's nudes Zach sends you Rachel's nudes and at school tells you she's a camgirl that also does porn. Then she dies and there is more dialog during that convo with mom. That's basically it. Tbh, wasn't really heart-broken, cause she was a bitch.

She's a much nicer girl than Rachel, but just as low on content or even less. Two scenes of waiting for her after work and escorting her, during first scene she rejects your offer of a date (does she have a bf?). Third scene is a convo after shift in the office where you can undress in front of each other. She's got a great ass and a beautiful face, in those aspects she ranks among the top of all LIs for me. Since she works for your mom and low content right now I can't see a long and wonderful romance in the future, but I could be wrong. She's looking more like a side-piece than a full LI right now.

tbh, that was one of the runs that left me feeling dirty. I'm not a cheater type, nor do I want to be "the other man" and that's all you are if you date her. IIRC, you have 4 or 5 sex scenes with her, then you agree to a secret affair cause she is getting ignored by her husband.

for how much hubbub there is about her on this thread I kinda expected more, tbh. Yeah, okay, she's cute (except the nosering) and got a smoking hot body, but she feels like a flipper ball bouncing from one side to the next lol. There are also no sex scenes with her, just kissing, not even groping. For now feels one of the more independent "positive LIs" in that she doesn't really get attached that much nor is very emotional or feels sensitive/vulnerable. Might be strong walls, might be me not looking at her well enough, but her run disappointed me. Feels like if you break up with her she'd be sad for a few minutes, let out a few tears, before girling up, cursing all the men and hitting the gym for another set. And the training part is basically most of her personality, even her conversations with her mother don't let on much personality, except that she's very private even with the person closest to her. Thrives on competition and wants an aggressive MC. Personally left me uninvested.

Right now in terms of content, without having done Erynn, Tori or full-Iris runs, these are the girls in terms of amount of content, some share spot cause I couldn't decide:
1. Alexis
2. Layla
3. Nikki/Cara
4. Valeria
5. Elena/Gaby
6. Rachel
7. Brooke

If the VN gets completed and not abandoned I'm gonna guess Elena will be a very slow burn together with Brooke. She's obviously the most hesitant what with having to grow up much sooner and taking care of her brothers, so she has a lot to risk and is careful/hesitant. Not sure what role Nikki and Cara will have if they didn't break up with you, possible coming back pregnant to throw a wrench into your happy harem life, lol. I can't see much future for Gaby since she's married and you're a student and Tori is just a slut that chases the next cock once she gets tired of current. Can see her at 40, overweight and in bad shape due to her life style, with +5 kids with 5 different fathers, living on child support, bodycount of like 60 or more and being a miserable bitch who blames everyone else for her life and is probably alcoholic. :D
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Mar 30, 2019
So, I did Rachel, Brooke, Gaby, full-Nikki and Valeria runs last night before bed.

Brooke and Rachel are competing for least content for an LI and you can't prevent Rachel's fate, so it's pretty pointless direction, plus it just puts you in a bad light. Also, to start it you have to destroy all chance with Lexi who still remains the most emotionally and morally rewarding girlfriend (rather than just LI).

So you basically have sex on plane with her if you're going for the asshole dialog route after rejecting Lexi which turns her on, then you need to reject Lexi's request to wait for her to be done with work (before concert), you go home and see Rachel there, she comes to your room, sucks you off. Later you can have sex with her (or BJ, forgot cause I really didn't care about her) in mom's office at the restaurant where she is an utter bitch to Brooke. That's the last time you see her alive. This changes dialog when mom tells you she fired her. Later instead of getting Lexi's nudes Zach sends you Rachel's nudes and at school tells you she's a camgirl that also does porn. Then she dies and there is more dialog during that convo with mom. That's basically it. Tbh, wasn't really heart-broken, cause she was a bitch.

She's a much nicer girl than Rachel, but just as low on content or even less. Two scenes of waiting for her after work and escorting her, during first scene she rejects your offer of a date (does she have a bf?). Third scene is a convo after shift in the office where you can undress in front of each other. She's got a great ass and a beautiful face, in those aspects she ranks among the top of all LIs for me. Since she works for your mom and low content right now I can't see a long and wonderful romance in the future, but I could be wrong. She's looking more like a side-piece than a full LI right now.

tbh, that was one of the runs that left me feeling dirty. I'm not a cheater type, nor do I want to be "the other man" and that's all you are if you date her. IIRC, you have 4 or 5 sex scenes with her, then you agree to a secret affair cause she is getting ignored by her husband.

for how much hubbub there is about her on this thread I kinda expected more, tbh. Yeah, okay, she's cute (except the nosering) and got a smoking hot body, but she feels like a flipper ball bouncing from one side to the next lol. There are also no sex scenes with her, just kissing, not even groping. For now feels one of the more independent "positive LIs" in that she doesn't really get attached that much nor is very emotional or feels sensitive/vulnerable. Might be strong walls, might be me not looking at her well enough, but her run disappointed me. Feels like if you break up with her she'd be sad for a few minutes, let out a few tears, before girling up, cursing all the men and hitting the gym for another set. And the training part is basically most of her personality, even her conversations with her mother don't let on much personality, except that she's very private even with the person closest to her. Thrives on competition and wants an aggressive MC. Personally left me uninvested.

Right now in terms of content, without having done Erynn, Tori or full-Iris runs, these are the girls in terms of amount of content, some share spot cause I couldn't decide:
1. Alexis
2. Layla
3. Nikki/Cara
4. Valeria
5. Elena/Gaby
6. Rachel
7. Brooke

If the VN gets completed and not abandoned I'm gonna guess Elena will be a very slow burn together with Brooke. She's obviously the most hesitant what with having to grow up much sooner and taking care of her brothers, so she has a lot to risk and is careful/hesitant. Not sure what role Nikki and Cara will have if they didn't break up with you, possible coming back pregnant to throw a wrench into your happy harem life, lol. I can't see much future for Gaby since she's married and you're a student and Tori is just a slut that chases the next cock once she gets tired of current. Can see her at 40, overweight and in bad shape due to her life style, with +5 kids with 5 different fathers, living on child support, bodycount of like 60 or more and being a miserable bitch who blames everyone else for her life and is probably alcoholic. :D
Don't be mean to Mike you know her and coach ummm Mike are going to hook up lol
  • Haha
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Don't be mean to Mike you know her and coach ummm Mike are going to hook up lol
Well, Mike is already doing Zach's sister, lol, and Gaby needs to get divorced, if she doesn't decides to stay with her husband. But if they did hook up it would be great as it would remove Gaby from the running as she's a very dangerous partner to MC. :D
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
This game is a soap opera, just about everyone is a shitty person, to be fair. Also incredibly dumb. And probably secretly related.
In that way, incredibly real to life. drama and everyone is a shitty person. And quite dumb. Possibly secretly related. :sneaky:


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
In that way, incredibly real to life. drama and everyone is a shitty person. And quite dumb. Possibly secretly related. :sneaky:
First two, yes. The "secretly related" part, that's definitely not as common, more of a soap opera thing, though not out of the realm of reality.

Bruce F. Lee

Mar 16, 2021
Talking about choices having impact: what I wonder is whether all those markers for "cum inside" with Cara/Nikki sex will play any role in the future. Like sudden reappearance of a pregnant Riverside LI to throw a wrench in or something. IIRC Ramirez had the same marker while none of the main LIs do.
That would be awesome.

Bruce F. Lee

Mar 16, 2021
Yep, too many people get distracted by the instant toilet-sex with Lexi which I honestly thought was a bit over the top, makes Lexi look like a slut at first glance, and there should've been an option to take a raincheck "You deserve a bed instead of some disgusting plane toilet instead, so let's postpone this and go on a date first" which would be honest and not a brush-off. But when you progress further into the game you realize there was over 5 years of foundations, budding feelings and possible regrets (over not doing anything before MC left) and yearnings that brought her to that point that she decided to take her chance out of belief that this may be the only chance she had of ever experiencing anything with MC.

Cause if we look at what we know about Lexi we can clearly see she is not a slut or a vapid person:
- she feels deeply and can get pretty attached to somebody (not in a negative way imho)
- she is loyal and committed to a fault
- she is an extremely honest person
- because of which her betrayal of Erynn haunted her deeply
- doesn't play around or "experiment", which solidifies her as sexually stable, moral and dependable
- sticks to her beliefs and morals, plus standards
- despite being born into extremely rich family she is responsible, hard-working, down-to-earth, self-sufficient, honest and an open book, not a "fake person"
- unaware of her physical beauty or doesn't give it importance
- doesn't do shitty female mind-games that many if not most hot girls love to do
- doesn't play with guys for her own amusement or need for self-validation
- even Erynn warns that Lexi is "fragile" and she didn't mean her bones, since she warned MC not to hurt her
- confession of love is important to her, she doesn't play with feelings or take them lightly
- honestly and seriously discusses marriage and kids aka Future in the beach scene

In my eyes this puts together a very complex and realistic character that is good person who is loyal and caring, but because of that can be hurt deeply. She is like genuine porcelain, beautiful and delicate, but if you handle it carefully and correctly it will serve you for life and even your future untold generations: if you treat Lexi right she will be loyal, steadfast and stand by your side forever.

Honestly, there are very few people like that around, especially if you include the purely physical - the fact that she's utterly gorgeous and basically either unaware of it or doesn't give it any importance. I've known only one girl that was like this, but sadly she later turned out to be extremely self-destructive and a bit crazy. Off the top of my head I can't remember Lexi ever commenting on MC's looks as something that is actually important to her.

Like I said before, she is basically almost what I consider the ideal, perfect woman and damn, if I ever meet a woman like that IRL and she is interested in me and we start dating, I'll have her before an altar as fast as I can, lol.

Yep, the scene "no boy ever gave me flowers" when she's comforting him after his failed romancing of Erryn is very significant, shows that even though she was very pretty herself, she was always in the shadow of her best friend, which is in her case even more unfair because she can stand toe-to-toe with Erynn in any respect and many times even outshines her.

The final stopper for me from wanting to do anything to hurt her was when I broke up with her during the training camp due to Layla (it's hard for me to reject Lexi, so I accepted her concert invite after rejecting her on the plane and then just couldn't bring myself to break up, only to have it blow up and ended up hurting her even more). The scene was incredibly well written renders well made, it literally tore my heart apart.

Lexi was written well enough to be 3-dimensional and realistc, an extremely well rounded out character that she was almost like a real person. And god help me, I hate hurting people, especially ones I care about, even if they are fictional.

Yep, same. I did an Elena with Nikki romance playthrough and ignored Lexi completely cause I didn't want to do that to her.

Agree with Cara, she is also a lovely character. I did like Layla slightly more because of the more humorous aspects due to her being so sheltered and clueless.

But another character that reminds me very strongly of Lexi is Jessica from Babysitter, I just wish that dev didn't go for the route of "everyone wants to bang the niece for some reason" and so didn't make Jessie lesbian. Sadly MC only gets a somewhat good ending with Jessie only if the niece (god, I can't remember her name) leaves you. Troubled and misunderstood character, who got many unfair knocks in her life, that in the end unveils herself as being a FAAAAAAR better personality than the main LI, the niece, whose name I still can't remember, ffs.
Very well thought out. Too many guys think a quick sexual escapade like the one on the plane says something significant—and in a negative way—about a women’s character, no matter what. With Lexi, it’s about context, which the player (but not the MC) lacked when the scene occurred. With all the context, the airplane scene doesn’t indicate that Lexi enjoys random sex with strangers. It’s quite the opposite: she remembered the MC and still pined for him after many years.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Very well thought out. Too many guys think a quick sexual escapade like the one on the plane says something significant—and in a negative way—about a women’s character, no matter what.
It does in 99.999999% of the cases IRL, except like you explained further there is a LOT of history behind that - they were NOT just random strangers that met for the first time in their lives, even if MC didn't remember it (tbh, his amnesia is a pretty weak element of this story), Lexi still did. As we can see in later scenes and Lexi's internal thoughts, Lexi has pined after MC for a long time and did something unlike her and was selfish for once in her life and went for what she wanted, even though she was stunned by her brazenness and it haunted her that she "betrayed" her friend by doing that (even though Erynn didn't have romantic feelings for MC at that point).

Except it wasn't so much betrayal, as Erynn herself explained to MC, she isn't angry at Lexi for going for MC, she is angry that she lied to Erynn that she had no contact with him during the time Erynn was struggling to get some time with him.

With all the context, the airplane scene doesn’t indicate that Lexi enjoys random sex with strangers. It’s quite the opposite: she remembered the MC and still pined for him after many years.
Quite right!

Further more, as we find out from Layla, Lexi never brought any boyfriends home: Lexi herself explained to MC that she doesn't do any partying at Uni, she didn't sleep with Ethan, rejected every guy at the bar, etc.. It makes me wonder whether MC isn't her first sexual partner, aside from a toy (that we don't get to see either). She actually seems quite asexual except when she's with MC who brings out a whole new side to her and is quite surprised by how much she is reacting to him.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Hi! Is theres a chance to have an NTR path with Nikki?
Yes, if you get enough Visit Points with her during her visit (obviously) she will not break up with MC - you can carry on romance with her while dating another LI and that LI will never find out about it (at least in this patch).
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