Mighty easy fix to the whole underage-nooky probem:
- The MC wasn’t held back a year; he started late. California lets you do that; if the parents and teachers figure a child isn’t emotionally mature enough for kindergarten, they put em in pre-K and have em start kindergarten at age 6. Yeah you’ll be older than average for the rest of your time in school, but if you wanna graduate with all the 18-year-olds, nobody’s stopping you from taking the GED exam. Which you can take at any age, which is why 11-year-olds can graduate and go to college if they’re bright enough.
- So Zack still knew him before. Obviously.
- Oh, and he’s a really late bloomer. Didn’t even get pubes till 17.
- Iris didn’t pop his cherry two years ago; it was a few months ago, the relationship ended before he moved, and thereafter he started plowing Cara or Nikki or no one. Yeah they said they were in love, but they’re kids and don’t know shit.
- Yeah, Nyx has stated the MC fucked a few girls between Iris and Cara/Nikki (and not just Lakelyn), but she can either remove that, or explain that after he and Iris ended things, he was so heartbroken he got really drunk at a college party, wandered into an unexpected orgy in the basement, a few girls rode him, and that’s why he’s been vague about his body count—even he’s not entirely sure.
- Erynn, Lexi, and Ethan can be another year older too. Erynn and Lexi took a gap year and travelled Europe together, or did an AmeriCorps one-year program, or worked to get college money, or something.
It’d take a bunch of minor edits, but wouldn’t require any re-rendering, and I’m pretty sure y’all would enjoy the hell out of watching that orgy scene.