Why the fuck everyone misses the conversation with Elena at the beach? Elena basically confess to MC and MC as thick as a brick did not understand what Elena meant.
I think your the one missing the conversation point here. Either you are not on the Elena path, you didn"t finish playing up to the latest update or your reading comprehension is pretty low.
On Elena"s path, you get a choice to break up with Layla to be with Elena. Later on, you get a scene where Elena comes to see you at the restaurants with the 2 brothers and the MC and Elena discuss the situation and he tells her he knew she was talking about him at the beach, but acted out as if he didn"t knew to not make the situation awkward.
Elena's matter just as much. Their friendship goes both ways, Layla will defeinately want her best friend to be happy. Of course it will take some time but if Elena does have these feelings for the MC she will be miserable if she doesn't pursue them, and Layla will not be happy if her best friend is suffering.
I really like Elena"s path. Even though there is not any lewd scene with her yet and replayin
g the game a few times, her path contains the most subtle and touching scenes when you really pay attention to details as she has many "one-render" inserted in to focus on her conflicting emotions and that really sold me on her as my #1 girl. From her getting more and more jealous of Layla, which makes her more touchy-feely, you can see she really cares about the MC. Be it the time during hot tub party when Layla jumps you and kisses you, she has the saddest face as she sees her best friend jump on her crush in front of her, or my favorite one, after you confess you dumped Layla for her, she acts all like she cares more about Layla than you, but then there is this one single render inserted when they go back to the boys where she turns and looks at the MC with a slight smile being happy that the MC picked her over Layla.
Hmm thanks for info maybe i will pick Nikki while with Erynn path too in another save if i replay she was hot but her writing not my favorite((using mc to make ex-bf jealous and mc has to act like simp to get her love points)).
Erynn dislikes Nikki because Nikki is stronger than Erynn and kind of imply to her to stop fucking around "her" MC. If you think her writing is not as good, maybe it"s because i"ve read somewhere on this forum that she was supposed to die early on the game, but people liked her enough that the dev decided to keep her, and she had to integrate her in the story.
If doing activities you have in common that she likes and sharing food with her at the movies or restaurant makes you a simp, i dont know what your idea of getting closer to a girl is. Getting girls drunk and dicking them is not really a way to make girls be into you. As for making man-bun jealous, fuck that faggot. Any dude wearing a man-bun deserves to be cucked. The only shitty part of this scene is finding out later in a dialog line that man-bun beat the fuck out of the MC offscreen at the bar afterwards.
well it's not meant to be a harem game at all never was nor was it advertised as such.
I really like this game, but this is one part of it"s implementation i really don"t like. The way this game is built doesn"t reward you for going only after one girl. It constantly offers you choices made to punish you if you dont pick the right ones. Picking only 1 girl only prevent some of the drama. If not on the Layla path, as i think is has the easiests good choices to pick to be on and stay on the path, i can very easily see many blind playthrough ending up with the MC dumped and alone.
I prefer games to be on a more positive and constructive path than more negative and punishing the MC for small mistakes. Looking at the walkthrough, the most utilized box that appears in almost all the scenes, is the arrow going to a "bad" choice that say "so-and-so romance over". Never any forgiveness, second chances or anything. Miss a date with one of them to attend another ones event, romance over.
There are also multiple "trap" characters aimed at failing the MC, like Julia, who"s only purpose is to fail you with Nikki/Cara, Tori who basically make you on not so good terms with most of the games cast for no real reward or relationship development except extra added random sex scenes that could"ve been spent on better characters, Zach that only helps you get hated by all the girls and on top of that even if you max points with him, he still punches you and go with Ethan, fuck that bitch.