Well, that’s why it’s great that there are so many options. Though you’re MC is being loyal to someone that he broke up with and might never be able to be with at all.
I don’t see Cara as worthy of that devotion and Nikki will easily move on.
On a couple of my saves (and especially my Nikki save) it does feel cheap, sorry I agree with Raz there. So you broke up (on good terms) yet days later fuck some random chick on the plane.
Says much for your so-called apparent feelings for Nikki doesn't it? (or to me it does at least, but I'm an odd guy. Screams,
we were on a break...yeah...really felt a lot for her didn't you buddy when you jumped into the next available pussy without a care or thought).
Edit: Generalising there btw 'you' as in
anyone you happen to be talking to...wasn't referring to you specifically.