I understand your frustration with how slow things have progressed with Erynn (and how curve balls keep on coming), but we are a long way from Emily and John getting married..."Nyx Likes to live dangerously" with Patreon and others whom would fall for the "Emily Points", per se.
Call it all Trolling/Teasing/playing games with people/Whatever ya label it.
Still could be yet Another way to rule out Erynn as a viable mate/LI/ect ect ect and so on.
When AGAIN, MC and Erynn Have BEEN beyond the point of Friend-zone status for how many episodes now?
Just more Plot-twists/Drama Just For the sake of Drama(same same, just another day/writing pattern/update/episode).
If i had to guess when Melissa sees them both together things go in wild unpredictable directions.
Plus we have the option to go back and tell her to stay away i guess.