There's more to it than that lol.I don't get it either.
First girl hate maybe?
There's flipping from fun girl to overly attached ultra romantic...
There's how boring everything with her is since going ultra romantic, if someone is diabetic be aware, the levels of sugar and sweet might give you a stroke.
And what else? Oh yeah being a fucking lying snake.
And in addition to the snakeness (which we can't confront, our options are either eating her excuse wholesale or ignoring her completely) she gets on her high horse and becomes super judgy whenever pissed off (which again we just eat it, can't say a thing back).
The stink of bad writers pet is all over her, not to mention her everpresence.
I usually have no problem banging my least favorite characters of a given VN, but Alexis really pushes the bar high, all that suggary dialogue with a character that i despise it's really annoying.
At least we can cheat on her like crazy lol.