Well I played it, it was short but mostly fine... two things though:
1) There's a narrative issue in the Alexis Secret Path as you meet Val in the park, MC & Val talk about the beach as if he hadn't been, which is of course not the case in that route... So that'll need fixing, hopefully someone will report it to Nyx.
2) About the cliffhanger... bleh, whatever, I'm more interested in what'll happen next in several branches. I mean, when you think about it, Navarro could easily be the MC's biological dad, but that doesn't mean he is Alexis' and Layla's biological father...
I mean, they are named Monroe after all, it's possible Navarro and Adriana hooked up after their dad left or died or whatever, he'd just be their step father, so that's not really a huge dramatic cliffhanger, tbh.