i know sarcasm and metaphors do not pass so well on the written form but i guess i misjudged my audience by expecting more then a literal understanding of the conundrum!
V is a new girl nobody knows anything about her while Layla as shown herself true and reliable so for some people to dismiss her in a so nonchalant way is whats disgusting!
People are not pokemon cards to be traded and gifted if they are not the end on and unto itself then they should never be used, unless they want to be used and therefore your use of them is the end they seek unto themselves, but that is the exception!
The old horse and the new donkey parable is an old Roman philosophical question that is somehow represented on the utilitarian political philosophy that went onto thinkers like Bentham and Stuart Mill!
what is better to have an old horse that brings prestige but no income and only costs or a young donkey that is always useful and reliable but brings no prestige!
its a lesser form of the old Thai strategy of gifting white elephants!
Warscared kept giving me facepalm, i dont care but you know that I am correct with what I said, learn to respect others so that they respect you.
is lieing to people so they feel better showing respect? is talking to people like they are small children showing respect? by giving it my best i show respect, that its misunderstood is not my fault!
the worst kind of disrespect is the pity of a participation trophy, i may praise your efforts but never give in to mediocrity!