Yeah I'm all team Alexis on this argument and surprised so many can't see the forest from the trees.... Alexis was obviously the one in the shadow of the popular girl growing up, and she was the one that cared enough to talk to mc when he was young, erynn was busy with chad (whoops ethan).
If you play both paths, and end up with a different girl, Alexis is SO much more devasted with your breakup, Erynn is kinda meh and gets over it.
Ignore what they're saying, just look at the body language. Which one says friendzone and which one says caring?
As for the guy above me saying MC wasnt rejected.... I dont know what to tell you. I mean the entire premise of the story is he moved away because he was depressed after feeling rejected.
I dont like val because she's bland as a character. She looks like a porcelain doll, acts like a porcelain doll. Which is a big contrast because the rest of the game's characters are packed with personality.