Warscared took up the banner on that, though I didn't recognize a couple names he used (I recall no Diana in my playthrough), but I guess this didn't really affect my immersion as it did yours because this actually sounded a lot like my youth, minus being the beefcake sportsy guy (I never was). My first was at 16, she was 19. Over the next 2-3 years I had numerous flings, and a couple longer-lasting involvements. None with soon-to-be-sisters or long-lost childhood friends, though. And I'm fairly confident that none of the older women were ever school teachers. I'm not saying that there were no attractive teachers when I was young, but they didn't appear in my schools. You'd get a Rosie O'Donnel every time rather than a Rose McGowan.
At my present age, I'd have to sit down with a pen and notebook and spend some time really thinking back to try and gauge an accurate number and get them in he right order, but MC's number range is perfectly sensible, at least when contrasted against my pre-social media/cellphone era of schooling - and I'm quite certain that there were other guys (and a few girls) who put my count to shame.
I'll grant you the point on the super-tattoo factor here, that is really unusual, but I was 18 the first month of my senior year, so while I could get away with a fair bit, I still had the need for parental signature on a number of forms. I had a falling out with my old man at one point in the year and faked the signature, which admissions wouldn't accept so they made me visit the principal. "Did you forge this signature?" "Yes, I did." "Why?" "The source of my problems was at home, couldn't exactly ask him to sign." "Understood. Hope your day gets better, tell admissions I said to accept the form." "Thank you."
If I'd been even half as good looking as the MC I never would have had time to be in class, I'd have been drowning in the women throwing themselves at me. Rotten SOB doesn't even have to work for it. I hate that.