Sadly you definitely right, too many unimportant things have been put into the game, and without those it would be a better game I guess. (like house tax) Too many things is too important for progression like money or certain stats. Money is only needed for eat, and buy a few little things for progress. I tried to take out a few things but I had to realieze to do that I have to rewrite the whole game from top to bottom because the coding is a big pile of mess. My actual plan is to completely rewrite it and maybe rename it just because what you said the game at this stage doesn't have anything to do with the brothel part in the name. I already have some name ideas which makes more sense, but I think not the name makes the game great. Of course if you have any ideas what could change, and what shouldn't, feel free to share with me here, or in a private conversation. I don't bite as you can see.