Thank you very much for the detailed feedback, and I will use all of the aspects you suggested in it.

I already know many thing you mentioned above, and I think a lot about what would be a good solution for them.
Just a few examples:
Description - Okay I will try to fix that part somehow in the first post.

Localization - Yes I'm not a native English speaker so that makes the thing more complicated because I mostly think in my mother tongue and try to translate it to English. - and I think this is a mistake -
Yes the text needs much more improvements that is so true. Unfortunately a person offered me a help to rewrite the texts if I send it to him. I sent him the first part and he is gone... never heard from him again.

Selling part - The coding is ready for the gems selling part, Like as you mentioned if you want to sell gems, it will sell all of the gems at once, not only one by one.
For the Waitress job - yeah random npc appears for every time you do it is a good idea. I had the same idea long ago, but no one has ever suggested any change in that part.
Side room - and together with this the leave the house button will gain a better option. something like: if you click to leave another option shows up with 3 circles - 1 to leave house 1 to go side room and 1 to do not leave. And of course with signs or images for them, far apart from each other, in the middle of the picture. So it will be clear and cannot be miss-clicked.
Fairie's temple - It just a name, nothing more or nothing less, and it is just a ruin, a remnant of the Fairies kingdom. It was the fairies temple before the war, right now it is an abandoned ruins and the Fairies are long gone.
Whore job - Okay this was many times on my redrawing board. How to change it? What would make clients even more alive?
I planned to make some kind of a satisfaction system, what you have to rise or... I don't know what or how to do with it. You mentioned the random client refuse to pay, getting violent etc. what is a simple thing and I think it is a good start.

But it have to be totally random? And can occur with any clients?
But a satisfaction system or something like that would be good I guess.
Quests - Yes i already thought about it. I would take out the "fail" part of the quests, and change it so the player can do it with a single click and get all the needed items.
Okay I finished and I hope it is understandable.

I may have missed something, but my final words here is I could use and also accept any advice how to change things. I accept any suggestions in private conversation. And if you - or anybody else - have a developed idea what you would share with me, I gonna accept it happily.