Tried the game. Not sure I saw everything, will comment on what I did see though. Overall, needs some work, but could end up being a decent game in the future. As a warning, my comments tend to focus on what doesn't work, rather than what does.
The good
Art - style for the first MC is good, the other two are a bit lacking in detail though
Potential - Definitely a lot of room for this to expand
Clothing system - could use some work still, but it's a decent start. Advancing it more towards the VH style where low purity allows the MC to wear less would help (didn't hit whatever the max for neg purity is, so may not have hit this if it's in there). You also may want to consider that players will likely use whichever pieces they like the looks of, any may want to consider colors based on having outfit pieces mixed togather. right now, most don't look great mixed.
The bad
Title - Doesn't make sense. At all. This is a sandbox game that has the option to whore out the character, it doesn't even have a brothel in it (brothel implies the main purpose of the building is whoring, the tavern seems like a tavern that happens to have a room for whoring. Brothel also implies multiple whores, which there aren't), and the sex scenes in the tavern are very transaction-like, not intimate.
Content - Very little variation. Repeatable quests have nearly no variation (just an item name change for doing the exact same thing every time, would benifit if there were a few differnt styles they cycled though), jobs need more scenes
Purity system - While the idea of the system is clearly based off VH, your choices of when to raise/lower it are kinda bizzare. Using the waitress job as an example, doesn't make sense that remembering to lock the bathroom door raises purity.
Pregnancy - is a core aspect, required for a decent chunk of the content. It's kinda a hit or miss kink, and people prefer knowing about those before going in. May want to advertise it as one of the main things (instead of calling it a dating/brothel game, since it isn't either)
Balance - doesn't exist. If you want gold, mining or whoring are the only options (quests with no variety that give nearly no money are worse then no quests). More on this is the next bit
Dungeons - I honestly have no idea if there's anything other than random enemies in there. If that's all there is, you may want to reduce the difficulty if you want that to be an actual way of making money. By the time your gear is at the point that you can kill more than two enemies a run, the 15 gold you get for killing one isn't worth bothering with. I didn't get to that point, and mining was making me 250-400+ a day if I went pure gems. The 30 gold I could get for killing two enemies didn't matter.
The ugly
Description - described as a dating and brothel game. You can't date anyone. There isn't a brothel in the game. It's a sandbox style game with a pregnancy system.
Localization - You need a native english speaker to proofread. It's playable, but parts are pretty cringe-worthy. "You justifieth your panties". Uhhh... what? Guessing your mean fix or rearrange, not sure where you got the word justifieth (which is Shakespearean era English, which is 400 years or so out of date, and means justify which would mean she's explaining the logic of her wearing panties to someone?). That was by far the worst bit, but there's smaller stuff everywhere.
No sell all option - You need this. Clicking 100+ times to sell and get through the sell dialog is beyond annoying. This is easily an issue if you're mining and don't sell for a few days.
Possible bugs
Breast animations - (working as a whore, breast option for 'other') lack nipples
Text skipping - randomly breaks
Waitress job - high desire blocks events
Suggestions for improvement -
Quests - described at taking hours each time. Hours... as in more than 1. So if you grab both town quests, that's 20 hours if you never fail (assuming that hours only means 2, not more). Early on you're character is going to be out there for what you're describing as days, which is NOT reflected by the day counter. May want to change the text, or go with my next suggestion
Quests - chance of failure - there is absolutely no point in having the option to fail the way things are currently set up. Also no point in making the character click the button multiple times. You're there, you're getting the stuff. Why waste the player's time?
Fairie's temple - the pixy there (not a fairy?) has no wings. May want to give her some. You also may want to change the name to Pixie's temple (or change the pixie to a fairy). Pixies and Faries generally look similar, but generally are not the same thing (and Faeries generally refer to anything fae).
Work on balance - you have this set up as a sandbox style game, but you're forcing the character into whoring or mining. Making other styles of play actually work would improve the game a lot
Whore job - the whore job is essentially the same thing every time, but that's kinda expected with whoring. Still, adding in the chance of the client not being satified and refusing to pay, the client getting violent, the client just being an ass and refusing to pay, thing's like that could all improve it
Waitress job - has 2 variants. Could easily have more, and since a chunk of players will find it more interesting then the whore job, you'll have some players sticking to that instead of whoring. Also may want to change up the NPC offering a drink scene to use the random NPC generation that the whore job uses, rather than have the same exact npc do it every time.
Under construction areas - hide those from the user. They annoy the player when clicked on, and if the player is used to ignoring areas they'll likely not realize there's content there when you do add it. If you don't want to hide them, but a big X over them to show that they aren't usable.
Side room - Have a separate door for it. Very easy to miss-click and get sent in there, which is really annoying if pregnancy isn't your thing and is content you're ignoring