Control options for Player's virtual waist:
Fleshlight mode - attach a controller to a movable toy or your hand, engage in action and move it up/down or back/forth. This mode inverts the movement so when you move the toy down your "device" the virtual waist will move forward.
Waist mode - attach a controller to your waist, engage in action and move your waist back/forth. You can use a stationary toy in this case.
Both modes can be used with movable and stationary toys if you prefer to do so.
The tracking starts when you are close to the back of the character (in him).
Patch Note:
- Player's "assets" and butt action (Auto, Fleshlight/Waist controls)
- New environment
- New pose
- New post processing
- New lighting
- Petting improvements
- Character's placement variations
- Toy targeting improvements
- Patreon authentication
- Eye targeting changes
- UI and controls improvements
- Various fixes and improvements
- Credits update
good news and bad news
good news;
here's 1.5's files
bad news;
he added patreon authentication, so you won't be able to play it until someone makes a crack for it.