A forever lurker, I dont comment much!
Anyway, I played the game and would have the following feedback: The game is great! well done!
I also have some suggestions. you can ignore all of the below as you see fit, but perhaps some of this might be considered, take from the below what you will
1. You may consider additional ways to grind the game, for example str/int/seduction ability "check points" throughout the game, (which can be grinded each time you go to a certain location or speak to a certain person),
example 1:
if you are fighting against someone, and they have a weapon, without first learning to fight, you should die.
if you are fighting against someone, and they have a weapon, with strength training, you might be "weakened" and have lower action points for days/weeks
if you are fighting against someone, and they have a weapon, with strength and combat training, you should kill the opponent.
show a progress bar.
perhaps an upgrade is required before you can complete the fight, but in the meantime you are losing a resource, therefore you need to prioritise a few things while getting that upgrade.
example 2:
if you are meeting a new girl in a crowded place, with 0 seduction abilities, they should not go anywhere with you. However if you have practiced this in some way (re: grind) it would enable it. scene could be repeatable, maybe you need to talk to her several times, and show a progress bar as her wariness reduces and gullibility increases, and if the girl is popular, try to get matching pictures to go with the narrative.
example 3:
grant the ability to see content but that without upgrading it leads to a negative, but frame the dialogue "perhaps if i came back after first doing X I will be able to Y".
2. If possible recommend you consider revisiting some of the scenes for particular girls. my view would be to remove video's that are censored and look for alternative uncensored video's, and to perhaps consider, ehmm different positions, provided you have enough material for the same women. seeing the same images is all well and good but by day 200 we all like diversity.
3. i laughed at the suggestion and back and forth in this topic re: Katarina Hartlova. where you have a person that has alot of content which conforms to the premise of the game, go for it.
In addition, there are certain individuals that are very popular. in this regard, using Piper Fawn is a great idea noting the sheer volume of content available. Perhaps you could engage with your supporters by doing a draw as to who next to use (provided said individual has images/video's that conform to the premise of the game).
going back to Piper Fawn real quick - you could potentially include pictures of new girls to page 1, with a view to attracting a wider audience to your game "oh i know that girl lets see what this game is like".
4. I assume that in later versions of the game some of the women will work either around the house (food?) or experiment in the garden (grow something for tech?), in college (create something for tech), or just work for money (resources), w/e to bring in resources. it looks like you have the ground work for that.
Alternatively to the above, in the event that you cant persist with images/video's the option is always there to outsource/bring in people that will render images/animations ( i accept thats highly unlikely, but it would solve alot of the image/video content issues).
Finally, in conclusion, after tiring Aika out (she is gorgous ok) the image of Aika tired appears to be broken. Is that on my end, re-install to fix or?