Ren'Py Is The World Ready for Guro and Snuff Games?

Jul 19, 2018
Sex and death/boobs and gore are how trashy horror movies thrive.
I don't really know many horror games, but i do know that Resident Evil ones with a female character have nude mods, The Forest's cannibals were all naked at some point (i saw boobs and got interested in the game, so... :shrug: eh) and there was this one guy on reddit (i think) who exploited a dismembered NPC resurrection bug + prostitution mod in Fallout 3 or NV just because.

The fascination with death and eroticism has a very long history. They even made a documentary about it (or a couple), which i don't really remember, but i think they talked about the meaning behind sexualizing vampires, witches, the Inquisition, necromancy, self-flagellation and other stuff (or i'm just mixing up my documentaries). So, it's not that weird a fetish in actuality as it is quite widespread, regardless of culture or belief, but simply not well liked.

Remember Firefly? There was a group of space cannibals that raped, killed and ate their victims - not necessarily in that order. Or Warhammer and its Chaos.

The fetish exists and is used quite a lot in media, but i think it needs to be used in a certain way in order to avoid the wrong type of attention. I don't know what that way is, but while few people will admit it, sex and death used properly can and will attract a crowd - even if just to look from afar, in the shadows, covered up by 50 shades of gray clothing.

I remember a random Firefly topic and they talked about the cancelled Season 2 Inara death scene. They said it was planned for her to be captured by the space cannibals. The crew would then track down the ship and board it to mount a rescue. Instead they would find everyone already dead, with Inara having used a rape-revenge kind of poison that kills a rapist painfully. So it would have suggested that she was raped to death by the entire ship crew, but still got the last laugh in the end.

Everyone (the loudest voice) said it sounded like a cool death scene, a "fuck you" from beyond the grave. While it falls in the "sex and death" category, it has what most porn games most definitely lack: a proper story, a likeable multi-faceted character, a unique feat of legendary acomplishment.

With that stuff being said, i simply can't see porn games that focus on this particular fetish both multiply and succeed in drawing enough popularity to make it a standard genre. And yet, the "Similar threads" box below this shows me recommendation requests for guro and ryona... :poop:
Wow! Thank you for that contribution. Outstanding. So even though it would've implied on Firefly, it still got cancelled. Yet, games like Resident Evil depict cannibalism (even if they're dead it's still the same)and no one bats an eye. Not only cannibalism, but zombie movies in general depict dismemberment in all its glory. Let's not even get started on the comics. So is it because zombies are not real and crazy killers are? Seems strange...


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
I haven't take umbridge at what you said, I just found it totally hypocritical and said it.
90% of the games available here figure content like rape, blackmail, drugs, mind control, coercion, incest, humiliation, and so on. There's really few games that don't have, in a way or another, "immoral content". So, putting a limit at what is acceptable immoralities and what is unacceptable ones, like I said, I found it totally hypocritical.

I was curious, so decided statement generally hide something. So, I took a look at your posting activity and... What can I say, except asking you how you've been able to write a fan fiction for Katie's Corruption without playing the game ? I mean, the whole game is trivialisation of rape. The boss of Katie use coercion and blackmail to have sex with her, then share her with his friends, still by using coercion and blackmail. Same for her father, who use his paternal position to force her into sexual activities. As far as I remember it, there's almost not a single sex scene where the dialogs don't make clear that Katie feel like she have no other choice than to consent against her will.

How can't I be happy that you don't try to force your own taste on others ? As I said, we let you have access to the fetishes you like, without complaining. This whatever how distasteful they can seem for us. Therefore, it's fair that you do the same, whatever how distasteful our own fetishes can seem to your eyes.
I was answering the op's original question in a generic manner.
I'm baffled as to why you're trying to turn this into a personal issue between you and me, even to the point where you've gone through all my previous postings just to try to score some cheap-ass 'victory'?
Frankly, I find that pretty pathetic and quite laughable, really.

I've been on here for about two years. In that time I've only felt the need to ignore three people.
Congratulations and well done, you just became the fourth! Lol.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I've been on here for about two years. In that time I've only felt the need to ignore three people.
Congratulations and well done, you just became the fourth! Lol.
Poor little thing that can't stand contradiction...


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Wow! Thank you for that contribution. Outstanding. So even though it would've implied on Firefly, it still got cancelled. Yet, games like Resident Evil depict cannibalism (even if they're dead it's still the same)and no one bats an eye. Not only cannibalism, but zombie movies in general depict dismemberment in all its glory. Let's not even get started on the comics. So is it because zombies are not real and crazy killers are? Seems strange...
Yeah.. Some "experts" talked about it back when zombie flicks were the new rage, said it's kind of a psychological sleight of hand. If you can convince the public that it's an exploration of the human condition in a apocalyptical setting, some kind of higher purpose artistic expression or a simulation of the breakdown of society or some other fancy shit with extra wordy terms and conditions, you can get away with anything.

And that's the thing.. with the right wording, the right arguments, the right setting or the right characters, people will not only ignore the stuff, they'll actually be ok with it. Do it wrong though and they'll be on you like a pack of hyenas.

Two examples of film makers that can pull it off terribly and still have a small following: Uwe Boll and Asylum studio.
Uwe Boll's flicks were simply awful. Bad props, bad FX, bad actors, bad everything. Still made a profit because people would watch the movies just to laugh at how bad they were.
Asylum made a somewhat infamous zombie porn flick. All it had to offer was a chick with purple skin, lots of ketchup thrown about everywhere and a fake dick getting ripped off and eaten at the end. You could even see the paint wash off the zombie chick's skin from all the sweating and stick to the guy's palms with how cheap everything was. Yet people still flocked to it because they were curious.

Someone who does it well and doesn't get much hate is Tim Roth. He directed and produced quite a few of movies reminiscent of the '70s cannibalistic horror flicks and even helps out and encourages amateur film makers that pursue this kind of extreme gore-filled films. He often tries to pursue realism, to make the viewer think "Yes, this could actually happen in real life.", yet is no stranger to bad FX should it make the viewing more fun. He goes for the artistic route and the general feeling is "meh, whatever floats his boat".

Two other movies that got away with it also come to mind.. The first one is The Cabin movie, if it's called that, where a typical group of young adults go in the woods and get sacrificed horribly to appease the elder gods. One scene has one of the chicks get caught by craggy vines, impaled and then ripped apart. The movie got away with it because it was shown as a humorous end of the slut type character and it was a spiritual sequel of the Army of Darkness flicks. So they didn't take themselves seriously even in this setting.
The second one is some random flick that got nowhere, with some documentary group going deep in the jungle where a tribe is surrounded by endless blood-sucking vines. Similar to the first film, chick gets caught by vines, impaled through her hoo-haa and then ripped apart to bathe the vines in blood. Shock and awe aside, it got away with it because nobody cared to watch. Barely a 2.0 score.

So there isn't a particular reason as to why some media is accepted and others are not. It's about attention flow, misdirection, humour, sarcasm, shock and awe, art, group focus and other stuff. It's about having an eye for the right timing and being lucky enough not to be targeted by political and social groups that want to be heard but have nothing to talk about.
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Apr 6, 2018
well i for onece liked the old diablo 1 with it s gory atmospher like the butcher s room where impales and thorn apart bodies wehre scattered i mean it helpt to make an authenthic atmosphare
so if some one can make an rpg stile game that includeswith cannibalist cults or execution or grusome game over scenes that where made artisticaly and story relevant work no onw ore less persons would complaine
Jul 19, 2018
Another valid point has been made. Mainstream video games, such as Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem, etc..., feature dismemberment and gore. Although these games were controversial at the time, people don't even question them nowadays. Is it because they are on a major platform or is it because there was a ton of money to be made in stirring the pot? Is it because the devs saw the bloodlust in the eyes of the consumer or was it because they saw something else? The topic of incest in mainstream media was a very divisive subject. Yet, in Marvel comics, they've had a few stories with such said topic. Lets, not mention the amount of Ren'py games out there. It's very interesting how somewhere along the line someone said "yeah, I wouldn't mind playing a game like that."
There are already sites out there that contain sections dedicated to guro/snuff comics. Sites, like e-hentai get millions of hits just because of it. Is it because there's a lot of "sick people" out there?(remember, I'm pretty much neutral on the subject.hehehe) Or maybe it's just another itch that wants to be scratched in society?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
While I agree that more extreme fetishes are often used to draw attention, the problem with these is that they don't produce scenes that are sexy to a large audience.

Incest or blackmail may be taboo but scenes look like pretty normal porn scenes. Just with a different description. E.g. you see milf giving a guy a blowjob and read something like "Mom, you're such a worthless piece of fuckmeat. Swallow it all, or tell dad about the porn magazine you're in." The scene is taboo and offensive to many people, but the picture is still fairly normal porn. That is not the case with scenes involving death and mutilation. If at all, they would be downloaded only because it is the most controversial, not for jerking off.
Jul 19, 2018
While I agree that more extreme fetishes are often used to draw attention, the problem with these is that they don't produce scenes that are sexy to a large audience.

Incest or blackmail may be taboo but scenes look like pretty normal porn scenes. Just with a different description. E.g. you see milf giving a guy a blowjob and read something like "Mom, you're such a worthless piece of fuckmeat. Swallow it all, or tell dad about the porn magazine you're in." The scene is taboo and offensive to many people, but the picture is still fairly normal porn. That is not the case with scenes involving death and mutilation. If at all, they would be downloaded only because it is the most controversial, not for jerking off.
I feel you represent the mainstream audience, such as myself. However, guro and snuff are growing in popularity in other forms of media. You are quite correct in saying the audience would like to see a "normal" sex scene. However, the brutal killing usually comes (no pun intended) at the end of the sex scene. To me, and again I say this with the most sincere respect to those who love this genre, it is rather shocking to see guts and blood after being subjected to a sex scene. From what I gather and understand, it's not the death or the sex part. Rather, it's both at the same time.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
Remember that Race-Play game "Bully"? That's your answer.

Even before the infanticide, people were pissed off at the protagonist setting up women to be raped.


Nov 2, 2017
funny thing how most people reject these things 100% even when it's a game ,in my opinion games should have as much content and diversity as possible except in this case maybe not make it a solid rout that the player needs to take and offer an alternative choice so if someone likes they can do guro ryona or in case of "Bully" set up women to be raped or choose a different path with less extreme solution after all better to satisfy one's demon's inside a virtual reality than in real reality that already has all the twisted crap one can imagine whether we like it or not.

EDIT:in my case still can't forgive Kojima for not adding a non-lethal solution to sniper Wolf fight in metal gear solid (just put a tranq dart in her ass and hand her over to Otacon to keep her as his waifu until she gets fed-up with it and blows his brains out)
or to save Emma and Olga in metal gear 2 here i am hero who brings down giant robots but my best friends half sister gets stabbed and bleeds to death while i gawk like an idiot and in Olga case after bringing 15 or so ray's down and getting the feel for it i let her take over and get crushed never to see her child.
there are other examples but I'd be writing whole day you get what i mean ......hopefully
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
I find it really funny how a lot of people bring in guro/snuff as vile and too taboo, yet they preach all day long on why sex with children in games should exist.

Violence is part of the human nature and the mere fact that rape/slavery/sex games featuring children exist in vast quantities is a reason why guro/snuff will be created in mass when the time is right. And besides there are many already decent guro games and more to come like maggot baits.

Gurochan is fairly big and the reddit sub is large enough for a hentai focused forum, once someone has the balls to expand on the gaming genre of guro then we will see a the community grow by a large margin.

If anyone is interested here is a mega file with a dozen guro games
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Nov 16, 2017
Guro isn't exactly a new fetish, Ankoku Marimokan jump to mind as a developer that makes a lot of guro, scat and vore porn games and comics.

237's Clocktower like Demonophobia and the unfinished Xenophobia would probably be considered cult classics by this point and have had several games made based on them, most however were abandoned like Prisonkage.

You'll generally find people looking to sell games with extreme fetishes still tend towards DLsite since they are far less restricting of the posted content.

I haven't checked the blog in a few years but used to mention quite a few guro games.


Feb 11, 2019
Ren'Py based games have given a platform, and a big one at that, to games and stories of the taboo nature. Incest, pee, scat and NTR have flourished so much via this medium. With each game being produced, some incredibly good and others incredibly shitty, the genre seems all but played out. So what could possibly be next you may ask? I feel these games will become more extreme as time passes. Although there have been games that have alluded to the subjects, there has yet to be a universally known game, that has been liked, hated, or made with the intentions of going all out on the subject of snuff or guro.
Snuff games are usually games that cater to the fetish of the MC/player in which he/she can kill people (usually in a way for sexual gratification.). Guro takes it one step further. It is very extreme, very violent, very very bloody. Think of the franchise movies of SAW. Now give it two Viagras and chase it down with RedBull and a sixpack of 4Loco. As you might've guess, it's SuperNightmareFuel for the faint of heart.
My question I pose is this... Is there or will there be a demand for games of this nature? For now, at least, it seems that the governing bodies of Patreon are restricting creators' content. How? We all know how they feel about games like the famous "Big Brother". The game was rock solid. Loved by many (and I do mean many}. Yet, Patreon restricted its creator/s from being funded for the continuation of the game because its stance of incest.
Games that would explore snuff or guro would probably be met by the same restrictions.
Sound off and let me know how you feel or share your thoughts. Just remember, let's be kind to one another in our replies. Thanks!
There are plenty of games in existence with you having the ability to kill people. Have you listen to some of the people playing getting the hell off on it?

As for Guro there are some seriously fucked up horror games already in existence even on steam.

Now if you asked about something like a game where when you lopped off someone's head and literally throat fucked the headless corpse I would say not to many people would appreciate it.
That's said I've read worse police cases in RL than that even. We all head the say, "Truth can be stranger than fiction" more accurately "Real Life can be more fucked up than fiction".
Jul 19, 2018
Remember that Race-Play game "Bully"? That's your answer.

Even before the infanticide, people were pissed off at the protagonist setting up women to be raped.
I haven't actually played that game. I tried to look it up and see what the deal is, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I haven't been able to find it. So I'm going by what people tell me about it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
I haven't actually played that game. I tried to look it up and see what the deal is, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I haven't been able to find it. So I'm going by what people tell me about it.
Yeeeeah, don't play it. The game isn't even optimized well so its like 4 gigabytes for an hour of gameplay


Feb 7, 2019
Why stop at snuff and guro ? I don't know if it have a name (and in fact don't want to know) but there's people who like porn content where you don't do barbaric things like killing girls for the pleasure to kill them. Those people are way more sophisticated, they prefer to slowly cock them, then eat them...
I think you mean " dolcett " .

In some "old documents " i have found that dolcett world is overpopulated with womens / therefore there is so many women's "executed" there ....

The first "dolcett" author has said
"I must repeat that these are purely fantasy. I am against real violence of any kind."
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I think you mean " dolcett " .
As your link say on its first line, Dolcett the pseudonym of an author. So, no it wasn't what I meant.

But, well my curiosity will kill me one day. Following your link, I found that it's named ; which isn't surprising in fact, since it literally mean "eating women". Yet, like I implied, I would have lived better not knowing this.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Thanks for the reply! Extreme is kind of a broad word. When I say extreme in Ren'py I was thinking about the subject matter in games like Dokie Dokie Literature Club.(suicide, decomposition, etc...). That game made me wonder is it possible that this might be the future. I agree with your take on it being darker and disturbing. Yet, we have to admit that controversial games and stories are the ones that get a lot of attention.(even if it's negative.)
While I can't say as to whether or not things like gore and snuff will become the future of porn games, I can say with certainty it's not becoming the norm any time soon. It's a fringe market, and to be honest those fetishes have always been fringe. More games may include things like scat and watersports, but how many people look at the game solely for those fetishes? As well, controversial games, like DDLC, do get attention for those things, but they get attention because of the sheer shock value provided by them. DDLC can be considered as a sort of horror game, and I can't think of any sort of porn game that gets the same amount of shock, or at least shock from the same concepts, as DDLC or others, and on top of that they probably wouldn't work in those kinds of games. The biggest kinds of shocks we usually get in porn games is when NTR is brought into the game, more or less out of the blue. Even then though, with the tags that games have on here, people can tell when games have NTR in them.

Going back to how it's unlikely that they'll become the norm, not only do you have to look at the top games to see that people generally prefer more vanilla content in their games, but you can just look at the most popular hentai and doujins on the popular sites to see what people are looking for in their porn. Generally people want more vanilla, feel-good type stuff. Porn that goes for shock values generally end up alienating their audience, people don't like surprises in their porn generally, and those that do generally are fringe people looking to satisfy that one specific fetish. Hell the biggest example of this is the division between those who like NTR and those who don't. The amount of people who like it are generally the minority of people, and those who don't like it vehemently are against it.

So basically, to summarize, no I don't think games are going to start becoming more and more extreme. If anything, games featuring more vanilla stuff seem to be rising in demand. That's not to say that fetish games are going to dissapear, they're likely to still be around, they'll just likely feature more vanilla stuff as well, or more vanilla in general with optional fetish stuff. Gore and snuff stuff seems to be just too dark for most people, and frankly kinda weird (Completely personal opinion here before people start going off) that you'd get sexually aroused from death and torture stuff. Hopefully I've been able to keep this as unbiased as possible, though I will admit my bias: I prefer more vanilla content, I generally draw the line at rape, and I'd never touch a game with gore or snuff with a 10 foot pole, and I'd probably be pretty against the game to be honest.
Sep 10, 2018
I think the market for the content is massively underestimated because it's not personally their cup of tea ((Projection Bias)I see evidence of heavy interest in the fetish and other darker ones on other parts of the internet and through just how many people have made threads in game recommendations searching for this type of content) that being said it will never be mainstream. The guro/snuff content fits into matrix of fetishes in the darkest section.

It's easy to say it's too fringe to be worthwhile making a game focused on it but the absence of quality content for the darker niche fetishes, means that any developer stepping into that arena has an instant advantage because these areas have the largest ratio differences between market demand and existing content for all of adult gaming. The biggest problem as people have previously mentioned is Patreon and the associated paypal censorship. I'm sure there are ways to get around this as it's been done for countless other games and genres I just can't think of any off the top of my head.