Why is there a blurr/pixelated cesore on the baby? Why even put a baby in the game?
Okay been hacking at this game for over 6 hours, I feel like throwing in the towel, the Grind is real.
Game needs to be able to save at decision options and more save slots.
Text is slow even with the ctrl speed up.
Playing the same scenes over and over again hoping for something new after doing other scenes over and over again is really tedious. Need skip option or just stop players from being able to see same scene over and over again.
Mc and Dad is really gross to look at and text describes him as gross and unwashed at times. Got a damn chinbeard.
Now onto the good.
Decent chunk of content for something that wasn't released for very long.
Girls look good,
Graphics are pretty good.
Story is alright, isekai aspect of content runs out too fast compared to what can be done back in the MC original work (mostly due to grinding around like a headless chicken at times.)
Mc seems like a decent bro to the people around him (that aren't women.....).
Got some nice fetishy content that works for me.
hmm thats about it for now. I wonder if I delete the files would my saves be kept like in renply.