There will be more features. Which ones exactly? It would be nice if this was written BEFORE the new version comes out (maybe this will be an incentive to go to Patreon and pay for the game).
Further. Hares. Ok, I collected a bunch of all sorts of goblins, people and hares (there are no hippos yet, we don’t count them
). Where should we put them then? As an option - give it to the goddess (without sex, we haven’t figured it out with Merrill yet) for some fruits (let’s say, one fruit for 5 goblins, 3 people, 15 penguins... oh, these don’t exist - then hares), which change Cain’s body ( hairstyle, skin tone, something else). This would be an incentive to recruit more fanatics and generally engage in these transformations.
But this is my personal opinion, the developer has the right not to pay attention to it at all