
Oct 3, 2017
Ok I have no clue how to complete this contract. It's 39 days in and I'm still in exactly the same position I was on day 26. I'm simply incapable of gaining her obedience. No clue how to do it. lol.

The stick route just isn't viable as she'll fight me on any kind of discipline beyond psychological scolding, and even though I bought the whip so I could subdue her in a fight, I can't do it without suffering moderate injuries myself. In that case, I'd have to spend 25 to get healed up or else sit on -4 red stars and watching all the strength I managed to build melt away. So the stick method just isn't a viable choice as I'd need to enforce it multiple times and wind up costing me 75-100 in medical recovery costs alone before I'd be able to earn obedience through that route.

I've been attempting to rely on the carrot to get it done, but I think I'm just missing what I need to in order to succeed with it. I can get her down to 1 thorn of rebelliousness, but no lower. I've used multiple different types of rewards without spoiling her, but nothing I make her do warrants more than 2 reward points max, and she's unwilling to do anything that could potentially result in a bigger reward without me having to fight her to make her.

So I'm currently stumped and going to wait for advice before continuing. lol.


Jan 17, 2018
Ok I have no clue how to complete this contract. It's 39 days in and I'm still in exactly the same position I was on day 26. I'm simply incapable of gaining her obedience. No clue how to do it. lol.

The stick route just isn't viable as she'll fight me on any kind of discipline beyond psychological scolding, and even though I bought the whip so I could subdue her in a fight, I can't do it without suffering moderate injuries myself. In that case, I'd have to spend 25 to get healed up or else sit on -4 red stars and watching all the strength I managed to build melt away. So the stick method just isn't a viable choice as I'd need to enforce it multiple times and wind up costing me 75-100 in medical recovery costs alone before I'd be able to earn obedience through that route.

I've been attempting to rely on the carrot to get it done, but I think I'm just missing what I need to in order to succeed with it. I can get her down to 1 thorn of rebelliousness, but no lower. I've used multiple different types of rewards without spoiling her, but nothing I make her do warrants more than 2 reward points max, and she's unwilling to do anything that could potentially result in a bigger reward without me having to fight her to make her.

So I'm currently stumped and going to wait for advice before continuing. lol.
Spoiling used to be something to avoid at all costs, now it can be useful in some situations. I think even one point of spoiling will make the slave feel that she's earned more of a reward when a task is completed.

What have you tried to boost the slave's mood? Happier slaves tend to be more diligent and will gain devotion faster.

You can also try to make the slave more interested in sexual duties. Proper clothing for both slave and master will help. Without more information it's hard to tell if it would help enough, high pride slaves are quite resistant to sex. Proper clothing will also help the slave in other duties.

It's a balancing act though. Seems like you won't be able to raise fear. You will have to try and raise devotion without hurting taming or awareness.

Aside from those four stats (fear, devotion, taming, awareness) aura supremacy should raise obedience. There is a fairly low level spell which can boost this for a couple sparks.
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Oct 3, 2017
Spoiling used to be something to avoid at all costs, now it can be useful in some situations. I think even one point of spoiling will make the slave feel that she's earned more of a reward when a task is completed.

What have you tried to boost the slave's mood? Happier slaves tend to be more diligent and will gain devotion faster.

You can also try to make the slave more interested in sexual duties. Proper clothing for both slave and master will help. Without more information it's hard to tell if it would help enough, high pride slaves are quite resistant to sex. Proper clothing will also help the slave in other duties.

It's a balancing act though. Seems like you won't be able to raise fear. You will have to try and raise devotion without hurting taming or awareness.

Aside from those four stats (fear, devotion, taming, awareness) aura supremacy should raise obedience. There is a fairly low level spell which can boost this for a couple sparks.
Appreciate the reply. :) So first of all, I'm playing on extreme which I know is my own damn fault. haha. I'm not complaining that the game is too hard or anything like that. I realize that there's something I'm missing and I'm just trying to figure out what it is. :D So ok here goes.

She does currently have 1 point of spoiling, though I can't recall how she earned it. Possibly from having her on fresh food for so long without earning it, but it was necessary to keep her mood up while maintaining 3 rules. Unfortunately I have no ability to "put her in her place" to deal with it because it has no impact on her in the current state of things. And I'm reluctant to go adding more points to how spoiled she is because I feel like that will only make things even harder on me. I guess I could give it a shot and see if it changes anything.

The slaves mood has been relatively easy to manage by day 10 or so. I have her fight, so she's happy about the win. She's happy that I reward her with time to relax since she has the lazy trait and seems to appreciate that a lot. She's got a sundress and slippers and only a leather collar to avoid the mood malus. Generally speaking she's usually hopeful or optimistic most days and when it does dip I take her to the spa and she's right as rain again. That said she is never, absolutely never above optimistic no matter what I try to do. She can already be optimistic while being filthy and in a dirty house, and I can take her to the spa and get the place cleaned but she will stay maxed at optimistic. She'll often complete her studies with between a b+ and s+ performance, but it usually only warrants a 1 and rarely 2 reward, though I haven't had a chance to give a 2 reward in a long time.

When it comes to desire in sex, I'm really not sure how to do that at this point. My character has no alure and any attempt to do anything event remotely intimate has her fighting me about it. lol. I don't have the option to use intimate rewards as the tooltip says she's not obedient enough for me to use them with her. Clothes could certainly be the option, but I'm trying not to spend money I wouldn't normally have. I did edit the extreme start to give myself a little cash cushion but I'm trying not to exploit it, so buying a bunch of clothing I wouldn't be able to afford under normal circumstances is something I'm just trying to avoid doing. I want the extra funds to give me time to learn, not to actually cheat. If that makes sense. lol. Also her pride is completely gone at this point. It's the lowest and non-existent.

The best I've been able to manage aura wise so far is equal to hers, unless I fight her which elevates mine above hers, but again comes with the hefty price tag to heal and costs me all the progress I made on my strength forcing me to start that over again. Most of the time hers is above mine, but there are times when it says mine is equal to hers. I suppose I should look into this spell and see what I can do with it. That's one area of the game I don't really understand enough yet to play with so I've kind of been ignoring it. Maybe that's my problem and I need to be using the spells.


Apr 12, 2021
She does currently have 1 point of spoiling, though I can't recall how she earned it. Possibly from having her on fresh food for so long without earning it, but it was necessary to keep her mood up while maintaining 3 rules.
She will be less spoiled if she is quite fearful or desperate (or devoted but that's impossible at an early game).
Unfortunately I have no ability to "put her in her place" to deal with it because it has no impact on her in the current state of things. And I'm reluctant to go adding more points to how spoiled she is because I feel like that will only make things even harder on me. I guess I could give it a shot and see if it changes anything.
Since you are playing the extreme difficulty, so we can ignore the effect of your aura in terms of threatening and training taming. The "put in place" needs her some impressive punishment memories, so don't be afraid to punish her, especially using painful and shameful ones, her fighting you is always unavoidable, so a lash or whip will be helpful.
That said she is never, absolutely never above optimistic no matter what I try to do. She can already be optimistic while being filthy and in a dirty house, and I can take her to the spa and get the place cleaned but she will stay maxed at optimistic.
Different kinds of rewards give her different good moodlets, all of which have a boost on her mood. A positive mood keeps her away from despair, but her performance and diligence is affected by mood as well in extreme difficulty.
She'll often complete her studies with between a b+ and s+ performance, but it usually only warrants a 1 and rarely 2 reward, though I haven't had a chance to give a 2 reward in a long time.
See last reply, and if you think it necessary, overreward her sometimes can be helpful too, at a tiny cost of awareness and spoiling.
For example, I always love to reward a new slave with warm plaid to reduce her despair gradually, or a toy to recover her a little more energy, the spoiling resulting from it is easy to handle.
The best I've been able to manage aura wise so far is equal to hers, unless I fight her which elevates mine above hers, but again comes with the hefty price tag to heal and costs me all the progress I made on my strength forcing me to start that over again. Most of the time hers is above mine, but there are times when it says mine is equal to hers. I suppose I should look into this spell and see what I can do with it. That's one area of the game I don't really understand enough yet to play with so I've kind of been ignoring it. Maybe that's my problem and I need to be using the spells.
Let me guess what the major problem was, in extreme difficulty, it is always difficult to train obedience of the first slave, awareness, habit and 3- fearness can be easily achieved, while taming and higher fearness are difficult in comparison, because of your low aura, and these two matter a lot in her obedience.

Higher Fearness: fearness is always stuck at 3, threatening doesn't work, using higher intensity of punishment will face rebelling, if you think it necessary, try overpunishing her for a higher fearness level, at a small cost of awareness and despair.

Taming: taming is gradually increased if your aura is stronger than hers, and on the contray, if you are weaker, her taming gradually decreases. Painful and shameful gears and punishments will help to train her taming, it may as well be the key to her obedience.

And lastly, if you've done those above all, and she still refuses to do some trainings. It finally comes to the last factor, devotion, in a hard start, all you can do is raise her mood, train her and reward her properly, then WAIT for the devotion to rise.
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
Wanted to try the game with the new money costs settings and no weight gain but I'm definitly unable to use GitGud and gived up :rolleyes:

Any idea for the 2.2.3 version or an intermediate version?


Oct 3, 2017
She will be less spoiled if she is quite fearful or desperate (or devoted but that's impossible at an early game).

Since you are playing the extreme difficulty, so we can ignore the effect of your aura in terms of threatening and training taming. The "put in place" needs her some impressive punishment memories, so don't be afraid to punish her, especially using painful and shameful ones, her fighting you is always unavoidable, so a lash or whip will be helpful.

Different kinds of rewards give her different good moodlets, all of which have a boost on her mood. A positive mood keeps her away from despair, but her performance and diligence is affected by mood as well in extreme difficulty.

See last reply, and if you think it necessary, overreward her sometimes can be helpful too, at a tiny cost of awareness and spoiling.
For example, I always love to reward a new slave with warm plaid to reduce her despair gradually, or a toy to recover her a little more energy, the spoiling resulting from it is easy to handle.

Let me guess what the major problem was, in extreme difficulty, it is always difficult to train obedience of the first slave, awareness, habit and 3- fearness can be easily achieved, while taming and higher fearness are difficult in comparison, because of your low aura, and these two matter a lot in her obedience.

Higher Fearness: fearness is always stuck at 3, threatening doesn't work, using higher intensity of punishment will face rebelling, if you think it necessary, try overpunishing her for a higher fearness level, at a small cost of awareness and despair.

Taming: taming is gradually increased if your aura is stronger than hers, and on the contray, if you are weaker, her taming gradually decreases. Painful and shameful gears and punishments will help to train her taming, it may as well be the key to her obedience.

And lastly, if you've done those above all, and she still refuses to do some trainings. It finally comes to the last factor, devotion, in a hard start, all you can do is raise her mood, train her and reward her properly, then WAIT for the devotion to rise.
See I'm confused here. Maybe I'm just missing something. Everyone keeps talking about punishments and fear but the way I'm looking at it, they're not realistically viable for the situation I'm in unless I'm just missing something about it.

At this point in time I can't use ANY painful or shameful punishments whether they're warranted or not without fighting her. She will fight any time i even try. I can only effectively use chastise and scold from the psychological punishments. If I so much as try to make her stand in the corner she'll fight me over it and that fight (even with a whip) leaves my character moderately injured which forces me to spend the 25 sparks to heal or else unable to do anything for who knows how long to recover on my own in which case I lose all the progress I made building my strength up to vigorous.

But let's say I do that. I try to put her in the corner or to do a naked walk. We fight. I spend the 25 sparks to heal after. Then try to make her do something else again...she refuses again... I try to make her stand in the corner again... she fights again. Another 25 sparks. Try it all over again she STILL refuses and fights. That's already 75 sparks trying to get enough fear in her so I can make her stand in the corner. Lol. And it makes it impossible for me to generate any kind of profit on this contract. As it is if she magically gained the obedience necessary to made her D- so I can turn her in right now in the game, I think I'll barely be making a profit from it but if I have to spend 75-100 sparks to complete it then I guarantee I'll be eating a heavy loss.

So earning obedience through fear or any kind of punishment at all isn't a possibility unless someone can point out some part of that equation I'm missing. Again I'm not complaining about the game being too hard. It's a matter of experience and I clearly seem to be missing an important piece of information here somewhere and just trying to figure out what it is. At this point I feel that the most likely solutions are magic or over rewarding. But doing it through fear just doesn't seem possible in my case.


Apr 12, 2021
See I'm confused here. Maybe I'm just missing something. Everyone keeps talking about punishments and fear but the way I'm looking at it, they're not realistically viable for the situation I'm in unless I'm just missing something about it.

At this point in time I can't use ANY painful or shameful punishments whether they're warranted or not without fighting her. She will fight any time i even try. I can only effectively use chastise and scold from the psychological punishments. If I so much as try to make her stand in the corner she'll fight me over it and that fight (even with a whip) leaves my character moderately injured which forces me to spend the 25 sparks to heal or else unable to do anything for who knows how long to recover on my own in which case I lose all the progress I made building my strength up to vigorous.
Seems she is doing much damage to you, maybe you just need to train your own fighting skill, sparring in the colosseum? or just spend some money buying the cheapest armor?

In my experience, I prefer to buy a Aramid Suit ($100) and go sparring a lot, when I have to punish her in higher intensity, and it does great help. But in ImperatorAugustusTertius's try, he isn't in need of it.

Edit: winning a fight with a lash or whip can train your whip skill, without having to use it actually, the whip skill further helps in defeating your slave without hurting her, punishing her with whip without hurting her, and training her pony skill.
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
Wanted to try the game with the new money costs settings and no weight gain but I'm definitly unable to use GitGud and gived up :rolleyes:

Any idea for the 2.2.3 version or an intermediate version?
You don't need to use the Gitgud in itself.

Just search for Jack-o-nine-tails wiki, on Google. On the main page of it, there are all the links and explanations and I doubt you'll encounter any obstacles


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
The stick route just isn't viable as she'll fight me on any kind of discipline beyond psychological scolding, and even though I bought the whip so I could subdue her in a fight, I can't do it without suffering moderate injuries myself.
You took her stiletto away first, right? She moderately injures you even if unarmed?

With zero taming, she won’t gain any devotion overnight even if she is happy. If the slave’s aura is stronger than the master’s, her taming reduces every night.

On hardcore obedience difficulty, taming will increase if you successfully punish her using a method that is either painful or deprives her of mobility (being tied up or confined).

You can temporarily increase the master’s aura by raising his allure and/or using the spell Magna Magnifika, and you can stack rules and item effects to increase taming. Some combination of slave being naked (no clothes in body slot), sleep on floor, crown of thorns, any slave collar (steel collar best but more mood impact), nipple chain, thick steel ring piercings, pony girl gear (except tail), petsuit, deprivation suit.

Cheapest are naked, sleep on floor, leather collar, crown of thorns. But the mood impact of all four might be difficult to manage.

The slave being spoiled will also inhibit devotion and reduce her obedience slightly, although it also helps by increasing her merit (she feels entitled to bigger rewards). Letting her end the day in a bad mood (pessimistic is safe for any level of empathy, lower mood might lead to despair depending on empathy) will make her spoil level drop faster. It’s usually better to focus on raising her fear or taming and let the spoil level work itself out naturally.

You said you weren’t sure how she became spoiled. One possibility is frequent spa visits.
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Ken Kai

Dec 2, 2017
I'm sorry if this is annoying, can anyone share the link for image pack/animation pack/gif pack to me? Appreciate your kindness :)


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I'm sorry if this is annoying, can anyone share the link for image pack/animation pack/gif pack to me? Appreciate your kindness :)
Every one of the image packs that I heard of were added into the official version of the game (y) (exceptions made for images and animations that had censoring, were compressed to death with no findable sources, lore-breaking visual elements, cartoonish visuals, etc.)


Dec 8, 2017
I'm not understanding what you mean here. The screenshot shows that she followed the rule. She has F- oral skill so it probably wasn't very satisfying for the master.

Are we talking about the slave's arousal or the master's?
the problem is that she doesn’t reset her arousal at all, it’s always on 5,
which leads to a lot of problems.
Well about behave: alarm, nothing happens at all, at first she refused, but now she doesn’t refuse and doesn’t do it, I don’t know if this is related to loli content or not


Mar 23, 2022
hmm. Trying to figure out cow girls, and after 5 gangbang training sessions in a row, and 'impregnation' not moving from -F rank, it looks like there is only 3 actions that increase 'cum_load' ? (and includes no forms of training)

I am either confused, or... some things that risk pregnancy need to risk pregnancy a bit more?


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
Have you tried after turning your computer off and on again? :Kappa:

(The fact is... The archive might still be opened, and you're not opening your archives with 7zip or WinRAR so Windows might not close its own unarchiving process. When I'm in those situations I usually use an unlocker software but just restarting your computer should do the trick)

That's great already, being able to find out which lesson your slave is more likely to be motivated to do is the first step. After that, all the rest soon becomes possible if you don't give up (y)
I did try that and it's still saying the same thing
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
After trying the last patch I consider the current living costs as ok for someone wanting to play the game without any pressure.

After getting the Johny sister at vatican (and puting her in a cryo) the objectives contiues to ask me that the letter ask me to get her at vatican.


Oct 3, 2017
You took her stiletto away first, right? She moderately injures you even if unarmed?

With zero taming, she won’t gain any devotion overnight even if she is happy. If the slave’s aura is stronger than the master’s, her taming reduces every night.

On hardcore obedience difficulty, taming will increase if you successfully punish her using a method that is either painful or deprives her of mobility (being tied up or confined).

You can temporarily increase the master’s aura by raising his allure and/or using the spell Magna Magnifika, and you can stack rules and item effects to increase taming. Some combination of slave being naked (no clothes in body slot), sleep on floor, crown of thorns, any slave collar (steel collar best but more mood impact), nipple chain, thick steel ring piercings, pony girl gear (except tail), petsuit, deprivation suit.

Cheapest are naked, sleep on floor, leather collar, crown of thorns. But the mood impact of all four might be difficult to manage.

The slave being spoiled will also inhibit devotion and reduce her obedience slightly, although it also helps by increasing her merit (she feels entitled to bigger rewards). Letting her end the day in a bad mood (pessimistic is safe for any level of empathy, lower mood might lead to despair depending on empathy) will make her spoil level drop faster. It’s usually better to focus on raising her fear or taming and let the spoil level work itself out naturally.

You said you weren’t sure how she became spoiled. One possibility is frequent spa visits.
Well now I feel stupid. hahahaha. I had thought about the stiletto actually but the names of the attacks she used in combat against me didn't match the names of the attacks that appeared when I made her fight in the arena with that weapon equipped so I assumed it just wasn't using it for some reason. Like, maybe lore wise I'm equipping her when she's going off to fight, but since this fight between us was spontaneous she didn't have time to grab it or something. But I just did several quick tests with and without that in her inventory, and while the names of the attacks she uses doesn't change, she does marginally less damage each attack without it and more importantly doesn't leave me wounded afterwards. That means I can realistically start to enforce rules without prohibitive costs associated with doing it.

I apologize for my blonde moment there. It does make sense and I think that was the only thing I was missing. Going back to an earlier save I was able to complete the contract exactly on day 40. Only took me about 5 days with several beatings to get her to obedient. Payment was lower than what I was expecting as your guide mentioned 400 sparks, but I see now that would have been counting early payment for turning her in ahead of schedule so that explains it.

I appreciate your patience in sharing answers with me! Going to restart now back to the beginning right after I acquired her and play through again to see how much quicker I can get it done. lol

Seems she is doing much damage to you, maybe you just need to train your own fighting skill, sparring in the colosseum? or just spend some money buying the cheapest armor?

In my experience, I prefer to buy a Aramid Suit ($100) and go sparring a lot, when I have to punish her in higher intensity, and it does great help. But in ImperatorAugustusTertius's try, he isn't in need of it.

Edit: winning a fight with a lash or whip can train your whip skill, without having to use it actually, the whip skill further helps in defeating your slave without hurting her, punishing her with whip without hurting her, and training her pony skill.
Yeah the damage wound up being the weapon she had equipped. Since the weapon attacks she used in combat didn't align with the attacks the stiletto uses I assumed it wasn't counting it and that was my dumb assumption. Without it I was able to fight and win easily enough and without injury. She was both stronger than me and a better combatant, and without spending money I'm not supposed to have to buy that armor then I really had no way of beating the shinobe to advance my skill any further than they already were. Suppose I could have kept eating at the HIP to try to build my strength that way and perhaps I'd be able to take her on then even without armor. Something for me to try in this 2nd attempt! Thanks for your help! :D


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Suppose I could have kept eating at the HIP to try to build my strength
For the master, defeating shinobi is much easier if you learn some special techniques.

Another way to raise strength is sex, and there’s a brothel in Taurus district. More expensive than the pub if you’re only going for strength, but brothel has other benefits.


Oct 3, 2017
For the master, defeating shinobi is much easier if you learn some special techniques.

Another way to raise strength is sex, and there’s a brothel in Taurus district. More expensive than the pub if you’re only going for strength, but brothel has other benefits.
Speaking of special techniques. You can learn a new technique with every point in fighting skill correct? That means you can only learn so many as well right? I'll have to put some thought into which ones I ultimately want so I don't wind up wasting them.


Oct 3, 2017
This second attempt is going much smoother though. Had her up to optimistic from the very first day. Her endurance is too low for her to be able to win any fights in the arena yet despite her fighting skill nor is she willing to do any gymnastics yet, but I do have her on fresh food and supplements and she's willing to take classes with good enough results for me to reward her so not too bad. She needs to learn those skills anyway and a little time for her to get used to everything and for the supplements to kick in will make the rest easier. Obviously while starting with the carrot, I'm not going to wait so long to bring in the stick as well considering I know I can do it. I'd just rather not start with it because otherwise she'll attack me in my sleep right away. But once she's more accostumed to things and I can keep her mood up even with physical discipline then I'll be in good shape.
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