Just like I said in my previous posts. As we are getting closer to the bigger project people start worrying and questioning shit. He said august so you don't have nothing else to do but wait for august. If some shit happens along the way or something isn't like what you expected and you are disappointed with it, well shit, its your problem for being too invested. And jesus, pipe it down about that fucking suit, its not taking anything from nothing and if thats the reason for worrying because its weird, then what the fuck is normal for you if you watch an animation about people fucking their family. Exactly, we don't watch it because its normal so shut up already. And he said he is already working on it at the same time with the monthly so stop asking constantly if advancements were made. Jesus christ, give them a stick and they want the whole fucking forest. He is the kind of creator that silently watches and sometimes engages with fans, so imagine the mental fuckery some people give hím without knowing reading their ignorant comments.