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Nov 5, 2019
Yes, so artist like Miro, nyl, rikolo, and desire sfm are the people that already master in futa. The thing is if you want another artist (for example jackerman here) to do futa it will be another workload for him. This because jackerman need to create new context and idea that will affect his main project. I know some people like futa and I don't see a problem for that at all, in fact its very great to have multiple genre. But for us jack suppoter that already looking how great jack content with monster, incest, and beastly it would be wise to always support jack to create only that. Just let the futa things to the gods which is Miro and others. Daz3d is also very very hard to working with long rendering, heavy work station, hard to animate. For futa lovers there always a hope for you guys but please let just support want jackerman good at right now which is beastly and incest content. Missed the gorrila and Eve so much though. This post is not because I hate futa guys just and an opinion.
You said exactly what I think, we have to support his work regardless of what he releases, after all he is ridiculously good at what he does, I doubt anyone can easily find another 3D artist who does these types of kinks (thicc womens with animals) so well, so the more we support ,the better it will be. Even if I didn't like the theme that his Patreons chose for this first episode of the Mother's Warmth, probably the next episode that will be with the mother dressed as a Elastigirl can be very good, and the last involving beastly will be even better. So we just have to be patient.

Noon saibot

Active Member
Aug 23, 2019
It's going down later today we get a new episode of redo healer and we get jackerman new episode as well. Matter fact can I get the last movie please the first one while we wait.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2017
Whats up with people kink shaming other people recently in this forum? Relax, something you will like eventually come out. No need to kink shame people who voted something they wanted to see.
Seeing how you've been here since 2018. You should know that kink shaming is the site's 2nd most popular past time. Its our baseball/lawsuits of American past time thing. Usually its NTR shunners that come out of nowhere with their noses in the air and wiggling their Karen fingers at us demanding WE change and THEY are the ones in the right. In fact its so bad the mods are fed up with the NTR Debate. There's even a urbandictionary.com definition for F95Zone which LITERALLY says for people to get triggered over NTR. I kid you not!
As for the theme I'm fine with it.
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5.00 star(s) 22 Votes