I was just joking dud... its clear that is not a normal member like us

.... i wanted just to know how he feels when he deletes the posts of the others.... i know it's crazy
Still ... That stun of yours gonna shutdown this thread for good.
I know for a fact that in the past couple of months different mods comes here to this thread n warn us to be best our behaviors.
But the people being people who listen to them n who follow their rules anyway. It's gone to the point that people in this thread actually got spiral out of control.
Honestly from the bottom of my heart I will say that when the mods/admin of this site comes over here and tell us to control our ourselves, not just one time but multiple times it just not saddens me but also put to shame in this thread as well.
That ... Why the mods/admin comes to this site n tell us multiple times ? have we no common sense, have we no logic n more importantly have we not shame enough. Not just other members of this thread but also among ourselves.
TBT I don't blame the mods, neither the members of this thread. Bcuz I know that some of them r passionate, kind n also just like normal person they come over n enjoy the content they like n love.
But there are other people who comes over here not to enjoy but to spread toxicity in this community. Which their names I'm refrain to reveal. Let's be honest if I started spelling beans on those Toxers then there will be much drama n chaos in this thread. And honestly I don't need that n neither I'm looking forward to it nor anyone or anybody else either.
There's one thing I need to confess every time I come to this thread my heart rate just increases. Why u asked ? Bcuz of fear.
Fear of when someone being sensitive for no reason.
Fear of trolling, spamming, kink-shaming.
Now it is gotten to the point of racism.
I remember when I joined this forum. And come over here the people in thread used to be so cool n reasonable n now this thread is nothing but a husk of it's former self. Again I don't blame the people I blame some of the people who are responsible making this community where it is now.
It will shock you that it is not just this thread but the members of the other thread also acknowledges that _ yes Jackerman animation thread is a dumpster fire n the people of that thread's are nothing but garbage.
Seriously it pains my when I read their comments bcuz I'm also a member of this thread.
But what mods said today that They're gonna banned this thread if they find one more negative. Seriously if you asked me that's not cure or the solution of this problem.
Because there's no fault in this thread.
The thread is only just thread nothing less nothing more.
Because in my view point this thread is not garbage, some people in this thread they make garbage.
The only solution of this garbage is to straight banned them not the thread.