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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
But this is really true. Jackerman started with incest as the Coming Home game came before Tentacular, but I didn't count on it in my comment as the game only had the intro done (very little content) as when Jackerman was working on version 0.2 of the game it unfortunately he had to cancel the game because he violated rule 7 here on the forum about shota content, this made him give up making the game so that when it was later he would create Mother Warmth instead. The model of Claire from MW and the same model as the mother of Coming Home, which in this case is the first model made by Jackerman.
i see.... you count it when it suits your point and "forget it" when it doesn't. Are you by chance myex girlfriend? :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2017
i see.... you count it when it suits your point and "forget it" when it doesn't. Are you by chance myex girlfriend? :ROFLMAO:
There's nothing wrong with what I said. Coming Home was actually Jackerman's first work, but its content was too short as it was just an introduction. Thinking of it as a satisfying job of incest doesn't make sense precisely because it's extremely short, but even so it remains Jackerman's first creation. I've tried to make the text as simple as possible, but if you can't even understand that, then that's not my problem.


May 29, 2017
If half the people complaining about the story direction actually joined his Subscribestar then there really wouldn't be anything to complain about lol. I doubt any creator would scorn his paying customers to cater to those who don't financially support his creations. But hey, continue voicing your discontent on a pirate site (y). He will surely listen!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
ah damn.... too late. The post of our tolerate friend is gone. I only wanted to ask which completely sane and healthy style of sex he prefers and if he is aware that WATCHING WOMEN having a special sort of sex doesn't indicate that the observer does the same. Or would it make me magically a woman if i like Lesbian Porn? Piat.... just chill ;)


Dec 19, 2021
View attachment 1498365
I don't think that's not Claire, that's probably the Aunty !
If you look closely then you will notice something that, she has a dark mole like spot on her right side (character's perspective left side).
View attachment 1498366
But we all know that Claire does not have any kind of mole like spot or anything she's totally clean. Claire's body is spotless or you can say that she has a simply fair skin in this case.
One thing, It looks like Damon is carrying a drug or a bottle of sleeping pills some kind.
View attachment 1498367
It seems like the Aunt also will be drugged just like the first chapter.
Where Damon accidentally drugged her mother n rest of the story we all know that, so no need to repeat here.

But judging from the picture it looks like Damon is looking sinisterly happy n carrying that bottle around her back not also that he also took his pants off as we speak.
It is safe to say that Damon is intensionally wants to drug her Aunty n well we all know whats gonna happens next to her.

But Hey, those are only just speculations.
A theory if you say so nothing more nothing less.
I could be wrong ... Dunno ... Maybe ...
Maybe is the fact that the use of gold lightning renders (GLR) that's why.
All the fans n the community knows how much Jackerman loves GLR in his animation.
View attachment 1498368
Last thing to put end of this topics/theory.
Now it's called Jackerman Films.
Not Jackerman or .Com or anything.
Now it just the Jackerman Films !?
Does that mean Jackerman already moved on to the new platform & now it is rebranding himself ?
I not sure there is total agreement that it was an "accident" as you say but I have always considered that to be a real possibility


May 10, 2017
I not sure there is total agreement that it was an "accident" as you say but I have always considered that to be a real possibility
Lol stop resurrecting this, the image is really old and has nothing to do with MW

Regarding the image that has been resurrected from the grave. This is not a new render at all. It was the introduction of Damon, as you can see below:

View attachment 1498442

It's nearly 2 years old at this point and nothing further has been done with this render. Considering Jackerman is fully switching to Blender, most likely nothing will be done. This was probably a WIP before even MW1 came out. No need to speculate further.

One more thing - this is definitely Claire's model, or at least what Claire's model used to look like back then.
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Dec 19, 2021
One new thought I have had and there is plenty of room to argue but: at the end of their sexing when Claire says, "Maybe we shouldn't mention this"... What if that is actually her finally accepting how things are going to be? ... It's easy to read the statement as yet another " omg what'd we just do no one can ever find out this is the last time EVAR" but Claire seems more nuanced than that.
...What if that is Claire's cultured, concise way of saying, "Ok, if we're going to be doing this, we will have to be VERY careful with how we go about things."
...Wouldn't it be hot if in the next episode we see Claire being frustrated because she and Damon are in separate rooms at Aunt Rebecca's house??
...Anyway, I know I might be reading into a simple sentence too much but for me looking for hidden meanings and nuances is part of the fun of MW.


Dec 19, 2021
Accident or not, the way he was looking at her when she woke him up that morning and caused that boner, he had intentions.
I like that he saw the opportunity and took it.
Agree 100%
Also, remember: just moments before she is moaning and writhing under his massaging hands, has a habit of being barely dressed around him and telling him how his ex didn't deserve him and saying "let's go down by the pool and relax while your father is away like we used to."
...Look, I've always said that the blowjob by the pool was 99% non consensual by my girl Claire, but it's not like it came completely out of NOWHERE.
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Dec 19, 2021
Lol stop resurrecting this, the image is really old and has nothing to do with MW
I respectfully disagree. It's an early WIP of the two main characters from MW. I think it's fun seeing that stuff.
...Also, in my own personal head canon, I like to think this is a young slutty trailer park Claire before the money allowed her to tone up a bit and get all classy, lol.


Dec 19, 2021
I'm not gunna knock MW2 cause it was pretty great and I fapped to it. And I liked the tease and slow build up, but I was a little surprised when it didn't end in the hard fucking that I think of as a staple of Jackerman's work. And I think it's a bit too soon for the busty aunt trope to start when there's so much meat on the bone left to explore with the mom.
I just don't think that is the dynamic between Claire and Damon. I know many here see it that way or want it to BE that way but I differ: I see their relationship as very loving, tender and mutually respectful. Claire isn't Jenny. And Damon isn't Rex. Or a tentacle.
There is a difference between a desire to dominate and a desire for sex. Even in scene by the pool with the forced BJ I didn't see Damon's motives as domination.
... And a careful review of the climactic sex scene has Claire calling the shots every step of the way, very much in charge - while continuing to make certain Damon achieves what he needs.
...I actually find their blossoming relationship to be...quite beautiful.
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Aug 23, 2021
Agree 100%
Also, remember: just moments before she is moaning and writhing under his massaging hands, has a habit of being barely dressed around him and telling him how his ex didn't deserve him and saying "let's go down by the pool and relax while your father is away like we used to."
...Look, I've always said that the blowjob by the pool was 99% non consensual by my girl Claire, but it's not like it came completely out of NOWHERE.
Yeah it's clear that claire loves to have sex with her son but she was resisting that feeling a little bit in MW2. I hope that claire and rebecca starts satisfy their desires more in MW3...
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