Let me give you some advice. Next time you see something you don't like, fell free to ignore it instead of posting the usual conservative nonsense this thread is known for, or come up with a better suggestion of your own coz, shockingly

, JM missed another deadline (again), so maybe some of these pirates' ideas can actually help him in the long run.
You can post whatever suggestion you want but it will always be on deaf ears if the author in question doesn't visit the forum. Funny you say ignore it when you directly responded to my post so that is a bit unusual. How does it help him in the long run? He could do longer videos but then you would still complain about something regardless because that is what naturally happens.
Let us say he makes a long 6+ minute video and it takes him 3-6 months to make. If it is on something you don't like or it delays something you want, wouldn't you complain about it? Make post after post seething that he isn't doing a video on your cup of tea? Long videos burns the creator out and sometimes it makes them not want to work on it for more time. Look at Nyl with his Gorgon project, he stopped working on it and went to do something else.
You don't have to, but I'm pretty sure you and other conservative white knights like you will understand it after JM's retiring due to being burnt out or bored out his mind of this 3d stuff he makes.
I literally come on this thread once every few months since I don't really care for a majority of his works as I'm not into beast shit. I scrolled when I saw the poll and the catwoman one peaked my interest so now I'm reading the thread more. I, like many people on this site, have no stakes in this since I doubt many here actually give financial support to him.
Imagine getting something free and being so impatient that they miss deadlines you get peeved because you can't coom right that second. What do you, the free consumer, lose in this issue? If a game I want to pirate gets delayed for whatever reason I don't really care since I never put any money into it.
Who gives a shit ?? He should just focus on his work, respect his promises and ignore the negativity. That's all he need to do to get more supporters. He can't do anything about the haters but ignore them and prove them wrong. It's that simple.
That is what he is doing I assume? Working on his monthly and w/e big project in the back.