It's simple... 2 was too boring and too vanilla for most of Jack's supporters. I'm far from being a beasty fan, but even I admit option 2 sounds better for fapping lol.
If only he did that from now on and let ppl only choose between these two kinks for monthlies so everybody would be pleased. But for some fucked up reason beyond my humble mind to comprehend he don't and lets them fight each other about whose kink is better.
I bet she also can't control how much she'll enjoy it and be vocal about how good 'accidents' like that make her feel. Wonder how her wimpy son will react to that, if ppl vote for him to catch her.

Maybe Jack intentionally made him look like a wimp to exploit all the NTR and humiliation
potential his wimpy character has to offer.
Why pity him ?? The fool got a piece of the action too in SH 1 and 2 and failed to satisfy her. A woman like that won't be pleased with a lousy fuck. Wonder when that NTR vid with the jackass bully will win so we can see Anne get humiliated again. Maybe then incest fans will realize how lame her sex scene with her son was. Incest sex scenes in Jackerman's vids ain't as intense and passionate as their beasty and NTR counterparts, and sadly, that's fact.