You literally insult me for pointing out the obvious, and I'm the asshole ??

Go jack off to your pedo/vanilla stuff dude, and stop reading my posts if you lil pee-pee can't handle the truth.
I'm not into bestiality, I think I already mentioned it at least a few dozen times, but I won't attack beast fans for paying the man to give us stuff to 'enjoy' watching in our free time. Go live in your own delusional, vanilla world if you can't accept basic facts that back up my claims. I post here to have a polite conversation with other users, not to insult them, and to express my appreciation or disappointment toward a vid I watched. If you and others like you don't have the maturity to accept other opinions, you welcome to screw off and talk to yourselves and other narrow-minded ppl like you.
Everyone who watched the first 2 parts says the same thing, especially since adding Cole was a last-minute decision from JM. The son was there just to become a full-on cuck or a better, more dominant and passionate lover for Anne in the next parts, otherwise, it don't make sense to screw up their mom-son relationship like that.
You have our thanks bro', but be careful not to get in trouble with Jack for leaking the vid so quickly.