VN - Ren'Py - Jason, Coming of Age [v0.11.0] [CoeurDeCochon]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    Game starts of really good.
    Interesting characters and nice, unique models.
    Story is enjoyable and realistic enough.
    (As others have mentioned, the pacing of Lexy's story arc is a bit too quick, but okay)

    There's also some UI elements (phone, compendium, an 'eye icon' that let's you inspect certain parts of the scene, etc...). While they seem neat at first, after a while they become rather bothersome.
    For instance:
    • After every couple of lines of dialogue the compendium gets updated (mostly with minor and unimportant facts). So you constantly have to go to the compendium - even when you know there's nothing important added - to get rid of that damn indicator.
    • The 'eye icon' seemed very interesting at first, but after a while I realized it was actually nothing more than a glorified zoom function.
      You see a girl, the icon appears, you zoom in to her boobs and have a line of dialogue, and that's it.
    To round it up, these UI elements seem really cool at start, but after a while you realize they're not that cool, and they take up too much of your time.

    Now, for my biggest gripe with this game:

    Chapter one starts (involving a glowing pendant), and suddenly all the good promises of the introduction are thrown out of the window.
    Goodbye to realism and interesting characters. Now every girl you meet has basically one dialogue: "I want his massive cock inside of me!"
    Huge dissapointment!

    Some last thougths:
    • While the pacing in the introduction was very good, as soon as chapter one starts, it gets insane: every few minutes new girls are introduced and added to the compendium as LI's. You have no clue who they are, you only know they want your cock.
    • At the start of the game, you can make some choices: harem or not, ntr or not, straight bi or gay.
      However, with the amount of girls thrown at you, it's clear that this game is intented to be a straight harem game (maybe with some optional ntr).
    I was very excited when I started playing it. But when the introduction ended and the first chapter started, my excitement quickly turned into dissapointment (for the reasons stated above).

    EDIT: After replaying the game (update 0.9.2) I realize I was too harsh in my original review. I really enjoy the writing, visuals are very good, and characters enjoyable (and customizable!).
    So I'm adding a star.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So god damn good already. Loving the variety in character design.
    Can't wait to see where the story goes. The writing is decent too. I love the amount of teasing that goes on and the different ways the scenes can play out. I look forward to the next update. Best of luck GameDev <3
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review en français vu que le dev est un des rares devs français du site.

    Bon jeu pour l'instant (V 0.6.4) avec une histoire intéressantes et des persos très sympas. Des scènes très cools et beaucoup de diversité/choix. Je dirais par contre que c'est un risque de proposer autant de persos aussi vite et je me demande combien de temps ça va prendre avant d'avoir des scènes intéressantes avec chaque perso pour contenter tout le monde.. attention à ne pas avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre.

    Ceci dit le jeu a beaucoup de potentiel donc j'espère que ça continuera dans cette direction positive.

    Good game so far (V 0.6.4) with an interesting story and very nice characters. There are some really cool scenes and a lot of diversity/choices. However, I would say that it's risky to offer so many characters so quickly and I wonder how long it will take to have interesting scenes with each character to satisfy everyone... be careful not to bite off more than you can chew.

    That being said, the game has a lot of potential so I hope it continues in this positive direction.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am so incredibly stoked to see this game continue. I hardly know where to begin..

    Okay, first off...the art. The character models are absolutely fantastic. A broad array of body types and unique features really drive home the illusion of these being 'real' characters. Right down to skin blemishes, freckles, moles, proportions...everything about the models feels so real and genuine. It is a welcome aspect to say the least. And it golds through to the lewd scenes, as well. They are remarkably well rendered and animated, with the same verisimilitude when it comes to physicality. Most are also tremendously sexy.

    The writing is serviceable for an obvious translation. There are some stilted moments, but much of the wry humor comes through perfectly. The story is easy to follow and the dialogue typically feels realistic and earnest, with an aspect of welcome comedic appeal.

    The story itself works perfectly. The characters are very compelling and interesting and, while the 'Magic Penis' trope is very easy to overdo in an Adult Visual Novel, I actually find that it works quite elegantly here. It isn't my favorite concept, but the splendid craftsmanship in this game as a whole has warmed me to it.

    I also want to give a strong shout out to the fantastic soundtrack for the game. A robust variety of music (with a lot of R&B and Soul influence) helps guide the pacing and serves to accentuate the proceedings without distracting the player from them. Actually one of my favorite uses of music in a game in this entire genre, to be honest.

    Non-musical sound is great, too. Especially in the lewd scenes. The voice FX feel fairly natural and not overly contrived and annoying. The moans are actually somewhat sexy, which I have found to be a rarity in this field.

    All in all, this is probably my personal favorite game to watch right now. I really truly hope it gets a lot of support and can proceed without failure.

    Closing personal note with obvious reviewer bias:
    The developer has already included a feature for one character that allows the player a range of customization options for pubic hair styling. I hope that this is extended to all female characters during development, because it is an extremely valuable feature. The Pubes versus No Pubes debate has raged in this community since I started reading text-based adult games back in the late 80s. But a developer willing and able to take the time to offer the choice to the player without any of the options feeling 'tacked on' or rushed is an extremely elegant fix. I personally cannot/do not play games that do not include at least one model with a full hairy bush. Preferably more than one. Which means that very very few games in this field fit my tastes. It is gratifying to find one that does, while also serving to quell the debate by allowing opposing viewpoints to choose how they want the characters groomed in their own story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great visual novel!

    Really nice visuals, great renders and animations.
    Diverse cast of characters(with unique look), realistic body types. I really like this diversity and they are really hot.
    Music/sounds are pretty good aswell.

    The dialogues are pretty well written. We are early in the story but it looks promising.
    There are only a few sex scenes (ver0.6.4) but they are really hot.(hopefully we will get NTR, sharing, swinging content)

    So overall it looks really promising. High quality game.

    Keep up the good work Dev. and good luck with your projects!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. It very different from other games around, not mainstream in any way. Characters are very beautiful in their own way. The story is interesting. The only bad thing for me that you can "read" what the other characters are thinking.

    Keep up the good work
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    - Review of Jason (v0.64) -
    ! May contain some spoilers !
    Although in very early development, this is really a tough one for me...
    while clearly showing a lot of strength and fresh ideas on one side, its weaknesses on the other side are almost unbearable in my opinion.

    Let's start with the strengths:

    Right before the beginning, you're able to choose your sexual orientation (hetero, bi or gay) as well as if you want NTR or not. Player agency plus diversity– much appreciated.
    You can play as 'Jason' or rename your male MC (which actually nullifies the game title, cause it wouldn't be 'Jason' anymore then. But I'd guess, most players can live with this logical inconsequence.)

    Right from the start of the prologue, it's obvious that plenty of effort's put into the visual and interactive conception of this game – presented to the player in quite creative and engaging ways:

    • Very detailed renders, in particular those for the scenes/locations/backgrounds
    • Quite a visually diverse cast of characters and bodyshapes (male & female)
    • Multiple Character Avatars, changing occasionally according to the circumstances
    • Some fresh interactive modes in selected scenes (for example 'The eye' – giving you the option for a closer look, mostly on the body [parts] of possible Lis), adding a render to the gallery
    • Gallery with (some alternating) renders according to your choice of action available
    • Multiple choices that impact the variation of some scenes, behaviour and dialogue of characters - up to letting you make preferences about the pubic hair of Lis (cool idea!)
    • Replay option of some scenes implemented
    • Well designed Character Menu with additional information, customable char avatars for this menu and a self-updating 'diary' kind of chronicle
    • Decent (lewd) animations and transitions, a few render sequences on autoplay
    • Well implemented and organized music (with title display when changing through the scenes) and technically well delivered fx & atmo sounds

    Excellent approach and setup for a potentially variable and player engaging AVN, technically at least.
    Strongly delivered and presented as well. That's why I can formally understand much of the praise the game has received so far in the other reviews so far.

    But unfortunately all the praise just ends for me there...due to the significant issues the game apparently has in my opinion:

    'Jason', the MC, is f*ckin' ugly and mostly appears to be much older than twenty-something from the renders with his nerdy look, his greyish hair or his edgy & bony face/body. It really does not contribute to his marginal attractiveness that his renders show every blemish, every pimple in great detail either.
    Oh, btw, that's certainly the huge downside of all those socalled 'realistic' character renders in this game for me. Most of the possible LI's faces are outright unattractive due to these! Bodies are fortunately not so much affected by these, but the faces... almost horrific!
    But even less appealing for me is the inner dialogues of 'Jason' and all the characters of the cast so far: they all constantly think like a 13 year old teen in one wet teenagers dream. And their soooo sophisticated and matured thoughts are almost always only lewd... MC's always creeping in thoughts (and sometimes actions) about the LIs and vice versa! All p*rn tropes included. Whether the developers has intended an adult story or not: that's totally immature!

    Additionally, the socalled plot so far meanders around the lewd fantasies and MCs mysteriously glowing necklace ostensibly causing these and granting 'Jason' his irresistable attraction to other despite of still being not more than an immature, unattractive, drooling nerdy dude. While the LIs seem to be affected by this necklace in an equivalent way: becoming much more attractive to him, as well as naughtier and more immature than they would be normally. Convenient for a p*rn plot only.

    The more this wonderful plot progresses (so far it's a vage introduction), the less player agency you'll be given in terms of choosing relationships, sex, kinks and so on.
    So for example, there's non-avoidable sleep sex with a !!!cat !!! that is able to transform into a latex fetished kind of clown girl; there's a lot of squirting you can't skip; there's a choice leading to a gloryhole scene without proper hint, so you only find out when it's almost too late (if you're not into that kink)... etc... Whether you like the ginger 'Lexie' or not, you are quasi forced into more than strictly a platonic relationship with her. The same goes for not being able to decide if you find other characters attractive, hot, sexy or not...and at least some people of the cast are really so dubious, that not every player may wish to encounter them at all?!

    Just to speak solely for myself:

    • - being forced on to anyone sexually or romantically without choice is a strict NO GO!!!
    • - the same goes for kinks I'm not into: hint on them and/or let me skip those.
    • - having to endure to immerge myself into a MC full of lewd thoughts and actions towards mostly everyone without choice is as well a NO GO!
    • - having to bear with seeing people naked without choice (male & female) that I am definitely not attracted to at all is... well, you might guess it already!

    Due to all these forced NO GOs, the immature plot & dialogue and the unattractive cast, I can't give this game more than 2 stars. These weaknesses outweight the setup strengths too much for me, though I can only recommend 'Jason' to those who don't mind.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    • Renders and Animations are really good
    • Unique style, really like the body types of the LIs, they are realistic
    • Story is interesting, did not skip any dialog
    • The H-Scenes are AMAZING, really hot damn
    • diverse Cast of LIs, there's one for every taste and also with different backstories
    • I like the game mechanics, as long as it is pointed out when to find something on the screen
    • The female orgasm is done very well, squirting and such. Big plus, since I think many games do not show it well.
    • The only negative in my opinion is also the story (kind of). Even tho I listed it as positive, it's the only small thing I can point out. The whole power premise is interesting, but it's episode 1 and it already feels like a little fuckfest to be honest. I guess I'm more of a romance guy so most will love that aspect.
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    I personally can't wait for more content, can only recommend to give it a try!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible and unique games. I love the story so far and all the possibilities that will be offered to us with the different meeting
    you did a very good job of creations.
    I wish you great success in creating games and I will follow your projects in the future
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is very good, story plot starts slow but the pace is likable. Evenually i believe we see many women for the MC . Hoping some great MILF action as well with both theme and looks.
    Thanks for the game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice all ! Best job ever! Excellent plot, great pictures, pleasant graphics and physics of bodies. The proportions are observed, all characters are different. Developer, I'm your fan!
    This is the first game in which I did not put a rewind. I look forward to the development of events. Good luck!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is starting out really well, the characters are really hot and the artwork is amazing. There's already a huge gallery of characters, so I hope that the developer will have time and resources to fully flesh out the story. My man is going to have a very interesting time!

    Definitely one to follow and support!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! With a good story, there is a French atmosphere, I like it.
    Nice picture, nice appearance of the female characters, and plus there is potential for the future, that is not much mentioned private club, boss with prostitutes, and so on. I think in the future we will have a lot of interesting things, the main thing is that the author did not abandon. Good luck, I hope it all works out)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It has a unique art style that is beautiful, honestly interesting romance, and engaging story. I love that that it seems like its going to scratch a few kinks of mine. The translation is great but the spelling could use some work but nothing that really bothers me. Keep it up dev, I cant wait to see more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN around... very promising. I would recommend to at least try it out, the quality is beyond average, bot in storytelling and renders. The main character feels pretty real, which is often an issue in other games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very well made and story is coherent, simple, but has enough interesting elements to not make it bland. I like music with my VN and the choices are quite pleasant and enjoyable. The dialogues are pretty well written and doesn't seem too childish or corky (besides the inner monologues but i feel its appropriate). I love the diverse cast of girls (they hit a lot of kinks) but it seems like a mountain of work to blend them into the story. Overall this is such a amazing beginning and I wish the best for this game. GoodLuck :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game and good animations and History i like !
    Good luck creating your game. You deserve complete success! Rare are the games that I like!
    I am French the quality of the characters without necessarily making them too perfect.
    Je te tire mon chapeau. Well done again and keep it up.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The Jason game is simply amazing and totally unique among the games available. Choose your orientation, choose pubic hair. Lots of tags planned.

    An interesting story of a young adult who discovers his new life with an eventful move because of a pretty redhead. The renders are realistic not like most devs where the MCs are hairless "Barbies Ken"...

    The developer listens to criticism and adapts, people submitting a review with few stars know nothing.
    I am proud to say that I support this developer. I can't wait for the next update, as well as Girls Have Dreams stories this year. Teen Jason, the mother, the sister.

    If you have a developer to support it's him, directly.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Having played through the game I have to say that it was simply fantastic. The character models are great and there are many choices the player can take. He can choose to be romantic and loving. Hopefully going towards a more harem like path. Or he can choose to be more free-spirited and not committed. The girls in this game so far are quite good with a bunch of variety available. I look forward to the next updates as the story is picking up and we learn more about what is happening with the necklace.
    I believe this one deserves a 5 star rating.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This one really deserves 5 stars. Nice story, even is it's still the beginning. Excellent renders, nice teasing. Not much sex yet.
    French version is good enough to be enjoyed.

    I'm watching this one for every next update. I wish it won't be a full harem and choices will matter how you behave with each LI.