VN - Ren'Py - Jason, Coming of Age [v0.11.0] [CoeurDeCochon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following the game since the beginning, and finally a really well-done Italian translation has been put in.
    The game got me from the beginning and it is really well done 5 stars well deserved keep it up
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    The Surgeon

    I think the game is pretty good. The setting is not wildely new or inventive, but distinct from most. The models are interesting and not just the same five you see everywhere. Rendering quality and scenes are also very good at their best and totally acceptable at worst.

    Aside from the one blemish that seems to follow every game nowadays (Having to shoehorn in a "dark" plot into you porn game) the biggest flaw is that the game stretches itself way too thin in my opinion.
    You feel like you don't get any one scene with a character without there being introduced another one. This game is two years old and there is barely any content because you can't give any character any screentime.
    You have the childhood friend, but not only her, but also her sister having a similar role. You don't have the typical incest plot, you have another one for another character entirely. You have one scene in the bakery and you introduce another character again. Hooker in front of you house? There is another one or two. Someone at work? Make it 4 or 5 characters you get one scene with and during that scene you have the chance to get to know another person.
    Not to mention all the girls that are just somehow added via random scenes that add some kind of fantasy or magic plot, are teased via the "club", are teased via the shops, etc.
    The quality is solid but very unfocused.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for v0.8.1) I rate this game 5 stars for the same reason some users have taken stars off of their ratings: the magic dick.

    Although it is an established trope in smut, I think a magic dick story can be loads of fun when it's done well, and so far Jason, Coming of Age, is very fun. It has those feel-good harem vibes where the love interests can be cool about sharing the MC. It has love interests of so many different attractive appearances and personalities. It has romantic storytelling and interpersonal drama. It has a magical/demonic layer of intrigue as well as a mundane/mafioso layer of intrigue creeping around the corner. It also has some very spicy sex scenes.

    The story has already been a pleasure and we haven't even left the first chapter yet. I feel a little silly dropping 5 stars on this already, but I'm really enjoying the storytelling and eagerly following the progress of this game.

    I can't think of any negatives, but I do have worries about the scope the author's taking on. There are already a few placeholder/incomplete choices in the game, and these types of stories tend to only get more complex as the player is allowed more choices--especially given some of the layers the author is putting into some of the relationships!

    I hope the author sticks with it so we can see where Jason, Coming of Age goes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game that has potential but not my preferred story type.

    The renders and character models are average. Roughly 50% of the characters I'm not very attracted to or interested in. The animations are hit and miss. Most of the early animations are poor with a few in the middle of the game good, and then reverting to average. There are like three to four animations which are long and smooth but the majority range from poor to average.

    The writing is decent but the story is just another "magic dick" game. Instead, it is a magical pendant that basically influences or "mind controls" the females around the MC to want sex with him. There is little romance. The love interests lose all inhibitions when around the MC so the MC doesn't really have to do much but sit back and watch all the girls turn into huge sluts. It ends up being a teenage boy's sexual fantasy.

    Another surprise is the lack of content for a 0.8.1 version game. The decision to have a high version number can be deceiving for many players. Yes, there are no rules or standards when it comes to version numbers on this site, but based on how most developers do their versioning with their games, most players would assume that the game is roughly 80% of the way completed. In reality, the game is roughly 15% of the way completed based on the numerous potential love interests introduced (only the author knows for sure).

    The game will draw more players to it having a version number of 0.8.1 but then be disappointed when only two relationships are developed to a small extent. I usually don't try games until they have at least four hours of playable content so the version number tricked me (you got me).

    Is the game fun to play? Yes.
    Is it worth playing? Yes.

    Overall, I rate the game 3.5 stars but rounded up to 4.

    Just understand that the story is mostly "mind control / magic dick" themed.

    The player does get to choose who he "romances" so the game has that going for it. You can choose to say "no" which is refreshing and missing in most games!

    I wish the author lots of success on future development!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Grait, Mega Game. I Love the Story and mega Quality and Grafik. Its an nice Story. Big Option with the girls. The Animation with the Girls are Mega and i love all new Udate from this Game. but what i most love are the Game are in German Language. And this are very rare. That making me 100% more Love from this Game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Un Must Have, certainement l'une des plus belles productions de l'année ! Une histoire de qualité, une UI au top, de très jolies rendus, des personages atypiques (on aimes ou on aimes pas), du rythme tous les éléments d'une bonne VN interactive sont présents !

    A Must Have, certainly one of the most beautiful productions of the year! A quality story, a top UI, very pretty renderings, atypical characters (we like it or we don't like it), rhythm, all the elements of a good interactive VN are present!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is unbelievably good. despite the fact that it contains a ton of fetishes that I am not into, (meaning I avoided what seems to be about 80% of the content) it is packed with super hot scenes, sexy personalities, and the best animations that I have ever seen on this site. The render style of the characters is much more gritty and real than in most games here, which could turn some players off, but I recommend giving it a chance anyway because scenes are so hot, and there are a couple of females characters who are a little more polished and plastic if that is what you prefer. For me the redhead is devastatingly attractive, even with the braces (not my thing) and imperfect skin. Her attitude is enough for me to lust after her (and the gorgeous red bush helps too :) )

    I honestly think this game sets a new bar.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is gorgeous! All of the girls look great with a wide variety of LI's to be had for either gender preference. Lot's of little branches that make more difference then you'd think making you want to keep going back and watching the same scenes play out differently. English is perfect which is a huge plus after so many rough Engrish games. The only tiny gripe I have is being so paranoid of missing a zoom in hidden scene (The author mentioned it wouldn't always be noted when there was one) that I tend to linger on each screen and massage it all over with my mouse, which makes it a bit slow going at times.
    This is the true definition of a 5 star game and you should make sure to check it out!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice game, incredible graphics, intriguing story, way to go, i really looking forward in any other update. keep going with this amazing job. still missing a good italian translation, but i suppose it will be just a matter of time
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Huhm, just not my cup of tea i think.

    -Its looking good, unique style and models. With a somewhat natural approach (at least for the girls, of course the MC has a horsedick) Overall really good renders.

    -Sound and music are really good too.

    -Writing is good (not plotwise, i just mean the writing itself). The DEV is not native english, i play in english and its perfectly fine. Nothing to complain here.

    -The constant "thaughts" of everyone are getting annoying VERY fast. Every line is about getting pussy stuffed. EVERY LINE. After a while it doesnt even matter anymore if you just skip every thoughts in the game, cause they are all exactly the same and are overall like this:
    MC: "i want to bang her", every Girl: "I want to be banged by MC now" and most spoken sentences are sexual innuendos which are getting boring after a while too.

    -Transitions. Sometimes you have to click multiple times to move on. Cause there a multiple nearly identical images after another. Here would be a cinematic or automatic transition a better solution, instead i click and wonder why nothing is going forward until i realize that only some little detail in the images has changed and this is supposed to be some kind of transition or even "animation" while characters are kissing (every little tounge movement was a new image and i had to click mulitple times to move on) strange solution

    -Animations. They are pretty bad. Its a good thing they are only a few, i would say, the DEV should consider to go without any animations in the future, like this they are not a good thing.

    - Story is kinda meh, but thats a taste question i guess. Somehow the MC has a "special" gem which causes his dick to be a magic wand for everyone around him and he is the chosenone or something like that (so kinda superpower fantasy story too). I cant get my head around something like that and find it just stupid, sorry. If you like those things, go for it.

    - No "build up". As i said, the MC has the magic-gem/dick so every girl wants to fuck him straight away even before knowing his name. With a premise like that there is no relationship build up going on. Romance or "dating" is pretty much out of the window. Not my thing.

    To summarize... it looks good, and has a kinda "fresh" approach and is something "outstanding" compared to other games around here. So three stars for that... But i just dont like many things about the game. Biggest con: Too many monolouges and thoughts all the time, i cant stand those, especially if we can see every single thaught of every character and the only thing they are thinking about is how they want to bang each other.

    *Edit* oh and one thing i forgot... 2 years in the making, still chapter 1. At this rate iam afraid this game will not go somewhere. I wanted to give it a try, its not for me, but even it would be, i dont think it will ever see the light atr the end of the tunnle.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Uncle Evolt

    Idk what to say, the chicks are hot, all shapes and sizes are available, different types of personalities too but when it comes to our MC interaction they feel all the same, all horny af to think straight that is.

    All and all would be a 5 stars game if not for whatever reason that this game is almost 2 years in the making and still in chapter 1 with little to no content. 2 years just for a bunch of characters' introductions and a little tease here and there, couple with a few scenes, one sex scene with an unexpected character and the rest as well as I'm aware, are just BJ. The game is very ambitious with its cast of characters and various other options, if anything this is just a bad sign considering how slow the game currently is.

    At this rate of development, I'm not sure if the One Piece will be found first or if this game will be complete first.

    3.5 stars
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Played this yesterday, wanted to see the reviews and rating.
    Story good, renders are pretty god damn appealing!
    Just wish more peeps subscribed to him on Patreon so he could allocate more time and resources towards making this game faster! :/

    Cant wait for the next update!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Jason is a great game so far. Interesting characters, good story, great artwork. It's a coming-of-age kinda story focusing on Jason and his close friends. I hope the story around Jason and his friends sister will get some additional content in the future. Keep up the great work dev!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.7.2

    I was with the game in the beginning. The prologue actually does a great job of setting up this optimistic moving into town vibe that I was enjoying. There's some fun scenes with your friends helping you move in, exploring the area a bit, and meeting some of the locals. I particularly liked that sort of community feeling as you get to know the local shop owners and such. It was fun. The friend to lovers thing with the first girl happened pretty suddenly, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt since plot wise the MC and her have been friends for awhile. Whatever.

    I think it goes down hill for me pretty soon after all of that. As it turns out, Jason's secret is that he has magical powers that make all the women around him extremely horny to the point of being mindless in some situations, and that of course means they all instantly want to get into his pants. Being real, I'm not into that type of corruption (or whatever you would call it) that instantly skips all kinds of character/relationship building like this does. I'm a lot less interested in most of the cast now.

    It doesn't help that the MC just isn't that interesting either? Again I was fine with him at first, but once I realized most of his dialogue is just perving out on women, he started to annoy me. I guess he's alright outside of that, but there isn't much beyond him being a creep in the first place. Of course the women don't mind it here because of said magical horny powers.

    I'll say the game definitely feels different from the average AVN. There's a lot of what you'd maybe call stylistic choices? You'd probably get what I mean pretty quickly should you play this. Some of them I like, some I wasn't into. This is a lot more opiniated though. For example I was sort of into that brief peek of the rather unique relationship dynamic we got with the MC's family. But as someone who isn't into dudes I did not need to see a scene of the MC's best friend jerking off while his sister watches, nor did I really care to see the MC wear his girlfriend's panties. Though after playing a lot of porn games you get used to things like this, so it's whatever at the end of the day.

    The game does feel like it's made for bi people first, so as someone who isn't, I'm simply not into everything the game has to offer. This isn't a negative though, more of just something to note.

    This also makes a real attempt at creating more realistic models, which I can appreciate. But at the same time it's also a lot more hit and miss (for me anyway).

    I wouldn't say I'm completely out, but I really wasn't feeling it towards the end. I'm sort of interested in seeing what happens story wise with what seems to be some type of mafia, but depending on how future updates go I could see dropping the game. Need to see more out of the characters than just being horny all of the time.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising start! The renders are especially nice and give this game a unique look when compared to many of its contemporaries on this site. The story appears to be leading towards something truly interesting. I eagerly await future updates!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    great music and sex sound effects, nice varied Love interests, customizable body hair is genius, dialogue is good and feels pretty realistic , good unique features like spotting things overall great game looking forwrad to rest
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.7.2

    Enjoyed the story this far. I played it in French.
    Renderings of the girls are realistic. No supermodels.
    At some point you can choose the type of shaving. That's fun.
    BGM are good too.
    I noticed some typos but nothing serious.
    There is often humour (ah Toulouse sausages...)
    Hope there will be hotter sex scenes in the future updates.

    Good luck to the dev.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 so far
    the writing is on point
    the song selections is good.
    the extra camera angles are a treat
    cannot wait to check it out in a year or 2
    typical 3d renders tho.
    love the foreskin n bushes

    game dev really has put some work into it
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Editing review to 2 stars, this game has gone mad
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    Last couple updates have had very small amounts of content, and I don't see how any of the characters in this game will ever be in more than 1 or 2 scenes due to how big the cast of characters is.... which is still expanding for some reason.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    Version reviewed: Episode 1, v0.7.2

    I have written a super long review so just go to my conclusion down there.

    I played as an heterosexual with all fetishes actives. I also played in french, so I can't speak about how well the english version is written. I liked it in french, sometime it was a bit crude but it's a porn game so it's to be expected right? It's not supposed to win the Goncourt award.
    I was surprised by the ability to choose to be an homosexual. While I applaud the sexual flexibility, they are only 2 males and 1 transgender (that I am aware of) which seem kind of small for an homosexual playthrough? But again, I didn't try it so I may speak out of my ass if I may say.

    Let me begin with how the game and his (female) characters looks.
    So, like many Ren'Py visual novel, this one is using 3DCG,
    they are some small animation, either in the sexual scene or just ambiant animation (like a flickering light for example). The animation in sex are short and "okay", maybe too short.
    But the background animation coupled with a sense of details on how the CG are done and are sequenced tell me that this game has more thought and heart pour into it than your typical 3DCG visual novel.
    In the beginning of the story, the 2 characters that are the best friends of the MC make sometime derpy face/ weird facial expression but I didn't found that problem too much with the others characters so I guess it improved as the game was developing.
    I find most of the characters charming, they have all their own personality and style. The choice of different body type, breast size, range of age, etc. is welcomed and impressive. There is choice for everyone indeed.
    I also liked the possibility to customise the pubic hair which I'm a fan of.
    But at the same time, I'm also concerned by the scope of the game. With so many characters, mostly completely different from each others, that I'm expected are going to be datable or at least going to have some sex scene, it's going to take a long time and a lot of work. If you combine that with the pubic hair customisation that is hinted to be available on each female characters and the choice that you may make in each of their personal stories I don't see this game being finished any time soon. But I may be wrong, we'll see.

    Next topic is the sound. Yes there is sound in this game, how rare. It is mostly music or moan and laugh which is good enough. I liked the choice of the music and the little title that appeared in the UI when a new song was playing. That's all.

    About the story: That was good. I didn't expect that, maybe it was me just be being in a receptive mood but that would probably be being rude to the writer to say it like that. It is indeed another story about a guy with a big schlong and a magical touch that make women melt but I didn't mind that. Well, maybe the magical woman-clown-cat I minded, that was a bit weird and out of place, but it's okay I just need to get used to it. Maybe.
    I was felling immersed in the story, the setting, I liked the characters, introduced one after another. First, we move in then we meet the neighbor then when go to our new work place, idk it worked pretty well for me, the magical crystal was like an after through for me, I was like oh yeah this thing... Never mind that let me continue to speak to this character or see this new place. Not that the main plot is not interesting but I was just more invested in the "new life, new people" bit if that make sense.

    Gameplay? Well, yes and no? It is a visual novel so there is that. Choices seem to be: "Do you like this character? Yes? then there will be more sex scene with it. No? Then less sex scene or not at all." Which is okay with how many characters there is(are?). Other than that you have a "minigame" of voyeurism where you need to watch things at the right panel to unlock more gallery content(which doesn't work in this version? At least mine was locked) or unlock a choice. A nice idea but that is not too deep for now.

    What more could be say... Oh right. The sex. Do you like sex? Well there is sex. a bit. If you play you cards right and womanized (and/or manized I guess) every characters you encounter the MC may have some sexy time. But nothing too advanced, no penetration or what's not (excepted with a magical being). It's just the beginning of the story.
    And how original and perverted these sexy time would be you may ask well, in the small range I did see, it was vanilla but mostly well though. My favorite one was in the crowded bus, but it was sadly too short like most of the others sexy time.

    In conclusion: I liked it. Too short but maybe because it was too good. I didn't fap much yes, but it's because I was invested too much in the story and the characters. It's big roster of characters is promising but at the same time worrisome about when the game will be finished. A well though, well written visual novel but who is still at it's beginning.

    Edit: I forgot to talk about the custom UI and menu: They are great! It make the game more unique and pleasant to play.